cd "C:\". file type mixed /file = "ipums-yrbss.dat" /record = 1-1 (a) . record type "P". data list / RECTYPE 1-1 (a) SERIAL 2-7 STRATUM 8-12 YEAR 13-16 SITE 17-18 ANALWEIGHT 19-30 METROST 31-32 PSU 33-38 GREG 39-39 SEX 40-41 AGE 42-43 GRADE 44-45 RACE 46-49 HISPETH 50-51 RACEETH 52-53 RACEETHORIG05 54-57 DADEDUC 58-59 MOMEDUC 60-61 ALC5DAYMO 62-63 ALCAGE 64-65 ALCAGE13R 66-67 ALCDAYEV 68-69 ALCDAYEVR 70-71 ALCDAYMO 72-73 ALCDAYMO1R 74-75 ALCDAYMO5R 76-77 ALCSCHLDAYMO 78-79 ALCSCHLDAYMOR 80-81 DRNKDRIVFRQMO 82-83 DRNKDRIVFRQMOR 84-85 DRNKDRIVFRQMOR2 86-87 DRNKRIDEFRQMO 88-89 DRNKRIDEFRQMOR 90-91 GETALCMO 92-93 GETALCMOGIVR 94-95 GETALCMOSTORR 96-97 MAXALCMO 98-99 MAXALCMO10R 100-101 CIGAGE 102-103 CIGAGER 104-105 CIGAGEREG 106-107 CIGBRAND 108-109 CIGBRANDR 110-111 CIGDAYMO 112-113 CIGDAYMO20R 114-115 CIGDAYMOR 116-117 CIGEV 118-119 CIGEVDLY 120-121 CIGEVDLYR 122-123 CIGEVR 124-125 CIGSDAY 126-127 CIGSDAY2R 128-129 CIGSDAYGT10R 130-131 CIGSIDMO 132-133 CIGSIDMOR 134-135 CIGSSCHLDAYMO 136-137 CIGSSCHLDAYMOR 138-139 CIGTRYYR 140-141 GETCIGMO 142-143 GETCIGMOSTOLT18R 144-145 GETCIGMOSTORR 146-147 QTEV 148-149 QTLAST6MO 150-151 QTLASTYR 152-153 QTLASTYRR 154-155 CGARDAYMO 156-157 CGARDAYMOR 158-159 SMKLSDAYMO 160-161 SMKLSDAYMOR 162-163 SMKLSMO 164-165 SMKLSSCHLDAYMO 166-167 SMKLSSCHLDAYMOR 168-169 SMKLSSCHLMO 170-171 ANYTOBMOR 172-173 COCAGE 174-175 COCFRQEV 176-177 COCFRQEVR 178-179 COCFRQMO 180-181 COCFRQMOR 182-183 CRACKFRQEV 184-185 DRUGOFRDSCHLYR 186-187 DRUGOFRDSCHLYRR 188-189 DRUGSFRQEV 190-191 ECSTASYFRQEV 192-193 ECSTASYFRQEVR 194-195 HALLFRQEV 196-197 HALLFRQEVR 198-199 HERFRQEV 200-201 HERFRQEVR 202-203 INHALFRQEV 204-205 INHALFRQEVR 206-207 INHALFRQMO 208-209 INHALFRQMOR 210-211 INJDRUGSEV 212-213 INJDRUGSFRQEV 214-215 INJDRUGSFRQEVR 216-217 METHFRQEV 218-219 METHFRQEVR 220-221 MJAGE 222-223 MJAGER 224-225 MJFRQEV 226-227 MJFRQEVR 228-229 MJFRQMO 230-231 MJFRQMOR 232-233 MJSCHLFRQMO 234-235 MJSCHLFRQMOR 236-237 RXDRUGFRQEV 238-239 RXDRUGFRQEVR 240-241 STERFRQEV 242-243 STERFRQEVR 244-245 COMPHRSNUMDAY 246-247 COMPNUMDAY3R 248-249 TEXTDRIVDAYMO 250-251 TEXTDRIVDAYMOR 252-253 TVHRSNUMDAY 254-255 TVHRSNUMDAY2R 256-257 TVHRSNUMDAY3R 258-259 MCYCFRQYR 260-261 MCYCHLMTFRQYR 262-263 MCYCHLMTFRQYRR 264-265 BIKEFRQYR 266-267 BIKEHLMTFRQYR 268-269 BIKEHLMTFRQYRR 270-271 BIKEWALKFRQWK 272-273 BIKEWALKYDAY 274-275 EXER60DAYWK 276-277 EXER60DAYWK5R 278-279 EXERALLWKR 280-281 EXERHRDDAYWK 282-283 EXERHRD3DAYWKR 284-285 EXERINJRYFRQYR 286-287 EXERINJRYMO 288-289 EXERINJRYMOR 290-291 EXERMODDAYWK 292-293 EXERMOD5DAYWKR 294-295 EXERMODNOR 296-297 EXER60DAYWK0R 298-299 EXERHRD3MOD5DAYWK0R 300-301 EXERSTRTCHDAYWK 302-303 EXERTONEDAYWK 304-305 EXERTONEDAYWK3R 306-307 LIFEGARDFRQYR 308-309 PEDAYWK 310-311 PEDAYWKDLYR 312-313 PEDAYWKR 314-315 PEEXERMIN 316-317 PEEXERMIN20R 318-319 TEAMSNOTSCHLNUMYR 320-321 TEAMSNUMYR 322-323 TEAMSNUMYRR 324-325 TEAMSSCHLNUMYR 326-327 HEIGHT 328-331 WEIGHT 332-339 HGHTORIG 340-342 WGHTORIG 343-345 BMIPCTILE 346-350 ASTHMAATKYR 351-352 ASTHMAATKYRR 353-354 ASTHMACUR 355-356 ASTHMACURR 357-358 ASTHMAEV 359-360 ASTHMAEVATKYRR 361-362 ASTHMAEVR 363-364 DRTALKAIDS 365-366 DVLAST 367-368 DENTLAST 369-370 DENTYRR 371-372 DISABILITY 373-374 DISABILITYR 375-376 HEALTH 377-378 HEALTHPFR 379-380 HIVTESTEV 381-382 HIVTESTEVR 383-384 LRHIVINDR 385-386 OBESER 387-388 OVWGTR 389-390 PARTALKAIDS 391-392 DRNKFRUITFRQWK 393-394 DRNKFRUITFRQWKR 395-396 DRNKFRUITFRQYDAY 397-398 DRNKMILK0WKR 399-400 DRNKMILK1WKR 401-402 DRNKMILK2WKR 403-404 DRNKMILK3WKR 405-406 DRNKMILKFRQWK 407-408 DRNKSODA0WKR 409-410 DRNKSODA1WKR 411-412 DRNKSODA2WKR 413-414 DRNKSODA3WKR 415-416 DRNKSODAFRQWK 417-418 EATBRKFST0WKR 419-420 EATBRKFSTFRQWK 421-422 EATBRKFSTFRQWKR 423-424 EATCARROTFRQWK 425-426 EATCARROTFRQWKR 427-428 EATCOOKIEFRQYDAY 429-430 EATCOOKVEGFRQYDAY 431-432 EATFRIESFRQYDAY 433-434 EATFRUITFRQWK 435-436 EATFRUITFRQWKR 437-438 EATFRUITFRQYDAY 439-440 EATMEATFRQYDAY 441-442 EATOTHVEGFRQWK 443-444 EATOTHVEGFRQWKR 445-446 EATPOTATOFRQWK 447-448 EATPOTATOFRQWKR 449-450 EATSALADFRQWK 451-452 EATSALADFRQWKR 453-454 EATSALADFRQYDAY 455-456 EATDRFR0DAYR 457-458 EATDRFR2DAYR 459-460 EATDRFR1DAYR 461-462 EATDRFR3DAYR 463-464 EATVG0DAYR 465-466 EATVG1DAYR 467-468 EATVG2DAYR 469-470 EATVG3DAYR 471-472 EATFR2VG3DAYR 473-474 EAT5FRVGDAYR 475-476 SADHPLSEV 477-478 SADHPLSEVR 479-480 SCHLTALKAIDS 481-482 SCHLTALKAIDSNUMYR 483-484 SCHLTALKAIDSR 485-486 SELFWEIGHT 487-488 SELFWEIGHTR 489-490 SLEEPHR 491-492 SLEEPHRR 493-494 STBELTDRIV 495-496 STBELTDRIVR 497-498 STBELTRIDE 499-500 STBELTRIDER 501-502 STDEV 503-504 SUICATMPTFRQYR 505-506 SUICATMPTFRQYRR 507-508 SUICINJRYYR 509-510 SUICINJRYYRR 511-512 SUICPLANYR 513-514 SUICPLANYRR 515-516 SUICTHOTYR 517-518 SUICTHOTYRR 519-520 SUNPROTECT 521-522 SUNPROTECTR 523-524 SUNSCRN 525-526 SUNSCRNNOR 527-528 SUNSCRNYESR 529-530 TANFRQYR 531-532 TANFRQYRR 533-534 WEIGHTDIETEXERWK 535-536 WEIGHTDIETMO 537-538 WEIGHTDIETMOR 539-540 WEIGHTEXERMO 541-542 WEIGHTEXERMOR 543-544 WEIGHTFASTMO 545-546 WEIGHTFASTMOR 547-548 WEIGHTGAINLOSE 549-550 WEIGHTGAINLOSER 551-552 WEIGHTPILLMO 553-554 WEIGHTPILLMOR 555-556 WEIGHTVOMMO 557-558 WEIGHTVOMMOR 559-560 WEIGHTVOMPILLWK 561-562 ABSENTDAYMO 563-564 ABSENTDAYMOR 565-566 SCHLBULLIEDYR 567-568 EBULLIEDYR 569-570 EBULLIEDYRR 571-572 GRADES 573-574 GRADESR 575-576 SCHLBULLIEDYRR 577-578 SCHLSTOLEFRQYR 579-580 SCHLSTOLEFRQYRR 581-582 STUDRANK 583-584 TCHTALKPROBYR 585-586 TCHTALKPROBYRR 587-588 BCLSEX 589-591 BCDEPOPILLR 592-593 BCDEPOR 594-595 BCDUALR 596-597 BCPILLR 598-599 BCNONER 600-601 BCDEPOX1R 602-603 BCDEPOX2R 604-605 BCDEPOXPILL1R 606-607 BCDEPOXPILL2R 608-609 CONDOMLSEX 610-611 CONDOMLSEXR 612-613 ABUSEFRQYR 614-615 ABUSEYR 616-617 ABUSEYRR 618-619 ALCDRUGLSEX 620-621 ALCDRUGLSEXR 622-623 FORCEDSEXEV 624-625 FORCEDSEXEVRR 626-627 FORCEDSEXFRQYR 628-629 FORCEDSEXFRQYRR 630-631 PREGFRQEV 632-633 PREGFRQEVR 634-635 SEXAGE 636-637 SEXAGER 638-639 SEXEV 640-641 SEXEVR 642-643 SEXNO3MOR 644-645 SEXPARTAGE 646-647 SEXPARTFRQ3MO 648-649 SEXPARTFRQ3MOR 650-651 SEXPARTFRQEV 652-653 SEXPARTFRQEVR 654-655 ARMEDDAYMO 656-657 ARMEDDAYMOR 658-659 ARMEDGUNDAYMO 660-661 ARMEDGUNDAYMOR 662-663 ARMEDSCHLDAYMO 664-665 ARMEDSCHLDAYMOR 666-667 ARMEDTYPMO 668-669 FIGHTFRQYR 670-671 FIGHTFRQYRR 672-673 FIGHTHURTFRQYR 674-675 FIGHTHURTFRQYRR 676-677 FIGHTLWHO 678-679 FIGHTSCHLFRQYR 680-681 FIGHTSCHLFRQYRR 682-683 SCHLTHREATFRQYR 684-685 SCHLTHREATFRQYRR 686-687 SCHLUNSAFEDAYMO 688-689 SCHLUNSAFEDAYMOR 690-691 . end file type. variable labels RECTYPE "Record type" SERIAL "Sequence number (within year unique identifier)" STRATUM "Stratum" YEAR "Year of survey" SITE "Site Code" ANALWEIGHT "Analysis weight" METROST "Metropolitan Status" PSU "Primary Sampling Unit" GREG "Geographic region" SEX "Sex" AGE "Age" GRADE "Grade year" RACE "Race" HISPETH "Hispanic ethnicity" RACEETH "Race/Ethnicity" RACEETHORIG05 "Race/ethnicity (as originally reported in 2005)" DADEDUC "Education level, father" MOMEDUC "Education level, mother" ALC5DAYMO "Days drink 5 or more alcoholic beverages, past 30 days" ALCAGE "Age when first drink of alcohol" ALCAGE13R "YRBSS Recode: Had first drink before 13" ALCDAYEV "Days drink alcohol ever" ALCDAYEVR "YRBSS Recode: Had 1 drink on 1 or more days, in life" ALCDAYMO "Days drink alcohol, past 30 days" ALCDAYMO1R "YRBSS Recode: Had 1 or more drinks, past 30 days" ALCDAYMO5R "YRBSS Recode: Had 5 or more drinks 1 or more days, past 30 days" ALCSCHLDAYMO "Days drink alcohol at school, past 30 days" ALCSCHLDAYMOR "YRBSS Recode: Days drink alcohol at school, past 30 days" DRNKDRIVFRQMO "Frequency driving a car after drinking" DRNKDRIVFRQMOR "YRBSS Recode: Drove 1 or more times when drinking, past 30 days" DRNKDRIVFRQMOR2 "YRBSS Recode: Drove 1 or more times when drinking, past 30 days 2" DRNKRIDEFRQMO "Frequency riding in a car with someon who has been drinking, past 30 days" DRNKRIDEFRQMOR "YRBSS Recode: Rode 1 or more times with drinking driver, past 30 days" GETALCMO "How get alcohol, past 30 days" GETALCMOGIVR "YRBSS Recode: Someone gave alcohol, past 30 days" GETALCMOSTORR "YRBSS Recode: Bought alcohol in store, past 30 days" MAXALCMO "Max # of alcoholic bevarages consumed, past 30 days " MAXALCMO10R "YRBSS Recode: Had 10 or more drinks in a row, past 30 days" CIGAGE "Age when first smoked cigarette" CIGAGER "YRBSS Recode: Smoked cigarette before 13" CIGAGEREG "Age when first smoked cigarettes regularly" CIGBRAND "Usual brand of cigarettes smoked" CIGBRANDR "YRBSS Recode: Did not have a usual brand of cigarettes" CIGDAYMO "How many days smoked cigarettes, past 30 days" CIGDAYMO20R "YRBSS Recode: Smoked on 20 of past 30 days" CIGDAYMOR "YRBSS Recode: Smoked 1 or more days, past 30 days" CIGEV "Ever smoked cigarette" CIGEVDLY "Ever smoked cigarettes daily" CIGEVDLYR "YRBSS Recode: Smoked daily for 30 days, past 12 months" CIGEVR "YRBSS Recode: Ever tried cigarettes" CIGSDAY "Number of cigarettes smoked per day, past 30 days" CIGSDAY2R "YRBSS Recode: Smoked 2 or more cigarettes per day, past 30 days" CIGSDAYGT10R "YRBSS Recode: Smoked 10 or more cigarettes per day, past 30 days" CIGSIDMO "Asked for proof of age buying cigarettes, past 30 days" CIGSIDMOR "YRBSS Recode: Were not asked to show proof of age when buying cigarettes, past 30 days" CIGSSCHLDAYMO "Number of days smoked cigarettes at school, past 30 days" CIGSSCHLDAYMOR "YRBSS Recode: Smoked at school 1 or more days, past 30 days" CIGTRYYR "Will try cigarettes, next 12 months" GETCIGMO "How usually gets cigarettes, past 30 days " GETCIGMOSTOLT18R "YRBSS Recode: Current smokers who were below 18 years of age and purchased cigarettes at a store, pa" + "st 30 days" GETCIGMOSTORR "YRBSS Recode: Got cigarettes in store, past 30 days" QTEV "Ever tried to quit smoking" QTLAST6MO "Try to quit smoking, past 6 months" QTLASTYR "Tried to quit smoking, past 12 months" QTLASTYRR "YRBSS Recode: Among smokers, tried to quit smoking, past 12 months" CGARDAYMO "Days smoked cigars, cigarillos or little cigars, past 30 days" CGARDAYMOR "YRBSS Recode: Smoked cigars 1 or more days, past 30 days" SMKLSDAYMO "Days used chewing tobacco or snuff, past 30 days" SMKLSDAYMOR "YRBSS Recode: Used snuff/dip 1 or more days, past 30 days" SMKLSMO "Used chewing tobacco or snuff, past 30 days" SMKLSSCHLDAYMO "Days used chewing tobacco or snuff at school, past 30 days" SMKLSSCHLDAYMOR "YRBSS Recode: Used snuff/dip at school 1 or more days, past 30 days" SMKLSSCHLMO "Used chewing tobacco or snuff at school, past 30 days" ANYTOBMOR "YRBSS Recode: Used any tobacco (cigarettes, cigars, chewing tobacco, snuff, or dip) past 30 days" COCAGE "How old when first try cocaine" COCFRQEV "Times used cocaine ever" COCFRQEVR "YRBSS Recode: Used cocaine 1 or more times, in life" COCFRQMO "Times used cocaine, past 30 days" COCFRQMOR "YRBSS Recode: Used cocaine 1 or more times, past 30 days" CRACKFRQEV "Times used crack/freebase ever" DRUGOFRDSCHLYR "Ever offered drugs at school, past 12 months" DRUGOFRDSCHLYRR "YRBSS Recode: Offered or sold drugs at school, past 12 months" DRUGSFRQEV "Times used illegal drugs ever" ECSTASYFRQEV "Times used ecstacy ever" ECSTASYFRQEVR "YRBSS Recode: Used ecstasy 1 or more times, in life" HALLFRQEV "Times used hallucinogens ever" HALLFRQEVR "YRBSS Recode: Used hallucinogenic drugs 1 or more times, in life" HERFRQEV "Times used heroin ever" HERFRQEVR "YRBSS Recode: Used heroin 1 or more times, in life" INHALFRQEV "Times inhaled glue, aerosol cans or paint ever" INHALFRQEVR "YRBSS Recode: Inhaled glue, aerosol cans or paint 1 or more times, in life" INHALFRQMO "Times inhaled glue, aerosol cans or paint, past 30 days" INHALFRQMOR "YRBSS Recode: Inhaled glue, aerosol cans or paint 1 or more times, past 30 days" INJDRUGSEV "Ever injected illegal drugs, in life" INJDRUGSFRQEV "Times injected illegal drugs ever" INJDRUGSFRQEVR "YRBSS Recode: Injected drugs 1 or more times, in life" METHFRQEV "Times used methamphetamine ever" METHFRQEVR "YRBSS Recode: Used meth 1 or more times, in life" MJAGE "How old when first try marijuana" MJAGER "YRBSS Recode: Tried marijuana before 13" MJFRQEV "Times used marijuana ever" MJFRQEVR "YRBSS Recode: Tried marijuana 1 or more times, in life" MJFRQMO "Times used marijuana, past 30 days" MJFRQMOR "YRBSS Recode: Used marijuana 1 or more times, past 30 days" MJSCHLFRQMO "Times used marijuana at school, past 30 days" MJSCHLFRQMOR "YRBSS Recode: Used marijuana school 1 or more times, past 30 days" RXDRUGFRQEV "Times used prescription drugs w/o prescription ever" RXDRUGFRQEVR "YRBSS Recode: Used prescription drug w/o prescription 1 or more times, in life" STERFRQEV "Times used steroids ever" STERFRQEVR "YRBSS Recode: Used steroids 1 or more times, in life" COMPHRSNUMDAY "Hours of computer time, average school day" COMPNUMDAY3R "YRBSS Recode: Played video games 3 or more hours per day" TEXTDRIVDAYMO "Days text or email while driving, past 30 days" TEXTDRIVDAYMOR "YRBSS Recode: Texted or e-mailed while driving, past 30 days" TVHRSNUMDAY "Number of hours spent watching TV, average school day" TVHRSNUMDAY2R "YRBSS Recode: Watched TV more than 2 hours per day" TVHRSNUMDAY3R "YRBSS Recode: Watched TV more than 3 hours per day" MCYCFRQYR "Frequency riding a motorcycle, past 12 months" MCYCHLMTFRQYR "Frequency wearing motorcycle helmet, past 12 months" MCYCHLMTFRQYRR "YRBSS Recode: Never or rarely wear motorcycle helmet, past 12 months" BIKEFRQYR "Frequency riding bicycle, past 12 months" BIKEHLMTFRQYR "Frequency wearing bicycle helmet, past 12 months" BIKEHLMTFRQYRR "YRBSS recode: rarely or never wore bike helment, if biked past 12 months" BIKEWALKFRQWK "Days biked or walked, past 7 days" BIKEWALKYDAY "Bike or walk, yesterday" EXER60DAYWK "Days active 60 or more minutes, past 7 days" EXER60DAYWK5R "YRBSS Recode: Active 60 min on 5 or more days, past 7 days" EXERALLWKR "YRBSS Recode: Physically active 7 days, past 7 days" EXERHRDDAYWK "Days exercised hard (>20min), past 7 days" EXERHRD3DAYWKR "YRBSS Recode: Vigorous exercise, 3 of past 7 days" EXERINJRYFRQYR "Number of times saw Dr. or nurse for injury caused by exercise or sports, past 30 days" EXERINJRYMO "Saw Dr. or nurse for injury caused by exercise or sports, past 30 days" EXERINJRYMOR "YRBSS Recode: Injured while exercising, past 30 days" EXERMODDAYWK "Days exercised moderately (>30min), past 7 days" EXERMOD5DAYWKR "YRBSS Recode: Moderate exercise, 5 of past 7 days" EXERMODNOR "YRBSS Recode: Did not exercise 20 min 3 or more days, past 7 days" EXER60DAYWK0R "YRBSS Recode: Physically active 60 min or more on 0 days, past 7 days" EXERHRD3MOD5DAYWK0R "YRBSS Recode: Did not participate in at least 20 minutes of vigorous physical activity on 3 or more " + "of the past 7 days a" EXERSTRTCHDAYWK "Days do stretching exercises, past 7 days" EXERTONEDAYWK "Days do toning exercises, past 7 days" EXERTONEDAYWK3R "YRBSS Recode: Strengthened/toned muscles 3 or more of past 7 days" LIFEGARDFRQYR "How often adult or lifeguard watched while swimming, past 12 months" PEDAYWK "Days participate in PE class, average week" PEDAYWKDLYR "YRBSS Recode: Attended PE class daily, average school week" PEDAYWKR "YRBSS Recode: Attended PE class 1 or more days, average week" PEEXERMIN "Minutes spent exercising, average PE class" PEEXERMIN20R "YRBSS Recode: Exercised in PE more than 20 minutes, average day" TEAMSNOTSCHLNUMYR "Number of sports teams on outside of school, past 12 months" TEAMSNUMYR "Number of sports teams on, past 12 months" TEAMSNUMYRR "YRBSS Recode: Played on 1 or more sports teams, past 12 months" TEAMSSCHLNUMYR "Number of sports teams on at school, past 12 months" HEIGHT "Height of respondent, in centimeters" WEIGHT "Weight of respondent" HGHTORIG "Height value (as originally reported)" WGHTORIG "Weight value (as originally reported)" BMIPCTILE "Percentile for body mass index, by age and sex" ASTHMAATKYR "Had asthma attack, past 12 months" ASTHMAATKYRR "YRBSS Recode: Had asthma attack, past 12 months" ASTHMACUR "Currently has asthma" ASTHMACURR "YRBSS Recode: With current asthma" ASTHMAEV "Ever been told by Dr. or nurse have asthma" ASTHMAEVATKYRR "YRBSS Recode: Has asthma, and has had asthma attack, past 12 months" ASTHMAEVR "YRBSS Recode: Told by doctor or nurse they had asthma" DRTALKAIDS "Discussed STD/AIDS/pregnancy prevention with doctor or health care provider, last check up" DVLAST "How long since last check-up or physical, when not sick" DENTLAST "When was last visit to dentist" DENTYRR "YRBSS Recode: Saw a dentist, past 12 months" DISABILITY "Physical disabilities or long-term health problems present" DISABILITYR "YRBSS Recode: Has a disability/health problem" HEALTH "Overall health description" HEALTHPFR "YRBSS Recode: Described health as poor or fair" HIVTESTEV "Ever tested for HIV" HIVTESTEVR "YRBSS Recode: Tested for HIV" LRHIVINDR "YRBSS Recode: Low-risk HIV indicator: Never had sex, no sex in the past three months, or used condom" + " last time had sex." OBESER "YRBSS Recode: Obese" OVWGTR "YRBSS Recode: Overweight" PARTALKAIDS "Ever taught about HIV/AIDS with parents" DRNKFRUITFRQWK "Times drank fruit juice, past 7 days" DRNKFRUITFRQWKR "YRBSS Recode: Drank fruit juice past 7 days" DRNKFRUITFRQYDAY "Time drank fruit juice, yesterday" DRNKMILK0WKR "YRBSS Recode: Drank 0 glasses milk per day, past 7 days" DRNKMILK1WKR "YRBSS Recode: Drank 1 or more glasses milk per day, past 7 days" DRNKMILK2WKR "YRBSS Recode: Drank 2 or more glasses milk per day past 7 days" DRNKMILK3WKR "YRBSS Recode: Drank 3 or more glasses milk per day past 7 days" DRNKMILKFRQWK "Times drank milk, past 7 days" DRNKSODA0WKR "YRBSS Recode: Drank soda 0 times per day, past 7 days" DRNKSODA1WKR "YRBSS Recode: Drank soda 1 or more times per day, past 7 days" DRNKSODA2WKR "YRBSS Recode: Drank soda 2 or more times per day, past 7 days" DRNKSODA3WKR "YRBSS Recode: Drank soda 3 or more times per day, past 7 days" DRNKSODAFRQWK "Times drank soda, past 7 days" EATBRKFST0WKR "YRBSS Recode: Ate breakfast on none of the past 7 days" EATBRKFSTFRQWK "Times ate breakfast, past 7 days" EATBRKFSTFRQWKR "YRBSS Recode: Ate breakfast on all of the past 7 days" EATCARROTFRQWK "Times ate carrots, past 7 days" EATCARROTFRQWKR "YRBSS Recode: Ate carrots past 7 days" EATCOOKIEFRQYDAY "Times ate cookies, yesterday" EATCOOKVEGFRQYDAY "Times ate cooked vegetables, yesterday" EATFRIESFRQYDAY "Times ate french fries or potato chips, yesterday" EATFRUITFRQWK "Times ate fruit, past 7days" EATFRUITFRQWKR "YRBSS Recode: Ate fruit past 7 days" EATFRUITFRQYDAY "Times ate fruit, yesterday" EATMEATFRQYDAY "Times ate hamburger, hot dogs or sausage, yesterday" EATOTHVEGFRQWK "Times ate other vegetables, past 7 days" EATOTHVEGFRQWKR "YRBSS Recode: Ate vegetables past 7 days" EATPOTATOFRQWK "Times ate potatoes, past 7 days" EATPOTATOFRQWKR "YRBSS Recode: Ate potatoes past 7 days" EATSALADFRQWK "Times ate salad, past 7 days" EATSALADFRQWKR "YRBSS Recode: Ate green salad past 7 days" EATSALADFRQYDAY "Times ate salad, yesterday" EATDRFR0DAYR "YRBSS Recode: Ate fruit/drank juice 0 times per day" EATDRFR2DAYR "YRBSS Recode: Ate fruit/drank juice 2 or more times, past 7 days" EATDRFR1DAYR "YRBSS Recode: Ate fruit/drank juice 1 or more times per day" EATDRFR3DAYR "YRBSS Recode: Ate fruit/drank juice 3 or more times per day" EATVG0DAYR "YRBSS Recode: Ate 0 vegetables per day 7 days" EATVG1DAYR "YRBSS Recode: Ate 1 or more vegetables per day, past 7 days" EATVG2DAYR "YRBSS Recode: Ate 2 or more vegetables per day, past 7 days" EATVG3DAYR "YRBSS Recode: Ate 3 or more vegetables, past 7 days" EATFR2VG3DAYR "YRBSS Recode: Ate 2 or more fruits/3 or more veg per day, past 7 days" EAT5FRVGDAYR "YRBSS Recode: Ate 5 or more fruits/vegetables per day, past 7 days" SADHPLSEV "Ever been so sad or hopeless, for more than 2 weeks, that stopped activities" SADHPLSEVR "YRBSS Recode: Sad 2 weeks or more, past 12 months" SCHLTALKAIDS "Ever taught about HIV/AIDS at school" SCHLTALKAIDSNUMYR "Number of class periods talk about AIDS, this school year" SCHLTALKAIDSR "YRBSS Recode: Taught about AIDS/HIV at school" SELFWEIGHT "How describe weight" SELFWEIGHTR "YRBSS Recode: Slightly/very overweight" SLEEPHR "Hours of sleep, average school day" SLEEPHRR "YRBSS Recode: Get 8 or more hours sleep, average school day" STBELTDRIV "Frequency wearing seatbelt when driving a car" STBELTDRIVR "YRBSS Recode: Never or rarely wore a seatbelt when driving" STBELTRIDE "Frequency wearing a seat belt when riding in a car driven by someone else" STBELTRIDER "YRBSS Recode: Rarely or never wore seat belt, when driven by others past 12 months" STDEV "Ever been told by Dr. or nurse that you have an STD" SUICATMPTFRQYR "Times attempted suicide, past 12 months" SUICATMPTFRQYRR "YRBSS Recode: Attempted suicide 1 or more times, past 12 months" SUICINJRYYR "Ever saw Dr. or nurse due to injuries from suicide attempt, past 12 months" SUICINJRYYRR "YRBSS Recode: Suicide attempt w/injury, past 12 months" SUICPLANYR "Ever made plan to commit suicide, past 12 months" SUICPLANYRR "YRBSS Recode: Made suicide plan, past 12 months" SUICTHOTYR "Ever seriously considered suicide, past 12 months" SUICTHOTYRR "YRBSS Recode: Seriously considered suicide, past 12 months" SUNPROTECT "How often wore sun-protective clothing (pants, shirt, hat) when outside on sunny day" SUNPROTECTR "YRBSS Recode: Mostly or always protect from sun" SUNSCRN "How often wore sunscreen when outside on sunny day" SUNSCRNNOR "YRBSS Recode: Never or rarely wore sunscreen" SUNSCRNYESR "YRBSS Recode: Mostly or always wear sunscreen" TANFRQYR "Times used indoor tanning, past 12 months" TANFRQYRR "YRBSS Recode: Used 1 or more times indoor tanning, past 12 months" WEIGHTDIETEXERWK "Action taken to lose weight: diet/exercise, past 7 days" WEIGHTDIETMO "Action taken to lose weight: diet (eat less food), past 30 days" WEIGHTDIETMOR "YRBSS Recode: Ate less to lose weight, past 30 days" WEIGHTEXERMO "Action taken to lose weight: exercise, past 30 days" WEIGHTEXERMOR "YRBSS Recode: Exercised to lose weight, past 30 days" WEIGHTFASTMO "Action taken to lose weight: fast (eat no food for >24 hours), past 30 days" WEIGHTFASTMOR "YRBSS Recode: Fasted to lose weight, past 30 days" WEIGHTGAINLOSE "Try to gain/lose/maintain weight" WEIGHTGAINLOSER "YRBSS Recode: Trying to lose weight" WEIGHTPILLMO "Action taken to lose weight: diet pill, past 30 days" WEIGHTPILLMOR "YRBSS Recode: Took pills to lose weight, past 30 days" WEIGHTVOMMO "Action taken to lose weight: vomit, past 30 days" WEIGHTVOMMOR "YRBSS Recode: Vomited to lose weight, past 30 days" WEIGHTVOMPILLWK "Action taken to lose weight: vomit/diet pills, past 7 days" ABSENTDAYMO "How many days miss classes or school w/o permission, past 30 days" ABSENTDAYMOR "YRBSS Recode: Missed class without permission 1 or more days, past 30 days" SCHLBULLIEDYR "Ever been bullied at school, past 12 months" EBULLIEDYR "Ever been electronically bullied, past 12 months" EBULLIEDYRR "YRBSS Recode: Electronically bullied, past 12 months" GRADES "Letter grades in school" GRADESR "YRBSS Recode: Grades of mostly D's and F's, past 12 months" SCHLBULLIEDYRR "YRBSS Recode: Bullied at school, past 12 months" SCHLSTOLEFRQYR "Times property stolen or damaged at school, past 12 months" SCHLSTOLEFRQYRR "YRBSS Recode: Property stolen at school, past 12 months" STUDRANK "Ranking of student in school" TCHTALKPROBYR "Talk to teacher about problem, past 12 months" TCHTALKPROBYRR "YRBSS Recode: Talked to teacher at school about problem, past 12 months" BCLSEX "What birth control used, last sex" BCDEPOPILLR "YRBSS Recode: Used birth control pill and/or Depo, at last sex" BCDEPOR "YRBSS Recode: Used depo, at last sex" BCDUALR "YRBSS Recode: Used condom and depo or pill, at last sex" BCPILLR "YRBSS Recode: Used birth control at last sex" BCNONER "YRBSS Recode: No birth control, at last sex" BCDEPOX1R "YRBSS Recode: Used Depo-Provera (or any injectable birth control), Nuva Ring (or any birth control r" + "ing), Implanon (or a" BCDEPOX2R "YRBSS Recode: Used IUD, implant, a shot (such as Depo-Provera), patch or birth control ring, at last" + " sex" BCDEPOXPILL1R "YRBSS Recode: Used birth control pill and/or Depo-Provera (or any injectable birth control), Nuva Ri" + "ng (or any birth con" BCDEPOXPILL2R "YRBSS Recode: Used birth control pill and/or an IUD, implant, a shot (such as Depo-Provera), patch, " + "or birth control rin" CONDOMLSEX "Use condom, last sex" CONDOMLSEXR "YRBSS Recode: Used condom at last sex" ABUSEFRQYR "Times physically hurt by dates, past 12 months" ABUSEYR "Ever abuse by boyfriend or girlfriend, past 12 months " ABUSEYRR "YRBSS Recode: Hit by boyfriend or girlfriend 1 or more times, past 12 months" ALCDRUGLSEX "Use alcohol/drugs, last sex" ALCDRUGLSEXR "YRBSS Recode: Used alcohol at last sex" FORCEDSEXEV "Ever been forced to have sex" FORCEDSEXEVRR "YRBSS Recode: Ever forced to have sex" FORCEDSEXFRQYR "Times been forced to do sexual acts, past 12 months" FORCEDSEXFRQYRR "YRBSS Recode: Forced to do sexual acts by date, past 12 months" PREGFRQEV "Times been or gotten someone pregnant ever" PREGFRQEVR "YRBSS Recode: Ever been or gotten someone pregnant" SEXAGE "Age when first had sex" SEXAGER "YRBSS Recode: Had sex before 13" SEXEV "Ever had sex" SEXEVR "YRBSS Recode: Had sex ever" SEXNO3MOR "YRBSS Recode: Have had sex but have not had sex but not during the past three months" SEXPARTAGE "Age of partner, at last sex" SEXPARTFRQ3MO "Number of sexual partners, past 3 months" SEXPARTFRQ3MOR "YRBSS Recode: Had sex with 1 or more people, past 3 months" SEXPARTFRQEV "Number of sexual partners ever" SEXPARTFRQEVR "YRBSS Recode: Had sex with 4 or more people, in life" ARMEDDAYMO "Days carried weapon, past 30 days" ARMEDDAYMOR "YRBSS Recode: Carried weapon 1 or more days, past 30 days" ARMEDGUNDAYMO "Days carried gun, past 30 days" ARMEDGUNDAYMOR "YRBSS Recode: Carried gun 1 or more days, past 30 days" ARMEDSCHLDAYMO "Days carried weapon at school, past 30 days" ARMEDSCHLDAYMOR "YRBSS Recode: Days carried weapon at school, past 30 days" ARMEDTYPMO "Type of weapon carried, past 30 days" FIGHTFRQYR "Times in physical fight, past 12 months" FIGHTFRQYRR "YRBSS Recode: Fought 1 or more times, past 12 months" FIGHTHURTFRQYR "Times injured in physical fight, past 12 months" FIGHTHURTFRQYRR "YRBSS Recode: Injured and treated due to fight 1 or more times, past 12 months" FIGHTLWHO "Person fought with, last time in physical fight" FIGHTSCHLFRQYR "Times in physical fight at school, past 12 months" FIGHTSCHLFRQYRR "YRBSS Recode: Fought at school 1 or more times, past 12 months" SCHLTHREATFRQYR "Times threatened with weapon at school, past 12 months" SCHLTHREATFRQYRR "YRBSS Recode: Threatened at school 1 or more times, past 12 months" SCHLUNSAFEDAYMO "Days missed school due to feel unsafe, past 30 days" SCHLUNSAFEDAYMOR "YRBSS Recode: Missed school because unsafe 1 or more days, past 30 days" . value labels /STRATUM 101 "101" 102 "102" 103 "103" 104 "104" 110 "110" 111 "111" 112 "112" 113 "113" 114 "114" 120 "120" 121 "121" 130 "130" 131 "131" 140 "140" 141 "141" 201 "201" 202 "202" 203 "203" 204 "204" 210 "210" 211 "211" 212 "212" 213 "213" 214 "214" 220 "220" 221 "221" 230 "230" 231 "231" 240 "240" 241 "241" 901 "901" 902 "902" 903 "903" 904 "904" 905 "905" 906 "906" 907 "907" 908 "908" 909 "909" 910 "910" 11100 "11100" 11110 "11110" 11200 "11200" 11210 "11210" 11300 "11300" 11310 "11310" 11400 "11400" 11410 "11410" 12100 "12100" 12110 "12110" 12200 "12200" 12210 "12210" 12300 "12300" 12310 "12310" 12400 "12400" 19002 "19002" 19003 "19003" 19004 "19004" 19005 "19005" 19006 "19006" 19007 "19007" 21100 "21100" 21110 "21110" 21200 "21200" 21210 "21210" 21300 "21300" 21310 "21310" 21400 "21400" 21410 "21410" 22100 "22100" 22110 "22110" 22200 "22200" 22210 "22210" 22300 "22300" 22400 "22400" 29001 "29001" 29002 "29002" 29003 "29003" 29004 "29004" 29005 "29005" 29006 "29006" 29007 "29007" 29008 "29008" 31100 "31100" 31110 "31110" 31200 "31200" 31210 "31210" 31300 "31300" 31310 "31310" 31400 "31400" 31410 "31410" 32100 "32100" 32110 "32110" 32220 "32220" 32320 "32320" 32420 "32420" 39001 "39001" 39002 "39002" 39003 "39003" 39004 "39004" 39006 "39006" /YEAR 1991 "1991" 1993 "1993" 1995 "1995" 1997 "1997" 1999 "1999" 2001 "2001" 2003 "2003" 2005 "2005" 2007 "2007" 2009 "2009" 2011 "2011" 2013 "2013" /SITE 98 "Missing response" /METROST 1 "Urban" 2 "Suburban" 3 "Rural" 4 "Unknown" /PSU 10130 "10130" 10730 "10730" 11030 "11030" 11070 "11070" 11210 "11210" 40010 "40010" 40130 "40130" 40210 "40210" 50510 "50510" 50930 "50930" 51350 "51350" 60170 "60170" 60310 "60310" 60370 "60370" 60371 "60371" 60372 "60372" 60470 "60470" 60590 "60590" 60650 "60650" 60710 "60710" 60730 "60730" 60750 "60750" 60850 "60850" 60990 "60990" 61010 "61010" 61070 "61070" 61110 "61110" 80050 "80050" 80310 "80310" 120000 "120000" 121000 "121000" 130000 "130000" 131000 "131000" 132000 "132000" 133000 "133000" 160000 "160000" 170000 "170000" 171000 "171000" 180000 "180000" 181000 "181000" 191000 "191000" 200000 "200000" 210000 "210000" 211000 "211000" 221000 "221000" 250000 "250000" 260000 "260000" 261000 "261000" 270000 "270000" 281000 "281000" 290000 "290000" 292000 "292000" 340000 "340000" 350000 "350000" 360000 "360000" 361000 "361000" 371000 "371000" 390000 "390000" 401000 "401000" 410000 "410000" 420000 "420000" 421000 "421000" 470000 "470000" 471000 "471000" 481000 "481000" 482000 "482000" 483000 "483000" 484000 "484000" 485000 "485000" 490000 "490000" 511000 "511000" 512000 "512000" 517000 "517000" 530000 "530000" 540000 "540000" 541000 "541000" 550000 "550000" 551000 "551000" /GREG 1 "Northeast" 2 "Midwest" 3 "South" 4 "West" /SEX 1 "Female" 2 "Male" 98 "Missing response" /AGE 12 "12 years old or younger" 13 "13 years old" 14 "14 years old" 15 "15 years old" 16 "16 years old" 17 "17 years old" 18 "18 years or older" 98 "Missing response" /GRADE 9 "9th grade" 10 "10th grade" 11 "11th grade" 12 "12th grade" 95 "Ungraded or other" 98 "Missing response" /RACE 1000 "American Indian or Alaskan Native (AIAN)" 2000 "Asian or Pacific Islander" 2100 "Asian" 2200 "Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander (NHPI)" 3000 "Black or African American" 4000 "White" 6000 "Multiple" 6201 "AIAN/White" 6202 "AIAN/NHPI" 6203 "AIAN/Black" 6204 "AIAN/Asian" 6205 "NHPI/White" 6206 "Black/White" 6207 "Black/NHPI" 6208 "Asian/White" 6209 "Asian/NHPI" 6210 "Asian/Black" 6301 "AIAN/Black/White" 6302 "AIAN/Black/NHPI" 6303 "AIAN/NHPI/White" 6304 "AIAN/Asian/White" 6305 "AIAN/Asian/NHPI" 6306 "AIAN/Asian/Black" 6307 "Black/NHPI/White" 6308 "Asian/NHPI/White" 6309 "Asian/Black/White" 6310 "Asian/Black/NHPI" 6401 "AIAN/Asian/NHPI/White" 6402 "AIAN/Black/NHPI/White" 6403 "AIAN/Asian/Black/White" 6404 "AIAN/Asian/Black/NHPI" 6405 "Asian/Black/NHPI/White" 6501 "AIAN/Asian/Black/NHPI/White" 9500 "Missing response to race; reported Hispanic/Latino Ethnicity" 9998 "Missing Response" /HISPETH 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing response" /RACEETH 10 "American Indian or Alaska Native" 20 "Asian or Pacific Islander" 21 "Asian" 22 "Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander" 30 "Black" 40 "White" 50 "Hispanic or Latino" 60 "Multiple - Non Hispanic" 70 "Multiple - Hispanic" 80 "Other" 98 "Missing response" /RACEETHORIG05 1000 "American Indian or Alaska Native (AIAN)" 2000 "Asian or Pacific Islander" 2100 "Asian" 2200 "Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander (NHPI)" 3000 "Black or African American (Black)" 4000 "White" 5000 "Hispanic" 6000 "Multiple - Not Hispanic" 6201 "AIAN/White" 6202 "AIAN/NHPI" 6203 "AIAN/Black" 6204 "AIAN/Asian" 6205 "NHPI/White" 6206 "Black/White" 6207 "Black/NHPI" 6208 "Asian/White" 6209 "Asian/NHPI" 6210 "Asian/Black" 6301 "AIAN/Black/White" 6302 "AIAN/Black/NHPI" 6303 "AIAN/NHPI/White" 6304 "AIAN/Asian/White" 6306 "AIAN/Asian/Black" 6307 "Black/NHPI/White" 6308 "Asian/NHPI/White" 6401 "AIAN/Asian/NHPI/White" 6402 "AIAN/Black/NHPI/White" 6403 "AIAN/Asian/Black/White" 6405 "Asian/Black/NHPI/White" 6501 "AIAN/Asian/Black/NHPI/White" 7000 "Multiple - Hispanic" 7201 "Hispanic/AIAN" 7202 "Hispanic/Asian" 7203 "Hispanic/Black" 7204 "Hispanic/NHPI" 7205 "Hispanic/White" 7301 "Hispanic/AIAN/White" 7302 "Hispanic/AIAN/NHPI" 7303 "Hispanic/AIAN/Black" 7305 "Hispanic/NHPI/White" 7306 "Hispanic/Black/White" 7307 "Hispanic/Black/NHPI" 7309 "Hispanic/Asian/NHPI" 7310 "Hispanic/Asian/Black" 7401 "Hispanic/AIAN/Black/White" 7402 "Hispanic/AIAN/Black/NHPI" 7403 "Hispanic/AIAN/NHPI/White" 7404 "Hispanic/AIAN/Asian/White" 7405 "Hispanic/AIAN/Asian/NHPI" 7406 "Hispanic/AIAN/Asian/Black" 7408 "Hispanic/Asian/NHPI/White" 7409 "Hispanic/Asian/Black/White" 7502 "Hispanic/AIAN/Black/NHPI/White" 7504 "Hispanic/AIAN/Asian/Black/NHPI" 7601 "Hispanic/AIAN/Asian/Black/NHPI/White" 9998 "Missing response" /DADEDUC 1 "Did not finish high school" 2 "Graduated from high school" 3 "Some education after high school" 4 "Graduated from college" 91 "Not sure" 98 "Missing response" /MOMEDUC 1 "Did not finish high school" 2 "Graduated from high school" 3 "Some education after high school" 4 "Graduated from college" 91 "Not sure" 98 "Missing response" /ALC5DAYMO 1 "0 days" 2 "1 day" 3 "2 days" 4 "3 to 5 days" 5 "6 to 9 days" 6 "10 to 19 days" 7 "20 or more days" 98 "Missing response" /ALCAGE 8 "8 years old or younger" 9 "9 or 10 years old" 11 "11 or 12 years old" 13 "13 or 14 years old" 15 "15 or 16 years old" 17 "17 old or older" 95 "Never drank alcohol" 98 "Missing response" /ALCAGE13R 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /ALCDAYEV 0 "0 days" 1 "1 or 2 days" 2 "2 to 9 days" 3 "10 to 19 days" 4 "20 to 39 days" 5 "40 to 99 days" 6 "100 or more days" 98 "Missing response" /ALCDAYEVR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing response" /ALCDAYMO 1 "0 days" 2 "1 or 2 days" 3 "3 to 5 days" 4 "6 to 9 days" 5 "10 to 19 days" 6 "20 to 29 days" 7 "All 30 days" 98 "Missing response" /ALCDAYMO1R 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /ALCDAYMO5R 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /ALCSCHLDAYMO 1 "0 days" 2 "1 or 2 days" 3 "3 to 5 days" 4 "6 to 9 days" 5 "10 to 19 days" 6 "20 to 29 days" 7 "All 30 days" 98 "Missing response" /ALCSCHLDAYMOR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /DRNKDRIVFRQMO 10 "0 times" 11 "Did not drive" 20 "1 time" 30 "2 or 3 times" 40 "4 or 5 times" 50 "6 or more times" 98 "Missing response" /DRNKDRIVFRQMOR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /DRNKDRIVFRQMOR2 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /DRNKRIDEFRQMO 0 "0 times" 1 "1 time" 2 "2 or 3 times" 3 "4 or 5 times" 4 "6 or more times" 98 "Missing response" /DRNKRIDEFRQMOR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /GETALCMO 1 "Bought in store" 2 "Bought in restaurant" 3 "Bought in public event" 4 "I gave someone money to buy" 5 "Someone gave it to me" 6 "Took from store/family" 7 "I got is some other way" 95 "Did not drink in the past 30 days" 98 "Missing response" /GETALCMOGIVR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /GETALCMOSTORR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /MAXALCMO 1 "1 or 2 drinks" 2 "3 drinks" 3 "4 drinks" 4 "5 drinks" 5 "6 or 7 drinks" 6 "8 or 9 drinks" 7 "10 or more drinks" 95 "Did not drink in the past 30 days" 98 "Missing response" /MAXALCMO10R 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /CIGAGE 8 "8 years old or younger" 9 "9 or 10 years old" 11 "11 or 12 years old" 13 "13 or 14 years old" 15 "15 or 16 years old" 17 "17 or more years old" 95 "Never smoked a cigarette" 98 "Missing response" /CIGAGER 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /CIGAGEREG 8 "8 years old or younger" 9 "9 or 10 years old" 11 "11 or 12 years old" 13 "13 or 14 years old" 15 "15 or 16 years old" 17 "17 or more years old" 95 "Never smoked regularly" 98 "Missing response" /CIGBRAND 1 "Camel" 2 "Marlboro" 3 "Newport" 4 "Virginia Slims" 5 "GPC, Basic, or Doral" 6 "Some other brand" 7 "Do not have a usual brand" 95 "Did not smoke cigarettes" 98 "Missing response" /CIGBRANDR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /CIGDAYMO 1 "0 days" 2 "1 or 2 days" 3 "3 to 5 days" 4 "6 to 9 days" 5 "10 to 19 days" 6 "20 to 29 days" 7 "All 30 days" 98 "Missing response" /CIGDAYMO20R 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /CIGDAYMOR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /CIGEV 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing response" /CIGEVDLY 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing response" /CIGEVDLYR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /CIGEVR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /CIGSDAY 1 "Less than 1 per day" 2 "1 per day" 3 "2 to 5 per day" 4 "6 to 10 per day" 5 "11 to 20 per day" 6 "More than 20 per day" 95 "Did not smoke" 98 "Missing response" /CIGSDAY2R 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /CIGSDAYGT10R 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /CIGSIDMO 10 "No" 20 "Yes" 30 "Did not buy cigarettes" 31 "Did not smoke cigarettes" 98 "Missing Response" /CIGSIDMOR 1 "No, was asked to show ID" 2 "Yes, was not asked to show ID" 98 "Missing" /CIGSSCHLDAYMO 1 "0 days" 2 "1 or 2 days" 3 "3 to 5 days" 4 "6 to 9 days" 5 "10 to 19 days" 6 "20 to 29 days" 7 "All 30 days" 98 "Missing response" /CIGSSCHLDAYMOR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /CIGTRYYR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 95 "Already tried smoking" 98 "Missing response" /GETCIGMO 10 "Bought in store or gas station" 20 "Bought from vending machine" 30 "Someone else bought them for me" 40 "Borrowed or bummed them" 50 "A person 18 years or older gave them to me" 60 "Stole them" 61 "Took them from store or family" 70 "Some other way" 95 "Did not smoke cigarettes" 98 "Missing response" /GETCIGMOSTOLT18R 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /GETCIGMOSTORR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /QTEV 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing response" /QTLAST6MO 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 95 "Did not smoke" 98 "Missing response" /QTLASTYR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 95 "Did not smoke in the past 12 months" 98 "Missing response" /QTLASTYRR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /CGARDAYMO 1 "0 days" 2 "1 or 2 days" 3 "3 to 5 days" 4 "6 to 9 days" 5 "10 to 19 days" 6 "20 to 29 days" 7 "All 30 days" 98 "Missing response" /CGARDAYMOR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /SMKLSDAYMO 1 "0 days" 2 "1 or 2 days" 3 "2 to 5 days" 4 "6 to 9 days" 5 "10 to 19 days" 6 "20 to 29 days" 7 "All 30 days" 98 "Missing response" /SMKLSDAYMOR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing Response" /SMKLSMO 10 "No" 20 "Yes" 21 "Yes, chewing tobacco only" 22 "Yes, snuff only" 23 "Yes, both chew tobacco and snuff" 98 "Missing response" /SMKLSSCHLDAYMO 1 "0 days" 2 "1 or 2 days" 3 "2 to 5 days" 4 "6 to 9 days" 5 "10 to 19 days" 6 "20 to 29 days" 7 "All 30 days" 98 "Missing response" /SMKLSSCHLDAYMOR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /SMKLSSCHLMO 10 "No" 20 "Yes" 21 "Yes, chewing tobacco only" 22 "Yes, snuff only" 23 "Yes, both chew tobacco and snuff" 98 "Missing response" /ANYTOBMOR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /COCAGE 8 "8 years old or younger" 9 "9 or 10 years old" 11 "11 or 12 years old" 13 "13 or 14 years old" 15 "15 or 16 years old" 17 "17 or more years old" 95 "Never tried cocaine" 98 "Missing response" /COCFRQEV 1 "0 times" 2 "1 or 2 times" 3 "3 to 9 times" 4 "10 to 19 times" 5 "20 to 39 times" 6 "40 or more times" 98 "Missing response" /COCFRQEVR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /COCFRQMO 1 "0 times" 2 "1 or 2 times" 3 "3 to 9 times" 4 "10 to 19 times" 5 "20 to 39 times" 6 "40 or more times" 98 "Missing response" /COCFRQMOR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /CRACKFRQEV 1 "0 times" 2 "1 or 2 times" 3 "3 to 9 times" 4 "10 to 19 times" 5 "20 to 39 times" 6 "40 or more times" 98 "Missing response" /DRUGOFRDSCHLYR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing response" /DRUGOFRDSCHLYRR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /DRUGSFRQEV 1 "0 times" 2 "1 or 2 times" 3 "3 to 9 times" 4 "10 to 19 times" 5 "20 to 39 times" 6 "40 or more times" 98 "Missing response" /ECSTASYFRQEV 1 "0 times" 2 "1 or 2 times" 3 "3 to 9 times" 4 "10 to 19 times" 5 "20 to 39 times" 6 "40 or more times" 98 "Missing response" /ECSTASYFRQEVR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /HALLFRQEV 1 "0 times" 2 "1 or 2 times" 3 "3 to 9 times" 4 "10 to 19 times" 5 "20 to 39 times" 6 "40 or more times" 98 "Missing response" /HALLFRQEVR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /HERFRQEV 1 "0 times" 2 "1 or 2 times" 3 "3 to 9 times" 4 "10 to 19 times" 5 "20 to 39 times" 6 "40 or more times" 98 "Missing response" /HERFRQEVR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /INHALFRQEV 1 "0 times" 2 "1 or 2 times" 3 "3 to 9 times" 4 "10 to 19 times" 5 "20 to 39 times" 6 "40 or more times" 98 "Missing response" /INHALFRQEVR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /INHALFRQMO 1 "0 times" 2 "1 or 2 times" 3 "3 to 9 times" 4 "10 to 19 times" 5 "20 to 39 times" 6 "40 or more times" 98 "Missing response" /INHALFRQMOR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /INJDRUGSEV 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing response" /INJDRUGSFRQEV 1 "0 times" 2 "1 time" 3 "2 or more times" 98 "Missing response" /INJDRUGSFRQEVR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /METHFRQEV 1 "0 times" 2 "1 or 2 times" 3 "3 to 9 times" 4 "10 to 19 times" 5 "20 to 39 times" 6 "40 or more times" 98 "Missing response" /METHFRQEVR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /MJAGE 8 "Less than 9 years old" 9 "9 or 10 years old" 11 "11 or 12 years old" 13 "13 or 14 years old" 15 "15 or 16 years old" 17 "17 years old or older" 95 "Never tried marijuana" 98 "Missing response" /MJAGER 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /MJFRQEV 1 "0 times" 2 "1 or 2 times" 3 "2 or 9 times" 4 "10 to 19 times" 5 "20 to 29 times" 6 "40 to 99 times" 7 "100 or more times" 98 "Missing response" /MJFRQEVR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /MJFRQMO 1 "0 times" 2 "1 or 2 times" 3 "3 to 9 times" 4 "10 to 19 times" 5 "20 to 39 times" 6 "40 or more" 98 "Missing response" /MJFRQMOR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /MJSCHLFRQMO 1 "0 times" 2 "1 or 2 times" 3 "2 or 9 times" 4 "10 to 19 times" 5 "20 to 29 times" 6 "40 or more times" 98 "Missing response" /MJSCHLFRQMOR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /RXDRUGFRQEV 1 "0 times" 2 "1 or 2 times" 3 "3 to 9 times" 4 "10 to 19 times" 5 "20 to 39 times" 6 "40 or more times" 98 "Missing response" /RXDRUGFRQEVR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing response" /STERFRQEV 1 "0 times" 2 "1 or 2 times" 3 "3-9 times" 4 "10-19 times" 5 "20-39 times" 6 "40 or more times" 98 "Missing response" /STERFRQEVR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing response" /COMPHRSNUMDAY 1 "Less than 1 hour per day" 2 "1 hour per day" 3 "2 hours per day" 4 "3 hours per day" 5 "4 hours per day" 6 "5 or more hours per day" 95 "Does not play video/computer games" 98 "Missing response" /COMPNUMDAY3R 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /TEXTDRIVDAYMO 1 "0 days" 2 "1 or 2 days" 3 "3 to 5 days" 4 "6 to 9 days" 5 "10 to 19 days" 6 "20 to 29 days" 7 "All 30 days" 95 "I did not drive the past 30 days" 98 "Missing response" /TEXTDRIVDAYMOR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /TVHRSNUMDAY 1 "Less than 1 hour per day" 2 "1 hour per day" 3 "2 hours per day" 4 "3 hours per day" 5 "4 hours per day" 6 "5 or more hours per day" 95 "No TV on average school day" 98 "Missing response" /TVHRSNUMDAY2R 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /TVHRSNUMDAY3R 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /MCYCFRQYR 1 "0 times" 2 "1 to 10 times" 3 "11 to 20 times" 4 "21 to 39 times" 5 "40 or more times" 98 "Missing response" /MCYCHLMTFRQYR 1 "Never" 2 "Rarely" 3 "Sometimes" 4 "Most of the time" 5 "Always" 95 "Did not ride a motorcycle" 98 "Missing response" /MCYCHLMTFRQYRR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /BIKEFRQYR 1 "0 times" 2 "1 to 10 times" 3 "11 to 20 times" 4 "21 to 39 times" 5 "40 or more times" 98 "Missing response" /BIKEHLMTFRQYR 1 "Never" 2 "Rarely" 3 "Sometimes" 4 "Most of the time" 5 "Always" 95 "Did not ride a bicycle" 98 "Missing response" /BIKEHLMTFRQYRR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing response" /BIKEWALKFRQWK 0 "0 days" 1 "1 day" 2 "2 days" 3 "3 days" 4 "4 days" 5 "5 days" 6 "6 days" 7 "7 days" 98 "Missing response" /BIKEWALKYDAY 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing response" /EXER60DAYWK 0 "0 days" 1 "1 day" 2 "2 days" 3 "3 days" 4 "4 days" 5 "5 days" 6 "6 days" 7 "7 days" 98 "Missing response" /EXER60DAYWK5R 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /EXERALLWKR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /EXERHRDDAYWK 0 "0 days" 1 "1 day" 2 "2 days" 3 "3 days" 4 "4 days" 5 "5 days" 6 "6 days" 7 "7 days" 98 "Missing response" /EXERHRD3DAYWKR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /EXERINJRYFRQYR 0 "0 times" 1 "1 time" 2 "2 times" 3 "3 times" 4 "4 times" 5 "5 or more times" 98 "Missing response" /EXERINJRYMO 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 95 "No exercise in past 30 days" 98 "Missing response" /EXERINJRYMOR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /EXERMODDAYWK 0 "0 days" 1 "1 day" 2 "2 days" 3 "3 days" 4 "4 days" 5 "5 days" 6 "6 days" 7 "7 days" 98 "Missing response" /EXERMOD5DAYWKR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /EXERMODNOR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /EXER60DAYWK0R 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "No" /EXERHRD3MOD5DAYWK0R 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /EXERSTRTCHDAYWK 0 "0 days" 1 "1 day" 2 "2 days" 3 "3 days" 4 "4 days" 5 "5 days" 6 "6 days" 7 "7 days" 98 "Missing response" /EXERTONEDAYWK 0 "0 days" 1 "1 day" 2 "2 days" 3 "3 days" 4 "4 days" 5 "5 days" 6 "6 days" 7 "7 days" 98 "Missing response" /EXERTONEDAYWK3R 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /LIFEGARDFRQYR 1 "Never" 2 "Rarely" 3 "Sometimes" 4 "Most of the time" 5 "Always" 95 "Did not go swimming" 98 "Missing response" /PEDAYWK 0 "0 days" 1 "1 day" 2 "2 days" 3 "3 days" 4 "4 days" 5 "5 days" 98 "Missing response" /PEDAYWKDLYR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /PEDAYWKR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing response" /PEEXERMIN 10 "Less than 10 minutes" 20 "10 to 20 minutes" 30 "21 to 30 minutes" 40 "More than 30 minutes" 41 "31 to 40 minutes" 42 "41 to 50 minutes" 43 "51 to 60 minutes" 44 "More than 60 minutes" 95 "Did not take PE" 98 "Missing response" /PEEXERMIN20R 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /TEAMSNOTSCHLNUMYR 0 "0 teams" 1 "1 team" 2 "2 teams" 3 "3 or more teams" 98 "Missing response" /TEAMSNUMYR 0 "0 teams" 1 "1 team" 2 "2 teams" 3 "3 or more teams" 98 "Missing response" /TEAMSNUMYRR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /TEAMSSCHLNUMYR 0 "0 teams" 1 "1 team" 2 "2 teams" 3 "3 or more teams" 98 "Missing" /HEIGHT 119 "119" 127 "127" 130 "130" 132 "132" 135 "135" 137 "137" 140 "140" 142 "142" 145 "145" 147 "147" 150 "150" 152 "152" 155 "155" 157 "157" 160 "160" 163 "163" 165 "165" 168 "168" 170 "170" 173 "173" 175 "175" 178 "178" 180 "180" 183 "183" 185 "185" 188 "188" 190 "190" 191 "191" 193 "193" 196 "196" 198 "198" 201 "201" 203 "203" 206 "206" 208 "208" 211 "211" 998 "Missing response" /HGHTORIG 998 "Missing response" /WGHTORIG 998 "Missing response" /ASTHMAATKYR 1 "Have asthma, but no episode in past 12 months" 2 "Had episode in the past 12 months" 91 "Not sure" 95 "I do not have asthma" 98 "Missing response" /ASTHMAATKYRR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /ASTHMACUR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 91 "Not sure" 95 "Never had asthma" 98 "Missing response" /ASTHMACURR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /ASTHMAEV 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 91 "Not sure" 98 "Missing response" /ASTHMAEVATKYRR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /ASTHMAEVR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /DRTALKAIDS 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 91 "Not sure" 98 "Missing response" /DVLAST 1 "During the past 12 months" 2 "Between 12 and 24 months" 3 "More than 24 months ago" 91 "Not sure" 95 "Never" 98 "Missing response" /DENTLAST 2 "During the past 12 months" 3 "Between 12 and 24 months" 4 "More than 24 months ago" 91 "Not sure" 95 "Never been to the dentist" 98 "Missing response" /DENTYRR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /DISABILITY 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 91 "Not sure" 98 "Missing response" /DISABILITYR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /HEALTH 1 "Excellent" 2 "Very good" 3 "Good" 4 "Fair" 5 "Poor" 98 "Missing response" /HEALTHPFR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /HIVTESTEV 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 91 "Not sure" 98 "Missing response" /HIVTESTEVR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /LRHIVINDR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /OBESER 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /OVWGTR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing response" /PARTALKAIDS 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 91 "Not sure" 98 "Missing Response" /DRNKFRUITFRQWK 1 "1 to 3 times, past 7 days" 2 "4 to 6 times, past 7 days" 3 "1 time per day" 4 "2 times per day" 5 "3 times per day" 6 "4 or more times per day" 95 "Did not drink fruit juice, past 7 days" 98 "Missing response" /DRNKFRUITFRQWKR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /DRNKFRUITFRQYDAY 10 "0 times" 20 "1 time" 31 "2 times or more" 32 "2 times only" 33 "3 times or more" 98 "Missing response" /DRNKMILK0WKR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /DRNKMILK1WKR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /DRNKMILK2WKR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /DRNKMILK3WKR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /DRNKMILKFRQWK 1 "1 to 3 glasses, past 7 days" 2 "4 to 6 glasses, past 7 days" 3 "1 glass per day" 4 "2 glasses per day" 5 "3 glasses per day" 6 "4 or more glasses per day" 95 "Did not drink milk, past 7 days" 98 "Missing response" /DRNKSODA0WKR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /DRNKSODA1WKR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /DRNKSODA2WKR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /DRNKSODA3WKR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /DRNKSODAFRQWK 1 "1 to 3 times, past 7 days" 2 "4 to 6 times, past 7 days" 3 "1 time per day" 4 "2 times per day" 5 "3 times per day" 6 "4 or more times per day" 95 "Did not drink soda or pop, past 7 days" 98 "Missing response" /EATBRKFST0WKR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /EATBRKFSTFRQWK 0 "0 days" 1 "1 day" 2 "2 days" 3 "3 days" 4 "4 days" 5 "5 days" 6 "6 days" 7 "7 days" 98 "Missing response" /EATBRKFSTFRQWKR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /EATCARROTFRQWK 1 "1 to 3 times, past 7 days" 2 "4 to 6 times, past 7 days" 3 "1 time per day" 4 "2 times per day" 5 "3 times per day" 6 "4 or more times per day" 95 "Did not eat carrots, past 7 days" 98 "Missing response" /EATCARROTFRQWKR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /EATCOOKIEFRQYDAY 10 "No" 20 "1 time" 31 "2 times or more" 32 "2 times only" 33 "3 times or more" 98 "Missing response" /EATCOOKVEGFRQYDAY 10 "No" 20 "1 time" 31 "2 times or more" 32 "2 times only" 33 "3 times or more" 98 "Missing response" /EATFRIESFRQYDAY 10 "No" 20 "1 time" 31 "2 times or more" 32 "2 times only" 33 "3 times or more" 98 "Missing response" /EATFRUITFRQWK 1 "1 to 3 times, past 7 days" 2 "4 to 6 times, past 7 days" 3 "1 time per day" 4 "2 times per day" 5 "3 times per day" 6 "4 or more times per day" 95 "Did not eat fruit, past 7 days" 98 "Missing response" /EATFRUITFRQWKR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /EATFRUITFRQYDAY 10 "No" 20 "1 time" 31 "2 times or more" 32 "2 times only" 33 "3 times or more" 98 "Missing response" /EATMEATFRQYDAY 10 "No" 20 "1 time" 31 "2 times or more" 32 "2 times only" 33 "3 times or more" 98 "Missing response" /EATOTHVEGFRQWK 1 "1 to 3 times past 7 days" 2 "4 to 6 times past 7 days" 3 "1 time per day" 4 "2 times per day" 5 "3 times per day" 6 "4 or more times per day" 95 "Did not eat other vegetables past 7 days" 98 "Missing response" /EATOTHVEGFRQWKR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /EATPOTATOFRQWK 1 "1 to 3 times, past 7 days" 2 "4 to 6 times, past 7 days" 3 "1 time per day" 4 "2 times per day" 5 "3 times per day" 6 "4 or more times per day" 95 "Did not eat potatoes, past 7 days" 98 "Missing response" /EATPOTATOFRQWKR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /EATSALADFRQWK 1 "1 to 3 times, past 7 days" 2 "4 to 6 times, past 7 days" 3 "1 time per day" 4 "2 times per day" 5 "3 times per day" 6 "4 or more times per day" 95 "Did not eat green salad, past 7 days" 98 "Missing response" /EATSALADFRQWKR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /EATSALADFRQYDAY 10 "No" 20 "1 time" 31 "2 times or more" 32 "2 times only" 33 "3 times or more" 98 "Missing response" /EATDRFR0DAYR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /EATDRFR2DAYR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /EATDRFR1DAYR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /EATDRFR3DAYR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /EATVG0DAYR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /EATVG1DAYR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /EATVG2DAYR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /EATVG3DAYR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /EATFR2VG3DAYR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /EAT5FRVGDAYR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /SADHPLSEV 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing response" /SADHPLSEVR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /SCHLTALKAIDS 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 91 "Not sure" 98 "Missing response" /SCHLTALKAIDSNUMYR 1 "0 periods" 2 "1 to 2 periods" 3 "3 to 5 periods" 4 "6 to 10 periods" 5 "11 or more periods" 91 "Not sure" 98 "Missing response" /SCHLTALKAIDSR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing response" /SELFWEIGHT 1 "Very underweight" 2 "Slightly underweight" 3 "About the right weight" 4 "Slightly overweight" 5 "Very overweight" 98 "Missing response" /SELFWEIGHTR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /SLEEPHR 4 "4 or less hours" 5 "5 hours" 6 "6 hours" 7 "7 hours" 8 "8 hours" 9 "9 hours" 10 "10 or more hours" 98 "Missing response" /SLEEPHRR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing response" /STBELTDRIV 1 "Never" 2 "Rarely" 3 "Sometimes" 4 "Most of the time" 5 "Always" 95 "Did not drive" 98 "Missing response" /STBELTDRIVR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /STBELTRIDE 1 "Never" 2 "Rarely" 3 "Sometimes" 4 "Most of the time" 5 "Always" 98 "Missing response" /STBELTRIDER 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /STDEV 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing response" /SUICATMPTFRQYR 1 "0 times" 2 "1 time" 3 "2 or 3 times" 4 "4 or 5 times" 5 "6 or more times" 98 "Missing response" /SUICATMPTFRQYRR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /SUICINJRYYR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 95 "Did not attempt suicide" 98 "Missing response" /SUICINJRYYRR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /SUICPLANYR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing response" /SUICPLANYRR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /SUICTHOTYR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing response" /SUICTHOTYRR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /SUNPROTECT 1 "Never" 2 "Rarely" 3 "Sometimes" 4 "Most of the time" 5 "Always" 98 "Missing response" /SUNPROTECTR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /SUNSCRN 1 "Never" 2 "Rarely" 3 "Sometimes" 4 "Most of the time" 5 "Always" 98 "Missing response" /SUNSCRNNOR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /SUNSCRNYESR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /TANFRQYR 1 "0 times" 2 "1 or 2 times" 3 "3 to 9 times" 4 "10 to 19 times" 5 "20 to 39 times" 6 "40 or more times" 98 "Missing response" /TANFRQYRR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing response" /WEIGHTDIETEXERWK 1 "Dieted" 2 "Exercised" 3 "Exercised and dieted" 4 "Other method" 95 "Did not try to lose or keep from gaining weight" 98 "Missing response" /WEIGHTDIETMO 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing response" /WEIGHTDIETMOR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /WEIGHTEXERMO 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing response" /WEIGHTEXERMOR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /WEIGHTFASTMO 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing response" /WEIGHTFASTMOR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /WEIGHTGAINLOSE 1 "Lose weight" 2 "Gain weight" 3 "Stay the same weight" 95 "Not trying to do anything" 98 "Missing response" /WEIGHTGAINLOSER 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /WEIGHTPILLMO 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing response" /WEIGHTPILLMOR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /WEIGHTVOMMO 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing response" /WEIGHTVOMMOR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /WEIGHTVOMPILLWK 1 "Made myself vomit" 2 "Took diet pills" 3 "Vomiting and diet pills" 4 "Other method" 95 "Did not try to lose or keep from gaining weight" 98 "Missing response" /ABSENTDAYMO 1 "0 days" 2 "1 or 2 days" 3 "3 to 5 days" 4 "6 to 9 days" 5 "10 or more days" 98 "Missing response" /ABSENTDAYMOR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /SCHLBULLIEDYR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing response" /EBULLIEDYR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing response" /EBULLIEDYRR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /GRADES 1 "Mostly A's" 2 "Mostly B's" 3 "Mostly C's" 4 "Mostly D's" 5 "Mostly F's" 6 "None of these grades" 91 "Not sure" 98 "Missing response" /GRADESR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /SCHLBULLIEDYRR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /SCHLSTOLEFRQYR 1 "0 times" 2 "1 time" 3 "2 or 3 times" 4 "4 or 5 times" 5 "6 or 7 times" 6 "8 or 9 times" 7 "10 or 11 times" 8 "12 or more times" 98 "Missing response" /SCHLSTOLEFRQYRR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /STUDRANK 1 "One of the best" 2 "Far above the middle" 3 "A little above the middle" 4 "In the middle" 5 "A little below the middle" 6 "Far below the middle" 7 "Near the bottom" 98 "Missing response" /TCHTALKPROBYR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing response" /TCHTALKPROBYRR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /BCLSEX 100 "No method" 200 "Birth control pills" 300 "Condoms" 400 "Some other method" 410 "Injection, Implant/IUD, Ring, or Patch" 411 "Injection (like Depo-Provera)" 412 "Injection, Implant/IUD, or Ring" 413 "Implant/IUD" 414 "Injection, Ring, or Patch" 420 "Withdrawal" 430 "Some other method not listed in the survey" 992 "Not sure" 995 "Never had sex" 998 "Missing response" /BCDEPOPILLR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /BCDEPOR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /BCDUALR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /BCPILLR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /BCNONER 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /BCDEPOX1R 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /BCDEPOX2R 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /BCDEPOXPILL1R 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /BCDEPOXPILL2R 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /CONDOMLSEX 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 95 "Never had sexual intercourse" 98 "Missing response" /CONDOMLSEXR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /ABUSEFRQYR 1 "0 times" 2 "1 time" 3 "2 or 3 times" 4 "4 or 5 times" 5 "6 or more times" 95 "Did not date, past 12 months" 98 "Missing response" /ABUSEYR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing response" /ABUSEYRR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /ALCDRUGLSEX 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 95 "Never had sexual intercourse" 98 "Missing response" /ALCDRUGLSEXR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /FORCEDSEXEV 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing response" /FORCEDSEXEVRR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /FORCEDSEXFRQYR 1 "0 times" 2 "1 time" 3 "2 or 3 times" 4 "4 or 5 times" 5 "6 or more times" 95 "Did not date, past 12 months" 98 "Missing response" /FORCEDSEXFRQYRR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /PREGFRQEV 0 "0 times" 1 "1 time" 2 "2 or more times" 91 "Not sure" 98 "Missing response" /PREGFRQEVR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /SEXAGE 11 "Less than 12 years old" 12 "12 years old" 13 "13 years old" 14 "14 years old" 15 "15 years old" 16 "16 years old" 17 "17 or more years old" 95 "Never had sexual intercourse" 98 "Missing response" /SEXAGER 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /SEXEV 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing response" /SEXEVR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing response" /SEXNO3MOR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /SEXPARTAGE 14 "14 years old or younger" 15 "15 or 16 years old" 17 "17 or 18 years old" 19 "19 or 20 years old" 21 "21 years old or older" 91 "Not sure" 95 "Never had sexual intercourse" 98 "Missing response" /SEXPARTFRQ3MO 0 "None in past 3 months" 1 "1 person" 2 "2 people" 3 "3 people" 4 "4 people" 5 "5 people" 6 "6 or more people" 95 "Never had sexual intercourse" 98 "Missing response" /SEXPARTFRQ3MOR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /SEXPARTFRQEV 1 "1 person" 2 "2 people" 3 "3 people" 4 "4 people" 5 "5 people" 6 "6 people or more people" 95 "Never had sexual intercourse" 98 "Missing Response" /SEXPARTFRQEVR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /ARMEDDAYMO 1 "0 days" 2 "1 day" 3 "2 or 3 days" 4 "4 or 5 days" 5 "6 or more days" 98 "Missing response" /ARMEDDAYMOR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /ARMEDGUNDAYMO 1 "0 days" 2 "1 day" 3 "2 or 3 days" 4 "4 or 5 days" 5 "6 or more days" 98 "Missing response" /ARMEDGUNDAYMOR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing response" /ARMEDSCHLDAYMO 1 "0 days" 2 "1 day" 3 "2 or 3 days" 4 "4 or 5 days" 5 "6 or more days" 98 "Missing response" /ARMEDSCHLDAYMOR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /ARMEDTYPMO 1 "A handgun" 2 "Other gun" 3 "A knife or rzor" 4 "A club, stick, bat or pipe" 5 "Some other weapon" 95 "Did not carry a weapon" 98 "Missing response" /FIGHTFRQYR 1 "0 times" 2 "1 time" 3 "2 or 3 times" 4 "4 or 5 times" 5 "6 or 7 times" 6 "8 or 9 times" 7 "10 or 11 times" 8 "12 or more times" 98 "Missing response" /FIGHTFRQYRR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /FIGHTHURTFRQYR 1 "0 times" 2 "1 time" 3 "2 or time times" 4 "4 or 5 times" 5 "6 or more times" 98 "Missing response" /FIGHTHURTFRQYRR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing response" /FIGHTLWHO 1 "Total stranger" 2 "Friend or someone I know" 3 "Boyfriend, girlfriend, date" 4 "Family member" 5 "Someone else" 6 "More than one type of person" 95 "Never been in a fight" 98 "Missing response" /FIGHTSCHLFRQYR 1 "0 times" 2 "1 time" 3 "2 or 3 times" 4 "4 or 5 times" 5 "6 or 7 times" 6 "8 or 9 times" 7 "10 or 11 times" 8 "12 or more times" 98 "Missing response" /FIGHTSCHLFRQYRR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" /SCHLTHREATFRQYR 1 "0 times" 2 "1 time" 3 "2 or 3 times" 4 "4 or 5 times" 5 "6 or 7 times" 6 "8 or 9 times" 7 "10 or 11 times" 8 "12 or more times" 98 "Missing response" /SCHLTHREATFRQYRR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing response" /SCHLUNSAFEDAYMO 1 "0 days" 2 "1 day" 3 "2 or 3 days" 4 "4 or 5 days" 5 "6 or more days" 98 "Missing response" /SCHLUNSAFEDAYMOR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing" . execute.