cd "C:\". file type mixed /file = "ipums-nyts.dat" /record = 1-1 (a) . record type "P". data list / RECTYPE 1-1 (a) YEAR 2-5 SERIAL 6-11 STRATAORIG 12-18 (a) STRATANUM 19-25 PSSTRATA 26-28 PSUORIG 29-38 (a) PSUNUM 39-48 PSPSU 49-56 SCHLID 57-68 STUDID 69-77 SAMPSRC 78-78 PERWT 79-96 DRAWWT 97-112 PANWT 113-128 MONTH 129-130 DAY 131-132 ADMINWHO 133-134 ADMINWHEN 135-136 AGE 137-138 SEX 139-140 RACEAIAN 141-142 RACEASIAN 143-144 RACEBLK 145-146 RACENHPI 147-148 RACEWHT 149-150 RACESING 151-152 RACESINGR 153-154 RACEMR 155-156 RACENUM 157-157 HISPYN 158-159 HISPMEX 160-161 HISPPUER 162-163 HISPCUB 164-165 HISPOTH 166-167 GRADE 168-169 CIGEV 170-171 SMKDAILY 172-173 SMOKLASTY 174-175 GETCIG 176-177 CIGSPAY 178-179 SMOKPUFLAST 180-181 CIGSLIFE 182-183 CIGDAYMO 184-185 CIGSDAY 186-187 CIGTYPE 188-189 CIGMENTH 190-191 NOCIGAGE 192-193 LOCCIG 194-195 CIGBRAND 196-197 CIGBRAMSPIR 198-199 CIGBRCAM 200-201 CIGBRDGPC 202-203 CIGBRKOOL 204-205 CIGBRMARL 206-207 CIGBRNEWP 208-209 CIGBROTH 210-211 CIGBRNOFAV 212-213 CIGBRDK 214-215 CIGEVR 216-217 CIGNOWR 218-219 SMKSCHL 220-221 SMKSCHLDAYMO 222-223 CIGTRYY 224-225 CIGTRYSOON 226-227 CIGTRYSOONLIK 228-229 CIGTRY5Y 230-231 CIGTRYBF 232-233 SMOKAGFIRST 234-235 SMOKWHENFIRST 236-237 CIGBUYMO 238-239 WHERSMKNO 240-241 WHERSMKHOM 242-243 WHERSMKSCHL 244-245 WHERSMKJOB 246-247 WHERSMKAUTO 248-249 WHERSMKFRND 250-251 WHERSMKSOC 252-253 WHERSMKPUB 254-255 WHERSMKOUT 256-257 FLAVCIGMO 258-259 FLAVSMKLSMO 260-261 FLAVECIGMO 262-263 FLAVHOOKMO 264-265 FLAVPIPEMO 266-267 FLAVSNUSMO 268-269 FLAVDISTOBMO 270-271 FLAVNOMO 272-273 FLAVCIGNOW 274-275 FLAVCGARNOW 276-277 FLAVCIGEV 278-279 FLAVCGAREV 280-281 HRDFLAVCGAR 282-283 HRDFLAVCIG 284-285 HRDECIG 286-287 ECIGEV 288-289 ECIGEVR 290-291 ECIGTRYSOON 292-293 ECIGTRYBF 294-295 ECIGAGFIRST 296-297 ECIGDAYMO 298-299 CURECIG 300-301 ECIGNOW 302-303 ECIGNOWR 304-305 SMKLSEV 306-307 SMKLSEVR 308-309 SMKLSNOWR 310-311 SMKLSAGFIRST 312-313 SMKLSDAYMO 314-315 SMKLSSCHLDAYMO 316-317 SMKLSSCHL 318-319 CURSMKLS 320-321 GETSMKLS 322-323 DISTOBEV 324-325 DISTOBEVR 326-327 HRDDISTOB 328-329 DISTOBNOW 330-331 DISTOBNOWR 332-333 SNUSEV 334-335 SNUSEVR 336-337 SNUSNOWR 338-339 HRDSNUS 340-341 SNUSNOW 342-343 SNUSHARMLS2 344-345 HRDROLCIG 346-347 ROLCIGEV 348-349 ROLCIGNOW 350-351 HOOKEV 352-353 HOOKEVR 354-355 HRDHOOK 356-357 HOOKNOW 358-359 HOOKNOWR 360-361 CGAREV 362-363 CGAREVR 364-365 CGARNOWR 366-367 CGARTRYSOON 368-369 CGARTRYBF 370-371 CGARAGFIRST 372-373 CGARDAYMO 374-375 CGARSCHL 376-377 CGARSDAY 378-379 GETCGAR 380-381 BIDIEV 382-383 BIDIEVR 384-385 HRDBIDI 386-387 BIDINOW 388-390 BIDINOWR 391-392 BIDIDAYMO 393-394 KRETEV 395-396 KRETEVR 397-398 HRDKRET 399-400 KRETNOW 401-402 KRETNOWR 403-404 KRETDAYMO 405-406 PIPEV 407-408 PIPEVR 409-410 PIPENOW 411-412 PIPENOWR 413-414 PIPEDAYMO 415-416 ECLIPSEEV 417-418 OMNIEV 419-420 ADVLIGHTEV 421-422 ACCORDEV 423-424 ARIVAEV 425-426 NONEEV 427-428 NOTOBNOW 429-430 NONEPRODEV 431-432 FIRSTTOB 433-434 TOBTRYY 435-436 TOBTRYSOON 437-438 TOBTRYBF 439-440 TOBFLAV 441-442 ANYFLAVEV 443-444 ANYFLAVNOW 445-446 NOTOBAGE 447-448 GETTOBNO 449-450 GETTOBSELF 451-452 GETTOBOBUY 453-454 GETTOBBUM 455-456 GETTOBOFF 457-458 GETTOBBUYPER 459-460 GETTOBTK 461-462 GETTOBOTH 463-464 LOCTOBNO 465-466 LOCTOBCONV 467-468 LOCTOBGAS 469-470 LOCTOBGSCS 471-472 LOCTOBGROC 473-474 LOCTOBPHARM 475-476 LOCTOBVEND 477-478 LOCTOBINT 479-480 LOCTOBMAIL 481-482 LOCTOBOTH 483-484 HRDOTH 485-486 HRDNONE 487-488 OTHTOBEV 489-490 OTHTOBNOW 491-492 ECIGADINT 493-494 ECIGADPRINT 495-496 ECIGADSTOR 497-498 ECIGADMEDIA 499-500 SMKADFAV 501-502 SMKADAMSPIR 503-504 SMKADCAM 505-506 SMKADGPC 507-508 SMKADKOOL 509-510 SMKADLUCST 511-512 SMKADMARL 513-514 SMKADNEW 515-516 SMKADPARL 517-518 SMKADVSLIM 519-520 SMKADOTH 521-522 SMKADNONE 523-524 SMKADDK 525-526 ANTIADTRUTH 527-528 ANTIADTHINK 529-530 TOBLOGOEV 531-532 TOBLOGOLIK 533-534 TOBLOGOOWN 535-536 ANTIADPRINT 537-538 ANTIADTV 539-540 ANTIADRAD 541-542 ANTIADTVRAD 543-544 ANTIADNEWSMED 545-546 ANTIADINT 547-548 ANTIADBILL 549-550 SMKADINT 551-552 SMKADPRINT 553-554 SMKADSTOR 555-556 SMKADBILL 557-558 SMKSEEACTOR 559-560 SMKSEEACTORTV 561-562 SMKSEEACTORFLM 563-564 SMKSEEATHLET 565-566 COUPMAIL 567-568 ADMAIL 569-570 INFOMAIL 571-572 COUPEMAIL 573-574 ADEMAIL 575-576 INFOEMAIL 577-578 COUPINT 579-580 ADINT 581-582 COUPSOC 583-584 ADSOC 585-586 COUPSMS 587-588 ADSMS 589-590 INFOSMS 591-592 COUPTOBPROD 593-594 INFOOTH 595-596 COUPNONE 597-598 INFONONE 599-600 ANTIAD1 601-602 ANTIAD2 603-604 ANTIAD3 605-606 ANTIAD4 607-608 ANTIAD5 609-610 ANTIAD6 611-612 ANTIAD7 613-614 ANTIAD8 615-616 ANTIAD9 617-618 ANTIAD10 619-620 HPADVTOB 621-622 HPADVTOBNOSMK 623-624 DDSADVTOB 625-626 MDADVTOB 627-628 HPASKTOB 629-630 DDSWARNTOB 631-632 MDWARNTOB 633-634 FRNDTOBNUM 635-636 FRNDCIGNUM 637-638 FRNDSMKLSNUM 639-640 COHABCIG 641-642 COHABCGAR 643-644 COHABSMKLS 645-646 COHABSNUS 647-648 COHABECIG 649-650 COHABHOOK 651-652 COHABPIPE 653-654 COHABDISTOB 655-656 COHABBIDI 657-658 COHABNONE 659-660 COHABOTH 661-662 COHABKRET 663-664 SMKRULESHOM 665-666 SMKRULESDRIV 667-668 PARDISPTOB 669-670 PARTALKTOB 671-672 PARDANGER 673-674 PARDANGERUSE 675-676 SKIPSCHL 677-678 ABSNTSCHL 679-680 SMKHOM7 681-682 SMKDRIV7 683-684 SMKSCHL7 685-686 SMKWORK7 687-688 SMKPUB7 689-690 SMKROOM7 691-692 WKINC 693-694 WKINCJOB 695-696 WKINCALL 697-698 CURCIG 699-700 CIGCOOL 701-702 CIGSADDICT 703-704 CIGFRND 705-706 SAFELT2YRS 707-708 SMKALHOM 709-710 SMKALAUTO 711-712 BTTARGLT18 713-714 BTTARGTEEN 715-716 BTDENY 717-718 BTBLAMEYTH 719-720 BTMISLDYTH 721-722 BTUSEYTH 723-724 BTBEHAV 725-726 SMKOPIN1PK 727-728 SMKHARMGT1PK 729-730 PEERSCIG 731-732 SMKLONGHARM 733-734 SMKHARMDLY 735-736 SMKHARMSD 737-738 SMKHARM10D 739-740 SHSMKEFFECT 741-742 SHSMKEFFECTHARM 743-744 NOSMKIND 745-746 SMKLSHARMDLY 747-748 SMKLSHARMSD 749-750 SMKLSHARM 751-752 PEERTOB 753-754 SMKLSFRND 755-756 SMKLSADD 757-758 SMKLSHARMLS2 759-760 FLAVCGARHARMLS1 761-762 CGARADD 763-764 CGARHARM 765-766 CGARHARMSD 767-768 CGARHARMLS1 769-770 CGARCOOL 771-772 CGARFRND 773-774 CURCGAR 775-776 ECIGHARMSD 777-778 ECIGHARM 779-780 ECIGHARMLS1 781-782 ECIGHARMLS2 783-784 ECIGADD 785-786 ECIGFRND 787-788 HOOKHARMLS1 789-790 PIPEHARMLS1 791-792 DKHARMLS1 793-794 NONEHARMLS1 795-796 BIDIHARMLS1 797-798 DISVHARM 799-800 DISVHARMLS2 801-802 KRETHARMLS1 803-804 DKHARMLS2 805-806 NONEHARMLS2 807-808 TOBINCL 809-810 TOBDANGER 811-812 QTSRSLY 813-815 QTWANT 816-817 QTTHINKY 818-819 QTINTEND 820-821 QTEVNUM 822-823 QTYNUM 824-825 QTLASTDUR 826-827 QTPOSSB 828-829 QTPOSSBYN 830-831 QTPOSSBYNSMK 832-833 QTCAUGHT 834-835 NOSMKNEED 836-837 QTFAIL 838-839 QTTOBTHINK 840-841 QTTOBYNUM 842-843 QTPROG 844-845 QTHELPNAY 846-847 QTHELPNAEV 848-849 QTHELPNOQT 850-851 QTHELPSCHL 852-853 QTHELPCOM 854-855 QTHELPLINE 856-857 QTHELPNIC 858-859 QTHELPMED 860-861 QTHELPINT 862-863 QTHELPFAMFRN 864-865 QTHELPOTH 866-867 QTHELPOWN 868-869 QTHELPNONE 870-871 CIGSID 872-873 TOBBUYEAS 874-875 ANTISCHLNO 876-877 ANTISCHLWHYSMK 878-879 ANTISCHLWHYNOT 880-881 ANTISCHLMAJ 882-883 ANTISCHLDANG 884-885 ANTISCHLAPP 886-887 ANTISCHLOKNO 888-889 ANTITOBYNG 890-891 ANTITOBMTG 892-893 ANTITOBYTH 894-895 ANTITOBGRP 896-897 ANTITOBCOM 898-899 ANTITOBHFAIR 900-901 SMKLSLAB 902-903 SMKLSLABRSK 904-905 CIGLAB 906-907 CIGLABRISK 908-909 SMOKILL 910-911 SMOKPROHIB 912-913 TOBCRAV30 914-915 TOBCRAVHRS 916-917 TOBCRAV 918-919 TOBTHNK30 920-921 WAKETOB 922-923 WAKETOBWK 924-925 WAKETOBWKND 926-927 NOCIGIRRIT 928-929 NOTOBIRRIT 930-931 . end file type. variable labels RECTYPE "Record type" YEAR "Year of survey" SERIAL "Sequential serial number" STRATAORIG "Strata, original values with string characters (for variance estimation)" STRATANUM "Numerical strata for variance estimation" PSSTRATA "Psuedo strata" PSUORIG "Primary sampling unit, original values" PSUNUM "Numerical primary sampling unit for variance estimation" PSPSU "Psuedo primary sampling unit" SCHLID "School identifier" STUDID "Student identifier" SAMPSRC "Sample source" PERWT "Fully adjusted analysis weight" DRAWWT "Drawn sample weight" PANWT "Panel sample weight" MONTH "Month of survey" DAY "Day of survey" ADMINWHO "Who administered survey" ADMINWHEN "When survey was administered" AGE "Age" SEX "Sex" RACEAIAN "Selected American Indian-Alaskan Native as race" RACEASIAN "Selected Asian as race" RACEBLK "Selected black or African American as race" RACENHPI "Selected Native Hawaiin Pacific Islander as race" RACEWHT "Selected white as race" RACESING "Single race" RACESINGR "CDC/NYTS Recode: Single race" RACEMR "CDC/NYTS Recode: race/ethnicity with multiple race category" RACENUM "CDC/NYTS Recode: number of races reported" HISPYN "Hispanic ethnicity, dichotomous" HISPMEX "Hispanic ethnicity: Mexican, Mexican American, Chicano" HISPPUER "Hispanic ethnicity: Puerto Rican" HISPCUB "Hispanic ethnicity: Cuban or Cuban American" HISPOTH "Hispanic ethnicity: Other" GRADE "Grade" CIGEV "Ever tried smoking, even 1 or 2 puffs" SMKDAILY "Ever smoked daily" SMOKLASTY "How much smoking this time last year" GETCIG "How usually gets cigarettes" CIGSPAY "Cost of last pack of cigarettes purchased" SMOKPUFLAST "Last time smoked a cigarette" CIGSLIFE "Number cigarettes smoked in entire life" CIGDAYMO "Number of days smoked cigarettes, past 30 days" CIGSDAY "Number of cigarettes smoked on days when smoked, past 30 days" CIGTYPE "What type of cigarettes usually smoked" CIGMENTH "Usually smoked menthol cigarettes" NOCIGAGE "Ever not sold cigarettes because of age, past 30 days" LOCCIG "Where acquires cigarettes" CIGBRAND "Which brand smoked" CIGBRAMSPIR "Favorite brand: American Spirit brand" CIGBRCAM "Favorite brand: Camel" CIGBRDGPC "Favorite brand: GPC, Basic, or Doral brands" CIGBRKOOL "Favorite brand: Kool brand" CIGBRMARL "Favorite brand: Marlboro brand" CIGBRNEWP "Favorite brand: Newport brand" CIGBROTH "Favorite brand: some other brand" CIGBRNOFAV "Favorite brand: Has no favorite brand" CIGBRDK "Favorite brand: Missing favorite brand" CIGEVR "CDC/NYTS Recode: Ever tried a cigarette, even 1 or 2 puffs" CIGNOWR "CDC/NYTS Recode: smoked cigarettes 1 or more days in past 30 days" SMKSCHL "Smoked on school property, past 30 days" SMKSCHLDAYMO "Number of days smoked on school property, past 30 days" CIGTRYY "Think will try a cigarette anytime during next year" CIGTRYSOON "Think will try a cigarette soon" CIGTRYSOONLIK "Think will try a cigarette soon" CIGTRY5Y "Think will be smoking in 5 years" CIGTRYBF "Would try a cigarette if offered by best friend" SMOKAGFIRST "Age when first smoked a cigarette" CIGBUYMO "Likely to purchase cigarettes in next 30 days" WHERSMKNO "Where smoke: don't smoke" WHERSMKHOM "Where smoke: at home" WHERSMKSCHL "Where smoke: at school" WHERSMKJOB "Where smoke: at work" WHERSMKAUTO "Where smoke: in vehicle" WHERSMKFRND "Where smoke: at friends' houses" WHERSMKSOC "Where smoke: social events" WHERSMKPUB "Where smoke: public buildings" WHERSMKOUT "Where smoke: outdoors" FLAVCIGMO "Used flavored cigarettes past 30 days" FLAVSMKLSMO "Used flavored smokeless tobacco past 30 days" FLAVECIGMO "Used flavored electronic cigarette past 30 days" FLAVHOOKMO "Used flavored hookah/water pipe past 30 days" FLAVPIPEMO "Used flavored tobacco pipe past 30 days" FLAVSNUSMO "Used flavored snus past 30 days" FLAVDISTOBMO "Used flavored dissolvable tobacco past 30 days" FLAVNOMO "Used no flavored tobacco product past 30 days" FLAVCIGNOW "Currently use flavored cigarettes (1 or more of past 30 days)" FLAVCGARNOW "Currently use flavored little cigars (1 or more of past 30 days)" FLAVCIGEV "Ever tried: flavored cigarette" FLAVCGAREV "Ever tried: flavored little cigars" HRDFLAVCGAR "Ever heard: flavored little cigars" HRDFLAVCIG "Ever heard: flavored cigarette" HRDECIG "Ever heard: electronic cigarette" ECIGEV "Ever tried electronic cigarettes" ECIGEVR "CDC/NYTS Recode: Ever tried electronic cigarettes" ECIGTRYSOON "Think will try electronic cigarettes soon" ECIGTRYBF "Would try electronic cigarette if offered by best friend" ECIGAGFIRST "Age when used an electronic cigarette for the first time" ECIGDAYMO "Number of days used electronic cigarettes, past 30 days" CURECIG "Curious about trying electronic cigarettes" ECIGNOW "Currently use electronic cigarette (1 or more of past 30 days)" ECIGNOWR "CDC/NYTS Recode: Currently use electronic cigarette (1 or more of past 30 days)" SMKLSEV "Ever used chewing tobacco, snuff, or dip" SMKLSEVR "CDC/NYTS Recode: Ever used chewing tobacco, snuff, or dip" SMKLSNOWR "CDC/NYTS Recode: used chewing tobacco, snuff, or dip on 1 or more days in past 3" SMKLSAGFIRST "Age when first used chewing tobacco, snuff, or dip" SMOKWHENFIRST "When first smoked a cigarette" SMKLSDAYMO "Number of days used chewing tobacco, snuff or dip, past 30 days" SMKLSSCHL "Has anyone (including self) used a non-smoke tobacco product on school property " SMKLSSCHLDAYMO "Number of days used smokeless tobacco on school property, past 30 days" CURSMKLS "Curious about trying smokeless tobacco" GETSMKLS "How usually gets smokeless tobacco" DISTOBEV "Ever tried: dissolvable tobacco product" DISTOBEVR "CDC/NYTS Recode: Ever tried: dissolvable tobacco product" HRDDISTOB "Ever heard: dissolvable tobacco product" DISTOBNOW "Currently use dissolvable tobacco (1 or more of past 30 days)" DISTOBNOWR "CDC/NYTS Recode: Currently use dissolvable tobacco (1 or more of past 30 days)" SNUSEV "Ever tried: snus" SNUSEVR "CDC/NYTS Recode: Ever tried: snus" SNUSNOWR "CDC/NYTS Recode: Recode: used snus on 1 or more days in past 30 days" HRDSNUS "Ever heard: snus" SNUSNOW "Currently use snus (1 or more of past 30 days)" SNUSHARMLS2 "Believe less harmful than smoking cigarettes: Snus, List 2" HRDROLCIG "Ever heard: roll-your-own cigarette" ROLCIGEV "Ever tried: roll-your-own cigarettes" ROLCIGNOW "Currently use roll-your-own cigarettes (1 or more of past 30 days)" HOOKEV "Ever tried: Hookah/water pipe" HOOKEVR "CDC/NYTS Recode: Ever tried: Hookah/water pipe" HRDHOOK "Ever heard: hookah/water pipe" HOOKNOW "Currently use hookah or water pipe (1 or more of past 30 days)" HOOKNOWR "CDC/NYTS Recode: Currently use hookah or water pipe (1 or more of past 30 days)" CGAREV "Ever tried smoking cigars, even 1 or 2 puffs" CGAREVR "CDC/NYTS Recode: Ever tried smoking cigars, even 1 or 2 puffs" CGARNOWR "CDC/NYTS Recode: smoked cigars on 1 or more days in past 30 days" CGARTRYSOON "Think will try cigars soon" CGARTRYBF "Would try cigar if offered by best friend" CGARAGFIRST "Age when first smoked a cigar" CGARDAYMO "Number of days smoked cigars, past 30 days" CGARSCHL "Number of days smoked cigars on school property, past 30 days" CGARSDAY "Number of cigars smoked on days when smoked, past 30 days" GETCGAR "How usually gets cigars" BIDIEV "Ever tried: bidis" BIDIEVR "CDC/NYTS Recode: Ever tried: bidis" HRDBIDI "Ever heard: bidi" BIDINOW "Currently use bidis (1 or more of past 30 days)" BIDINOWR "CDC/NYTS Recode: Currently use bidis (1 or more of past 30 days)" BIDIDAYMO "Number of days used bidis, past 30 days" KRETEV "Ever tried: clove cigars (kreteks)" KRETEVR "CDC/NYTS Recode: Ever tried: clove cigars (kreteks)" HRDKRET "Ever heard: clove cigars (kreteks)" KRETNOW "Currently use kreteks (1 or more of past 30 days)" KRETNOWR "NYTS Recode: Currently use kreteks (1 or more of past 30 days)" KRETDAYMO "Number of days used kreteks, past 30 days" PIPEV "Ever tried: smoking tobacco in a pipe, even 1 or 2 puffs" PIPEVR "CDC/NYTS Recode: Ever tried: smoking tobacco in a pipe, even 1 or 2 puffs" PIPENOW "Currently use tobacco pipe (1 or more of past 30 days)" PIPENOWR "CDC/NYTS Recode: Currently use tobacco pipe (1 or more of past 30 days)" PIPEDAYMO "Number of days used pipe, past 30 days" ECLIPSEEV "Ever tried: Eclipse cigarettes" OMNIEV "Ever tried: Omni" ADVLIGHTEV "Ever tried: Advance Lights" ACCORDEV "Ever tried: Accord" ARIVAEV "Ever tried: Ariva" NONEEV "Ever tried: None of the listed tobacco products" NOTOBNOW "Currently use no tobacco products" NONEPRODEV "Ever tried: None of the listed tobacco products (generic tobacco products)" FIRSTTOB "First tobacco product tried" TOBTRYY "Think will use tobacco anytime during next 12 months" TOBTRYSOON "Think will try tobacco soon" TOBTRYBF "Would try any tobaccoproduct if offered by one of best friends" TOBFLAV "Any tobacco products used flavored, past 30 days" ANYFLAVEV "IPUMS recode: responded yes to any question about ever trying flavored tobacco" ANYFLAVNOW "IPUMS recode: responded yes to any question about trying flavored tobacco, past" NOTOBAGE "Ever not sold tobacco products because of age, past 30 days" GETTOBNO "Acquires tobacco by: does not acquire tobacco" GETTOBSELF "Acquires tobacco by: buying it for self" GETTOBOBUY "Acquires tobacco by: having someone else purchase it" GETTOBBUM "Acquires tobacco by: bumming or borrowing" GETTOBOFF "Acquires tobacco by: offered tobacco by someone else" GETTOBBUYPER "Acquires tobacco by: buying from another person" GETTOBTK "Acquires tobacco by: took from person or store" GETTOBOTH "Acquires tobacco by: some other way not mentioned" LOCTOBNO "Where acquires tobacco: does not acquire tobacco" LOCTOBCONV "Where acquires tobacco: convenience store" LOCTOBGAS "Where acquires tobacco: gas station" LOCTOBGSCS "Where acquires tobacco: gas station or convenience store" LOCTOBGROC "Where acquires tobacco: grocery store" LOCTOBPHARM "Where acquires tobacco: pharmacy or drug store" LOCTOBVEND "Where acquires tobacco: vending machine" LOCTOBINT "Where acquires tobacco: the internet" LOCTOBMAIL "Where acquires tobacco: mail" LOCTOBOTH "Where acquires tobacco: some other place not listed" HRDOTH "Ever heard: some other new tobacco product" HRDNONE "Ever heard: never heard of any listed or other new tobacco product" OTHTOBEV "Ever tried: some other new tobacco product" OTHTOBNOW "Currently use some other tobacco product not listed (1 or more of past 30 days)" ECIGADINT "Frequency seeing electronic cigarette ads when using the internet" ECIGADPRINT "Frequency seeing electronic cigarette ads when reading newspaper/magazines" ECIGADSTOR "Frequency seeing electronic cigarette ads at stores" ECIGADMEDIA "Frequency seeing electronic cigarette ads on TV or at movies" SMKADFAV "Favorite cigarette ad" SMKADAMSPIR "Favorite cigarette ad: American Spirit" SMKADCAM "Favorite cigarette ad: Camel" SMKADGPC "Favorite cigarette ad: GPC, Basic, or Doral" SMKADKOOL "Favorite cigarette ad: Kool" SMKADLUCST "Favorite cigarette ad: Lucky Strike" SMKADMARL "Favorite cigarette ad: Marlboro" SMKADNEW "Favorite cigarette ad: Newport" SMKADPARL "Favorite cigarette ad: Parliament" SMKADVSLIM "Favorite cigarette ad: Virginia Slims" SMKADOTH "Favorite cigarette ad: other brand" SMKADNONE "Favorite cigarette ad: do not have a favorite ad" SMKADDK "Favorite cigarette ad: not sure" ANTIADTRUTH "Seen 'truth' anti-smoking commercial, past 30 days" ANTIADTHINK "Seen 'Think-Don't Smoke' commercial, past 30 days" TOBLOGOEV "Would wear or use something with tobacco logo or picture on it" TOBLOGOLIK "Likely to wear or use something with tobacco logo or picture on it" TOBLOGOOWN "Bought or received anything with tobacco logo or picture on it, past 12 months" ANTIADPRINT "Frequency saw anti-smoking message in newspaper/magazine, past 30 days" ANTIADTV "Frequency saw or heard anti-smoking message on TV, past 30 days" ANTIADRAD "Frequency saw or heard anti-smoking message on radio, past 30 days" ANTIADTVRAD "Frequency saw or heard anti-smoking message on TV or radio, past 30 days" ANTIADNEWSMED "Frequency saw anti-smoking news stories or programs on TV, past 30 days" SMKADINT "Frequency seeing ads for cigarettes/tobacco when using the internet" SMKADPRINT "Frequency seeing ads for cigarettes/tobacco when reading newspaper/magazines" SMKADSTOR "Frequency seeing ads for cigarettes/tobacco when at stores" SMKADBILL "Frequency seeing ads for cigarettes/tobacco on billboards, past 30 days" SMKSEEACTOR "Frequency seeing actors use tobacco on TV or at movies" SMKSEEACTORTV "Frequency seeing actors smoke on TV" SMKSEEACTORFLM "Frequency seeing actors smoke in movies" SMKSEEATHLET "Frequency seeing athletes use tobacco on TV" ADMAIL "Received ads, past 30 days: in the mail" COUPMAIL "Received coupons, past 30 days: in the mail" INFOMAIL "Received information, past 30 days: in the mail" COUPEMAIL "Received coupons, past 30 days: email" ADEMAIL "Received ads, past 30 days: email" INFOEMAIL "Received information past 30 days: email" COUPINT "Received coupons, past 30 days: internet" ADINT "Received ads, past 30 days: internet" COUPSOC "Received coupons, past 30 days: social networks" ADSOC "Received ads, past 30 days, social media (Facebook and Myspace)" COUPSMS "Received coupons, past 30 days: text message" ADSMS "Received ads, past 30 days: text message" INFOSMS "Received information, past 30 days: text message" COUPTOBPROD "Received coupons, past 30 days: on tobacco product" INFOOTH "Received information, past 30 days: some other way" COUPNONE "Received coupons, past 30 days: did not receive coupons from tobacco company" INFONONE "Received information, past 30 days: did not receive info from tobacco company" ANTIAD1 "Seen anti-tobacco ad: Legs lost to amputation" ANTIAD2 "Seen anti-tobacco ad: Fingers and toes lost to amputation" ANTIAD3 "Seen anti-tobacco ad: Scar from heart-attack" ANTIAD4 "Seen anti-tobacco ad: Wig and teeth" ANTIAD5 "Seen anti-tobacco ad: Son caring for mother" ANTIAD6 "Seen anti-tobacco ad: Mom gives son inhaler" ANTIAD7 "Seen anti-tobacco ad: Covering hole in neck" ANTIAD8 "Seen anti-tobacco ad: Child with chicken pox" ANTIAD9 "Seen anti-tobacco ad: Don't know" ANTIAD10 "Seen anti-tobacco ad: None" HPADVTOB "Health care professional advised against tobacco use, past 12 months" HPADVTOBNOSMK "Health care professional advised against smoking with 'never smoke' response" DDSADVTOB "Dentist or someone in dentist's office advised against tobacco, past 12 months" MDADVTOB "Doctor or someone in doctor's office advised against tobacco, past 12 months" HPASKTOB "Health care professional asked about tobacco use, past 12 months" DDSWARNTOB "Dentist or someone in dentist's office warned about dangers of tobacco use, past" MDWARNTOB "Doctor or someone in doctor's office warned about dangers of tobacco use, past 1" FRNDTOBNUM "Number of closest friends who use any tobacco" FRNDCIGNUM "Number of closest friends who smoke cigarettes" FRNDSMKLSNUM "Number of closest friends who use chewing tobacco" COHABCIG "Currently live with anyone who smokes cigarettes" COHABCGAR "Currently live with anyone who smokes cigars" COHABSMKLS "Currently live with anyone who uses smokeless tobacco" COHABSNUS "Currently live with anyone who uses snus" COHABECIG "Currently live with anyone who uses electronic cigarettes" COHABHOOK "Currently live with anyone who smokes hookah or a waterpipe" COHABPIPE "Currently live with anyone who smokes a tobacco pipe" COHABDISTOB "Currently live with anyone who uses dissolvable tobacco" COHABBIDI "Currently live with anyone who smokes bidis" COHABNONE "No one where currently live uses any form of tobacco" COHABOTH "Currently live with anyone who uses some other form of tobacco" COHABKRET "Currently live with anyone who smokes kreteks" SMKRULESHOM "Rules about smoking inside of home" SMKRULESDRIV "Rules about smoking in vehicles" PARDISPTOB "Parents disapprove of using tobacco" PARTALKTOB "Parents talk about not using any type of tobacco" PARDANGER "Parents discussed dangers of using tobacco" PARDANGERUSE "Either parents (or guardians) discussed the dangers of tobacco" SKIPSCHL "How many days missed at least 1 class period without permission, past 30 days" ABSNTSCHL "How many days missed school, with or without permission, past 30 days" SMKHOM7 "Was in home while someone smoked tobacco product, past 7 days" SMKDRIV7 "Rode in vehicle with someone who smoked tobacco product, past 7 days" SMKSCHL7 "Breathed smoke from tobacco product in school, past 7 days" SMKWORK7 "Breathed smoke from tobacco product at work, past 7 days" SMKPUB7 "Breathed smoke from tobacco product in public place, past 7 days" SMKROOM7 "Was in same room as someone who was smoking cigarettes, past 7 days" WKINC "Weekly income from all sources (job and allowance)" WKINCJOB "Weekly income from job" WKINCALL "Weekly income from non-job sources (e.g., allowance)" CURCIG "Curious about cigarettes" CIGCOOL "Think smoking cigarettes makes young people look cool" CIGSADDICT "Can people get addicted to cigarettes" CIGFRND "Think young people who smoke cigarettes have more friends" SAFELT2YRS "Thinks safe to smoke if quit within 2 years" SMKALHOM "Opinion about smoking inside home" SMKALAUTO "Opinion about smoking inside vehicle" BTTARGLT18 "Believe tobacco companies target persons younger than 18" BTTARGTEEN "Believe tobacco companies target teens to replace dead smokers" BTDENY "Believe cigarette companies deny cigarettes cause cancer/harmful diseases" BTBLAMEYTH "Believe cigarette companies get too much blame for young people smoking" BTMISLDYTH "Believe tobacco companies have tried to mislead young people more than other com" BTUSEYTH "Believe young people would never smoke of new tobacco companies 'using' them" BTBEHAV "Believe cigarette companies behave worse than other companies" SMKOPIN1PK "Disapprove of people smoking 1 or more packs of cigarettes a day" SMKHARMGT1PK "Think people harm themselves if smoking 1 or more packs of cigarettes a day" PEERSCIG "How many students out of 10 in same grade think smoke cigarettes" SMKLONGHARM "Time a person can smoke before it harms her/him" SMKHARMDLY "How much a person harms self by smoking cigarettes daily" SMKHARMSD "How much a person harms self by smoking cigarettes some days" SMKHARM10D "How much a person harms self by smoking 10 or more cigarettes a day" SHSMKEFFECT "Think the smoke from other people's cigarettes is harmful" SHSMKEFFECTHARM "How harmful is smoke from other people's cigarettes" NOSMKIND "Think NOT smoking is a way to express independence" SMKLSHARMDLY "How much person harms self by using smokeless tobacco daily" SMKLSHARMSD "How much a person harms self by using smokeless tobacco some days" SMKLSHARM "Harm of smokeless tobacco compared to cigarettes (list 2 in 2013)" PEERTOB "How many students out of 10 in same grade think use tobacco products other than" SMKLSFRND "Think young people who use smokeless tobacco have more friends" SMKLSADD "Addictiveness of smokeless tobacco compared to cigarettes" SMKLSHARMLS2 "Believe less harmful than smoking cigarettes: Smokeless tobacco, List 2" FLAVCGARHARMLS1 "Believe less harmful than smoking cigarettes: Flavored Little Cigars/Cigarillos," CGARADD "Addictiveness of cigars compared to cigarettes" CGARHARM "Harm of cigars compared to cigarettes" CGARHARMSD "How much a person harms self by smoking cigars daily" CGARHARMLS1 "Believe less harmful than smoking cigarettes: Cigars/Little Cigars/Cigarillos, L" CGARCOOL "Think smoking cigars makes young people look cool" CGARFRND "Think young people who smoke cigars have more friends" CURCGAR "Curious about cigars, cigarillos, or little cigars" ECIGHARMSD "How much a person harms self by using electronic cigarettes daily" ECIGHARM "Harm of electronic cigarettes compared to cigarettes" ECIGHARMLS1 "Believe less harmful than smoking cigarettes: E-Cigarettes, List 1" ECIGHARMLS2 "Believe less harmful than smoking cigarettes: E-Cigarettes, List 2" ECIGADD "Addictiveness of electronic cigarettes compared to cigarettes" ECIGFRND "Think young people who use electronic cigarettes have more friends" HOOKHARMLS1 "Believe less harmful than smoking cigarettes: Hookah, List 1" PIPEHARMLS1 "Believe less harmful than smoking cigarettes: Pipe (not Hookah), List 1" DKHARMLS1 "Don't know harm of any tobacco items on List 1 compared to cigarettes" NONEHARMLS1 "Don't believe any products on List 1 less harmful than cigarettes" BIDIHARMLS1 "Believe less harmful than smoking cigarettes: Bidis, List 1" DISVHARM "Harm of dissolvable tobacco compared to cigarettes" DISVHARMLS2 "Believe less harmful than smoking cigarettes: Dissolvable Tobacco, List 2" KRETHARMLS1 "Believe less harmful than smoking cigarettes: Clove Cigarettes (Kreteks), List 1" DKHARMLS2 "Don't know harm of any items on List 2 compared to cigarettes" NONEHARMLS2 "Don't believe any products on List 2 less harmful than cigarettes" TOBINCL "Thought about harmful chemicals in tobacco products, past 30 days" TOBDANGER "Agree that 'All tobacco products are dangerous'" QTSRSLY "Seriously considering quitting smoking" QTWANT "Want to quit smoking" QTTHINKY "Thought about quitting smoking, past 12 months" QTINTEND "How soon plan to stop smoking cigarettes" QTEVNUM "Number of times ever tried to quit smoking" QTYNUM "Number of times tried to quit smoking, past year" QTLASTDUR "How long stayed of cigarettes, last quit attempt" QTPOSSB "Likelihood of success in possible cessation attempt" QTPOSSBYN "Possible to quit smoking even if wanted to" QTPOSSBYNSMK "Possible to quit smoking even if wanted to, non-smoker option" QTCAUGHT "Attended a stop smoking class because caught smoking, past 12 months" NOSMKNEED "How long can go without feeling like need a cigarette" QTFAIL "Ever tried to quit or cut down on cigarettes, but could not" QTTOBTHINK "Seriously thinking about quitting all tobacco" QTTOBYNUM "Number of times tried to quit all tobacco, past year" QTPROG "Ever attended a program to help quit using tobacco" QTHELPNAY "Quit assistance: haven't smoked in past 12 months" QTHELPNAEV "Quit assistance: have never smoked" QTHELPNOQT "Quit assistance: did not try to quit in past 12 months" QTHELPSCHL "Quit assistance: attended program at school, past 12 months" QTHELPCOM "Quit assistance: attended program in community, past 12 months" QTHELPLINE "Quit assistance: called helpline or quit line, past 12 months" QTHELPNIC "Quit assistance: used nicotine product (gum or patch), past 12 months" QTHELPMED "Quit assistance: used medicine, past 12 months" QTHELPINT "Quit assistance: visisted an internet quit site, past 12 months" QTHELPFAMFRN "Quit assistance: help from family or friends, past 12 months" QTHELPOTH "Quit assistance: tried to quit, but did something else, past 12 months" QTHELPOWN "Quit assistance: quit on own or 'cold turkey', past 12 months" QTHELPNONE "Quit assistance: tried to quit, but did not do any of these things, past 12 mont" CIGSID "Asked to show proof of age when purchasing cigarettes" TOBBUYEAS "How easy to buy tobacco" ANTISCHLNO "Practiced ways of saying no to tobacco in any of classes, this school year" ANTISCHLWHYSMK "Taught reasons why young people smoke, this school year" ANTISCHLWHYNOT "Taught why should not use tobacco, this school year" ANTISCHLMAJ "Taught most young people do not use tobacco, this school year" ANTISCHLDANG "Taught about dangers of tobacco use, this school year" ANTISCHLAPP "Taught about effects of smoking on appearance, this school year" ANTISCHLOKNO "What taught in school made feel ok about saying No to friends who offer cigaret" ANTITOBYNG "Involved in any activity to prevent other young people from using tobacco, past " ANTITOBMTG "Planned any anti-smoking events or meetings, past 12 months" ANTITOBYTH "Attended youth summit against smoking, past 12 months" ANTITOBGRP "Attended meeting of local anti-smoking youth group, past 12 months" ANTITOBCOM "Attended meeting with community officials to discuss tobacco, past 12 months" ANTITOBHFAIR "Attended health fair about smoking, past 12 months" SMKLSLAB "How often seen warning labels on smokeless tobacco products, past 30 days" TOBCRAV30 "Strong craving for tobacco product, past 30 days" TOBCRAVHRS "Experiences craving without smoking for a few hours" TOBCRAV "Has strong cravings" TOBTHNK30 "Difficult concentrating because of desire to use tobacco product, past 30 days" WAKETOB "How soon after waking up think about using a tobacco product" WAKETOBWK "How soon after waking up smokes first cigarette, weekdays" WAKETOBWKND "How soon after waking up smokes first cigarette, weekends" NOCIGIRRIT "Feel restless or irritable after not smoking for a while" NOTOBIRRIT "Feel restless or irritable after not smoking for a while" . value labels /YEAR 1999 "1999" 2000 "2000" 2002 "2002" 2004 "2004" 2006 "2006" 2009 "2009" 2011 "2011" 2012 "2012" 2013 "2013" 2014 "2014" /PSSTRATA 100 "BWest1D" 101 "BWest2D" 102 "BWest2P" 103 "BWest3D" 104 "BWest3P" 105 "BWest4D" 106 "BWest4P" 107 "BWest5D" 108 "BWest5P" 109 "Mwest1D" 110 "Mwest1P" 111 "Mwest2D" 112 "Mwest2P" 113 "Mwest3D" 114 "Mwest4D" 115 "Mwest4P" 116 "Mwest5D" 117 "Mwest5P" 118 "Neast1D" 119 "Neast2D" 120 "Neast2P" 121 "Neast3D" 122 "Neast3P" 123 "Neast4D" 124 "Neast5D" 125 "Neast5P" 126 "South1D" 127 "South1P" 128 "South2D" 129 "South2P" 130 "South3D" 131 "South4D" 132 "South4P" 133 "South5D" 134 "South5P" /SAMPSRC 1 "Drawn sample" 2 "Panel sample" /MONTH 3 "March" 4 "April" 5 "May" 6 "June" 98 "Missing response" /DAY 0 "0" 1 "1" 2 "2" 3 "3" 4 "4" 5 "5" 6 "6" 7 "7" 8 "8" 9 "9" 10 "10" 11 "11" 12 "12" 13 "13" 14 "14" 15 "15" 16 "16" 17 "17" 18 "18" 19 "19" 20 "20" 21 "21" 22 "22" 23 "23" 24 "24" 25 "25" 26 "26" 27 "27" 28 "28" 29 "29" 30 "30" 31 "31" 98 "98" /ADMINWHO 1 "Teacher or other staff" 2 "Data collector" 98 "Missing response" /ADMINWHEN 1 "Original session" 2 "Make up session" 98 "Missing response" /AGE 9 "9" 10 "10" 11 "11" 12 "12" 13 "13" 14 "14" 15 "15" 16 "16" 17 "17" 18 "18" 19 "19 years (or older beginning in 2011)" 20 "20" 21 "21" 98 "Missing response" /SEX 1 "Female" 2 "Male" 98 "Missing response" /RACEAIAN 1 "No, this response option not selected" 2 "Yes" 99 "Inferred missing response" /RACEASIAN 1 "No, this response option not selected" 2 "Yes" 99 "Inferred missing response" /RACEBLK 1 "No, this response option not selected" 2 "Yes" 99 "Inferred missing response" /RACENHPI 1 "No, this response option not selected" 2 "Yes" 99 "Inferred missing response" /RACEWHT 1 "No, this response option not selected" 2 "Yes" 99 "Inferred missing response" /RACESING 1 "American Indian or Alaska Native" 2 "Asian" 3 "Black or African American" 4 "Hispanic or Latino" 5 "Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander" 6 "White" 98 "Missing response" /RACESINGR 1 "Non-Hispanic American Indian or Alaska Native" 2 "Non-Hispanic Asian" 3 "Non-Hispanic Black or African American" 4 "Hispanic or Latino" 5 "Non-Hispanic Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander" 6 "Non-Hispanice White" 98 "Missing response" /RACEMR 1 "Non-Hispanic White" 2 "Non-Hispanic Black" 3 "Hispanic" 4 "Non-Hispanic Asian" 5 "Non-Hispanic American Indian/Alaskan Native" 6 "Non-Hispanic Native Hawaiin or Other Pacific Islander" 7 "Multiple Races" 98 "Missing response" /RACENUM 0 "No race chosen" 1 "1 race chosen" 2 "2 races chosen" 3 "3 races chosen" 4 "4 races chosen" 5 "5 races chosen" 6 "6 races chosen" /HISPYN 10 "No" 11 "No, this response option not selected" 20 "Yes" 95 "Inconsistent combination of responses" 98 "Missing response" 99 "Inferred missing response (1999-2002)" /HISPMEX 10 "No, not Hispanic" 11 "No, not Mexican, Mexican American, or Chicano" 20 "Yes, Mexican, Mexican American, or Chicano" 21 "Yes, only Mexican, Mexican American, or Chicano" 22 "Yes, includes Mexican, Mexican American, or Chicano" 95 "Inconsistent combination, includes Mexican, Mexican American, or Chicano" 96 "Inconsistent combination, does NOT include Mexican, Mexican American, or Chicano" 98 "Missing response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /HISPPUER 10 "No, not Hispanic" 11 "No, not Puerto Rican" 20 "Yes, Puerto Rican" 21 "Yes, Puerto Rican only" 22 "Yes, includes Puerto Rican" 95 "Inconsistent combination, includes Puerto Rican" 96 "Inconsistent combination, does NOT include Puerto Rican" 98 "Missing response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /HISPCUB 10 "No, not Hispanic" 11 "No, not Cuban" 20 "Yes, Cuban" 21 "Yes, only Cuban" 22 "Yes, includes Cuban" 95 "Inconsistent combination, includes Cuban" 96 "Inconsistent combination, does NOT include Cuban" 98 "Missing response" /HISPOTH 10 "No, not Hispanic" 11 "No, not 'other' Hispanic or Latino" 20 "Yes, 'other' Hispanic or Latino" 21 "Yes, 'other' Hispanic or Latino only" 22 "Yes, includes 'other' Hispanic or Latino" 95 "Inconsistent combination, includes 'other'" 96 "Inconsistent combination, does NOT include 'other'" 98 "Missing response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /GRADE 6 "6th" 7 "7th" 8 "8th" 9 "9th" 10 "10th" 11 "11th" 12 "12th" 91 "Ungraded or other grade" 98 "Missing response" /CIGEV 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 97 "Inconsistent" 98 "Missing response" /SMKDAILY 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing response" /SMOKLASTY 1 "Never smoked cigarettes" 2 "Has smoked but not at this time last year" 3 "Smoked some days at this time last year" 4 "Smoked most days at this time last year" 5 "Smoked every day at this time last year" 98 "Missing response" /GETCIG 1 "Did not smoke this product in past 30 days" 2 "Bought them myself from a store" 3 "Bought them myself from a vending machine" 4 "Had someone else buy them" 5 "Borrowed them" 6 "Stole them" 7 "From a person 18 or older" 8 "Some other way" 98 "Missing response" /CIGSPAY 1 "Did not smoke in last 30 days" 2 "Did not buy pack of cigarettes in last 30 days" 3 "Less than $1.00" 4 "$1.00 to $1.49" 5 "$1.50 to $1.99" 6 "$2.00 to $2.49" 7 "$2.50 to $2.99" 8 "$3.00 to $3.49" 9 "$3.50 to $3.99" 10 "$4.00 to $4.49" 11 "$4.50 to $4.99" 12 "$5.00 or higher" 91 "Don't know" 98 "Missing response" /SMOKPUFLAST 1 "Never smoked cigarettes" 2 "Earlier today" 3 "Not today but in past 7 days" 4 "Not in past 7 days but in past 30 days" 5 "Not in past 30 days but in past 6 months" 6 "Not in past 6 months but in past year" 7 "1-4 years ago" 8 "5 or more years ago" 97 "Inconsistent response" 98 "Missing response" /CIGSLIFE 1 "None" 2 "1 or more puffs but never a whole cigarette" 3 "1 cigarette" 4 "2-5 cigarettes" 5 "6-15 (about 1/2 pack total)" 6 "16-25 (about 1 pack)" 7 "26-99 (between 1 and 5 packs)" 8 "100 or more (5 or more packs)" 97 "Inconsistent response" 98 "Missing response" /CIGDAYMO 0 "0 days" 1 "1-2 days" 2 "3-5 days" 3 "6-9 days" 4 "10-19 days" 5 "20-29 days" 6 "All 30 days" 97 "Inconsistent response" 98 "Missing response" /CIGSDAY 1 "I didn't smoke cigarettes in past 30 days" 2 "Less than 1 cigarettes per day" 3 "1 cigarettes per day" 4 "2-5 cigarettes per day" 5 "6-10 cigarettes per day" 6 "11-20 cigarettes per day" 7 "More than 20 cigarettes per day" 97 "Inconsistent response" 98 "Missing response" /CIGTYPE 10 "Haven't smoked, past 30 days" 11 "Never smoked" 12 "Have smoked, but not in past 30 days" 20 "No usual type" 30 "Regular/Full flavor" 40 "Light" 50 "Ultra light" 98 "Missing response" /CIGMENTH 10 "Does not smoke" 11 "Did not smoke in past 30 days" 20 "No usual brand" 30 "Yes, menthol brand" 40 "No, not menthol brand" 91 "Not sure" 98 "Missing response" /NOCIGAGE 0 "Did not try to buy cigarettes in store" 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing response" /LOCCIG 0 "Did not buy cigarettes in past 30 days" 1 "A gas station" 2 "A convenience store" 3 "A grocery store" 4 "A drugstore" 5 "A vending machine" 6 "The internet" 7 "Other" 98 "Missing response" /CIGBRAND 0 "Did not smoke in past 30 days" 10 "Camel" 20 "Marlboro" 30 "Newport" 40 "Virginia Slims" 50 "GPC, Basic or Doral" 60 "Some other brand" 61 "Kool" 62 "Lucky Strike" 63 "American Spirit" 64 "Parliament" 65 "Some other brand, not elsewhere specified" 70 "No usual brand" 91 "Not sure" 98 "Missing response" /CIGBRAMSPIR 1 "No, response not selected" 2 "Yes, response selected" 97 "Inconsistent response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /CIGBRCAM 1 "No, response not selected" 2 "Yes, response selected" 97 "Inconsistent response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /CIGBRDGPC 1 "No, response not selected" 2 "Yes, response selected" 97 "Inconsistent response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /CIGBRKOOL 1 "No, response not selected" 2 "Yes, response selected" 97 "Inconsistent response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /CIGBRMARL 1 "No, response not selected" 2 "Yes, response selected" 97 "Inconsistent response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /CIGBRNEWP 1 "No, response not selected" 2 "Yes, response selected" 97 "Inconsistent response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /CIGBROTH 1 "No, response not selected" 2 "Yes, response selected" 97 "Inconsistent response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /CIGBRNOFAV 1 "No, response not selected" 2 "Yes, response selected" 97 "Inconsistent response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /CIGBRDK 1 "No, response not selected" 2 "Yes, response selected" 97 "Inconsistent response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /CIGEVR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing response" /CIGNOWR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing response" /SMKSCHL 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing response" /SMKSCHLDAYMO 1 "0 days" 2 "1 or 2 days" 3 "3-5 days" 4 "6-9 days" 5 "10-19 days" 6 "20-29 days" 7 "All 30 days" 98 "Missing response" /CIGTRYY 1 "Definitely yes" 2 "Probably yes" 3 "Probably not" 4 "Definitely not" 98 "Missing response" /CIGTRYSOON 0 "Already tried cigarettes" 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing response" /CIGTRYSOONLIK 1 "Definitely yes" 2 "Probably yes" 3 "Probably not" 4 "Definitely not" 98 "Missing response" /CIGTRY5Y 1 "Definitely will" 2 "Probably will" 3 "Probably will not" 4 "Definitely will not" 98 "Missing response" /CIGTRYBF 1 "Definitely yes" 2 "Probably yes" 3 "Probably no" 4 "Definitely no" 98 "Missing response" /SMOKAGFIRST 0 "Never smoked cigarettes" 8 "8 or younger" 9 "9 (9 or 10 in 1999)" 10 "10" 11 "11 (11 or 12 in 1999)" 12 "12" 13 "13 (13 or 14 in 1999)" 14 "14" 15 "15 (15 or 16 in 1999)" 16 "16" 17 "17 (and older 2000-2009)" 18 "18" 19 "19 and older" 97 "Inconsistent response" 98 "Missing response" /SMOKWHENFIRST 1 "Never smoked a whole cigarette" 2 "More than one year ago" 3 "About a year ago" 4 "Less than a year ago but more than a month" 5 "Within past month" 98 "Missing response." /CIGBUYMO 1 "I do not smoke cigarettes" 2 "Very likely" 3 "Somewhat likely" 5 "Somewhat unlikely" 98 "Missing response" /WHERSMKNO 1 "No, this response option not selected" 2 "Yes" 99 "Inferred missing response" /WHERSMKHOM 1 "No, this response option not selected" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /WHERSMKSCHL 1 "No, this response option not selected" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /WHERSMKJOB 1 "No, this response option not selected" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /WHERSMKAUTO 1 "No, this response option not selected" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /WHERSMKFRND 1 "No, this response option not selected" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /WHERSMKSOC 1 "No, this response option not selected" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /WHERSMKPUB 1 "No, this response option not selected" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /WHERSMKOUT 1 "No, this response option not selected" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /FLAVCIGMO 1 "No, this response option not selected" 2 "Yes" 97 "Inconsistent response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /FLAVSMKLSMO 1 "No, this response option not selected" 2 "Yes" 97 "Inconsistent response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /FLAVECIGMO 1 "No, this response option not selected" 2 "Yes" 97 "Inconsistent response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /FLAVHOOKMO 1 "No, this response option not selected" 2 "Yes" 97 "Inconsistent response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /FLAVPIPEMO 1 "No, this response option not selected" 2 "Yes" 97 "Inconsistent response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /FLAVSNUSMO 1 "No, this response option not selected" 2 "Yes" 97 "Inconsistent response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /FLAVDISTOBMO 1 "No, this response option not selected" 2 "Yes" 97 "Inconsistent response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /FLAVNOMO 1 "No, this response option not selected" 2 "Yes" 97 "Inconsistent response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /FLAVCIGNOW 1 "No, this response option not selected" 2 "Yes" 97 "Inconsistent response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /FLAVCGARNOW 1 "No, this response option not selected" 2 "Yes" 97 "Inconsistent response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /FLAVCIGEV 1 "No, this response option not selected" 2 "Yes" 97 "Inconsistent response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /FLAVCGAREV 1 "No, this response option not selected" 2 "Yes" 97 "Inconsistent response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /HRDFLAVCGAR 1 "No, this response not selected" 2 "Yes" 97 "Inconsistent response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /HRDFLAVCIG 1 "No, this response option not selected" 2 "Yes" 97 "Inconsistent response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /HRDECIG 1 "No, this response option not selected" 2 "Yes" 97 "Inconsistent response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /ECIGEV 10 "No, direct response" 11 "No, this response option not selected" 20 "Yes" 97 "Inconsistent response" 98 "Missing response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /ECIGEVR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing response" /ECIGTRYSOON 1 "Definitely yes" 2 "Probably yes" 3 "Probably not" 4 "Definitely not" 98 "Missing response" /ECIGTRYBF 1 "Definitely yes" 2 "Probably yes" 3 "Probably not" 4 "Definitely not" 98 "Missing response" /ECIGAGFIRST 0 "I have never used electronic cigarettes or or e-cigarettes" 8 "8 or younger" 9 "9" 10 "10" 11 "11" 12 "12" 13 "13" 14 "14" 15 "15" 16 "16" 17 "17" 18 "18" 19 "19 years or older" 97 "Inconsistent response" 98 "Missing response" /ECIGDAYMO 0 "0 days" 1 "1-2 days" 2 "3-5 days" 3 "6-9 days" 4 "10-19 days" 5 "20-29 days" 6 "All 30 days" 97 "Inconsistent response" 98 "Missing response" /CURECIG 1 "Definitely yes" 2 "Probably yes" 3 "Probably not" 4 "Definitely not" 98 "Missing response" /ECIGNOW 10 "No" 11 "No, this response option not selected" 20 "Yes" 97 "Inconsistent response" 98 "Missing response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /ECIGNOWR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing response" /SMKLSEV 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 97 "Inconsistent response" 98 "Missing response" /SMKLSEVR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing response" /SMKLSNOWR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing response" /SMKLSAGFIRST 0 "I have never used chewing tobacco, snuff or dip" 8 "8 years old or younger" 9 "9 (and/or 10 in 1999)" 10 "10" 11 "11 (and/or 12 in 1999)" 12 "12" 13 "13 (and/or 14 in 1999)" 14 "14" 15 "15 (and/or 16 in 1999)" 16 "16" 17 "17 (or older in 1999-2009)" 18 "18" 19 "19 or older" 97 "Inconsistent response" 98 "Missing response" /SMKLSDAYMO 1 "0 days" 2 "1-2 days" 3 "3-5 days" 4 "6-9 days" 5 "10-19 days" 6 "20-29 days" 7 "All 30 days" 97 "Inconsistent response" 98 "Missing response" /SMKLSSCHLDAYMO 0 "0 days" 1 "1 or 2 days" 2 "3 to 5 days" 3 "6 to 9 days" 4 "10 to 19 days" 5 "20 to 29 days" 6 "All 30 days" 98 "Missing response" /SMKLSSCHL 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing response" /CURSMKLS 1 "Definitely yes" 2 "Probably yes" 3 "Probably not" 4 "Definitely not" 98 "Missing response" /GETSMKLS 1 "Did not use this product in past 30 days" 2 "Bought it myself from a store" 3 "Had someone else by it" 4 "Borrowed it" 5 "Stole it" 6 "From a person 18 or older" 7 "Some other way" 98 "Missing response" /DISTOBEV 1 "No, this response option not selected" 2 "Yes" 97 "Inconsistent response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /DISTOBEVR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing response" /HRDDISTOB 1 "No, this response option not selected" 2 "Yes" 97 "Inconsistent response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /DISTOBNOW 1 "No, this response option not selected" 2 "Yes" 97 "Inconsistent response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /DISTOBNOWR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing response" /SNUSEV 1 "No, this response option not selected" 2 "Yes" 97 "Inconsistent response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /SNUSEVR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing response" /SNUSNOWR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing response" /HRDSNUS 1 "No, this response option not selected" 2 "Yes" 97 "Inconsistent response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /SNUSNOW 1 "No, this response option not selected" 2 "Yes" 97 "Inconsistent response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /SNUSHARMLS2 1 "No, this response option not selected" 2 "Yes" 99 "Inferred missing response" /HRDROLCIG 1 "No, this response option not selected" 2 "Yes" 97 "Inconsistent response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /ROLCIGEV 1 "No, this response option not selected" 2 "Yes" 97 "Inconsistent response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /ROLCIGNOW 1 "No, this response option not selected" 2 "Yes" 97 "Inconsistent response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /HOOKEV 1 "No, this response option not selected" 2 "Yes" 97 "Inconsistent response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /HOOKEVR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing response" /HRDHOOK 1 "No, this response option not selected" 2 "Yes" 97 "Inconsistent response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /HOOKNOW 1 "No, this response option not selected" 2 "Yes" 97 "Inconsistent response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /HOOKNOWR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing response" /CGAREV 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 97 "Inconsistent response" 98 "Missing response" /CGAREVR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing response" /CGARNOWR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing response" /CGARTRYSOON 1 "Definitely yes" 2 "Probably yes" 3 "Probably not" 4 "Definitely not" 98 "Missing" /CGARTRYBF 1 "Definitely yes" 2 "Probably yes" 3 "Probably not" 4 "Definitely not" 98 "Missing response" /CGARAGFIRST 0 "Never smoked cigars, cigarillos, little cigars" 8 "8 or younger" 9 "9 (or 10 in 1999)" 10 "10" 11 "11 (or 12 in 1999)" 12 "12" 13 "13 (or 14 in 1999)" 14 "14" 15 "15 (or 16 in 1999)" 16 "16" 17 "17 (or older in 1999-2009)" 18 "18" 19 "19 or older" 97 "Insconsistent response" 98 "Missing response" /CGARDAYMO 0 "0 days" 1 "1 or 2 days" 2 "3-5 days" 3 "6-9 days" 4 "10-19 days" 5 "20-29 days" 6 "All 30 days" 97 "Inconsistent response" 98 "Missing response" /CGARSCHL 0 "0 days" 1 "1 or 2 days" 2 "3-5 days" 3 "6-9 days" 4 "10-19 days" 5 "20-29 days" 6 "All 30 days" 98 "Missing response" /CGARSDAY 0 "I did not smoke cigars, cigarillos, or little cigars during last 30 days" 1 "Less than 1 per day" 2 "1 per day" 3 "2-5 per day" 4 "6-10 per day" 5 "11-20 per day" 6 "More than 20 per day" 97 "Inconsistent response" 98 "Missing response" /GETCGAR 1 "Did not smoke this product in past 30 days" 2 "Bought them myself from a store" 3 "Had someone else by them" 4 "Borrowed them" 5 "Stole them" 6 "From a person 18 or older" 7 "Some other way" 98 "Missing response" /BIDIEV 10 "No, direct response" 11 "No, this response option not selected" 20 "Yes" 97 "Inconsistent response" 98 "Missing response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /BIDIEVR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing response" /HRDBIDI 1 "No, this response option not selected" 2 "Yes" 97 "Inconsistent response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /BIDINOW 10 "No, direct response" 11 "No, this response option not selected" 20 "Yes" 97 "Inconsistent" 98 "Missing response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /BIDINOWR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing response" /BIDIDAYMO 10 "Did not use bidi in past 30 days" 20 "1-2 days" 30 "3-9 days" 31 "3-5 days" 32 "6-9 days" 40 "10-19 days" 50 "20-29 days" 60 "All 30 days" 98 "Missing response" /KRETEV 10 "No, direct response" 11 "No, this response option not selected" 20 "Yes" 21 "Yes, clove cigars only (only available 2011)" 22 "Yes, kreteks and clove cigars (only available 2011)" 97 "Inconsistent" 98 "Missing response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /KRETEVR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing response" /HRDKRET 1 "No, this response option not selected" 2 "Yes" 97 "Inconsistent response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /KRETNOW 10 "No, direct response" 11 "No, this response option not selected" 20 "Yes" 21 "Yes, clove cigars only (only available 2011)" 22 "Yes, kreteks and clove cigars (only available 2011)" 97 "Inconsistent response" 98 "Missing response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /KRETNOWR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing response" /KRETDAYMO 10 "Did not use kretek in past 30 days" 20 "1-2 days" 30 "3-9 days" 31 "3-5 days" 32 "6-9 days" 40 "10-19 days" 50 "20-29 days" 60 "All 30 days" 98 "Missing/No response" /PIPEV 10 "No, direct response" 11 "No, this response option not selected" 20 "Yes" 97 "Inconsistent response" 98 "Missing response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /PIPEVR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing response" /PIPENOW 10 "No, direct response" 11 "No, this response option not selected" 20 "Yes" 97 "Inconsistent response" 98 "Missing response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /PIPENOWR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing response" /PIPEDAYMO 10 "Did not use tobacco pipe in past 30 days" 20 "1 or more days" 21 "1-2 days" 22 "3-5 days" 23 "6-9 days" 24 "10-19 days" 25 "20-29 days" 26 "All 30 days" 97 "Inconsistent" 98 "Missing response" /ECLIPSEEV 1 "No, this response option not selected" 2 "Yes" 99 "Inferred missing response" /OMNIEV 1 "No, this response option not selected" 2 "Yes" 99 "Inferred missing response" /ADVLIGHTEV 1 "No, this response not selected" 2 "Yes" 99 "Inferred missing response" /ACCORDEV 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 99 "Inferred missing response" /ARIVAEV 1 "No, this response option not selected" 2 "Yes" 99 "Inferred missing response" /NONEEV 1 "No, this response option not selected" 2 "Yes" 99 "Inferred missing response" /NOTOBNOW 1 "No, this response option not selected" 2 "Yes" 97 "Inconsistent response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /NONEPRODEV 1 "No, this response option not selected" 2 "Yes" 97 "Inconsistent response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /FIRSTTOB 0 "Never tried any tobacco products" 1 "Cigarettes" 2 "Cigars, cigarillos or little cigars" 3 "Chewing tobacco, snuff, or dip" 4 "Electronic cigarettes or e-cigarettes" 5 "Some other tobacco product" 6 "Not sure about the product tried first" 98 "Missing response" /TOBTRYY 1 "Definitely yes" 2 "Probably yes" 3 "Probably not" 4 "Definitely not" 98 "Missing response" /TOBTRYSOON 1 "Definitely yes" 2 "Probably yes" 3 "Probably not" 4 "Definitely not" 98 "Missing response" /TOBTRYBF 1 "Definitely yes" 2 "Probably yes" 3 "Probably no" 4 "Definitely no" 98 "Missing response" /TOBFLAV 0 "Have not used flavored tobacco in the past 30 days" 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing response" /ANYFLAVEV 1 "No, did not report any flavored tobacco use" 2 "Yes, has used flavored tobacco product" 97 "Inconsistent response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /ANYFLAVNOW 1 "No, did not report flavored tobacco use, past month" 2 "Yes, reported using flavored tobacco product, past month" 97 "Inconsistent response" 98 "Missing response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /NOTOBAGE 0 "Did not try to buy any tobacco products in store" 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing response" /GETTOBNO 10 "No, this response option not selected (did acquire tobacco)" 11 "No, this repsonse option not selected for any tobacco type" 20 "Only acquired certain tobacco products" 21 "Did not acquire cigarrettes" 22 "Did not acquire cigars" 23 "Did not acquire smokeless tobacco" 24 "Did not acquire cigarettes or cigars" 25 "Did not acquire cigarettes or smokeless tobacco" 26 "Did not acquire cigars or smokeless tobacco" 30 "Yes, did not aquire any tobacco products" 99 "Inferred missing response" /GETTOBSELF 10 "No, this response option not selected" 11 "No, this response option not selected for any tobacco type" 20 "Yes" 21 "Yes, cigarettes" 22 "Yes, cigars" 23 "Yes, smokeless tobacco" 24 "Yes, cigarettes and cigars" 25 "Yes, cigarettes and smokeless tobacco" 26 "Yes, cigars and smokeless tobacco" 27 "Yes, cigarettes, cigars, and smokeless tobacco" 99 "Inferred missing response" /GETTOBOBUY 10 "No, this response option not selected" 11 "No, this response option not selected for any tobacco type" 20 "Yes" 21 "Yes, cigarettes" 22 "Yes, cigars" 23 "Yes, smokeless tobacco" 24 "Yes, cigarettes and cigars" 25 "Yes, cigarettes and smokeless tobacco" 26 "Yes, cigars and smokeless tobacco" 27 "Yes, cigarettes, cigars, and smokeless tobacco" 99 "Inferred missing response" /GETTOBBUM 10 "No, this response option not selected" 11 "No, this response option not selected for any tobacco type" 20 "Yes" 21 "Yes, cigarettes" 22 "Yes, cigars" 23 "Yes, smokeless tobacco" 24 "Yes, cigarettes and cigars" 25 "Yes, cigarettes and smokeless tobacco" 26 "Yes, cigars and smokeless tobacco" 27 "Yes, cigarettes, cigars, and smokeless tobacco" 99 "Inferred missing response" /GETTOBOFF 10 "No, this response option not selected" 11 "No, this response option not selected for any tobacco type" 20 "Yes" 21 "Yes, cigarettes" 22 "Yes, cigars" 23 "Yes, smokeless tobacco" 24 "Yes, cigarettes and cigars" 25 "Yes, cigarettes and smokeless tobacco" 26 "Yes, cigars and smokeless tobacco" 27 "Yes, cigarettes, cigars, and smokeless tobacco" 99 "Inferred missing response" /GETTOBBUYPER 10 "No, this response option not selected" 11 "No, this response option not selected for any tobacco type" 20 "Yes" 21 "Yes, cigarettes" 22 "Yes, cigars" 23 "Yes, smokeless tobacco" 24 "Yes, cigarettes and cigars" 25 "Yes, cigarettes and smokeless tobacco" 26 "Yes, cigars and smokeless tobacco" 27 "Yes, cigarettes, cigars, and smokeless tobacco" 99 "Inferred missing response" /GETTOBTK 10 "No, this response option not selected" 11 "No, this response option not selected for any tobacco type" 20 "Yes" 21 "Yes, cigarettes" 22 "Yes, cigars" 23 "Yes, smokeless tobacco" 24 "Yes, cigarettes and cigars" 25 "Yes, cigarettes and smokeless tobacco" 26 "Yes, cigars and smokeless tobacco" 27 "Yes, cigarettes, cigars, and smokeless tobacco" 99 "Inferred missing response" /GETTOBOTH 10 "No, this response option not selected" 11 "No, this response option not selected for any tobacco type" 20 "Yes" 21 "Yes, cigarettes" 22 "Yes, cigars" 23 "Yes, smokeless tobacco" 24 "Yes, cigarettes and cigars" 25 "Yes, cigarettes and smokeless tobacco" 26 "Yes, cigars and smokeless tobacco" 27 "Yes, cigarettes, cigars, and smokeless tobacco" 99 "Inferred missing response" /LOCTOBNO 10 "No, this response option not selected (did acquire tobacco)" 11 "No, this repsonse option not selected for any tobacco type" 20 "Only acquired certain tobacco products" 21 "Did not acquire cigarrettes" 22 "Did not acquire cigars" 23 "Did not acquire smokeless tobacco" 24 "Did not acquire cigarettes or cigars" 25 "Did not acquire cigarettes or smokeless tobacco" 26 "Did not acquire cigars or smokeless tobacco" 30 "Yes, did not aquire any tobacco products" 99 "Inferred missing response" /LOCTOBCONV 10 "No, this response option not selected for any tobacco type" 20 "Yes" 21 "Yes, cigarettes" 22 "Yes, cigars" 23 "Yes, smokeless tobacco" 24 "Yes, cigarettes and cigars" 25 "Yes, cigarettes and smokeless tobacco" 26 "Yes, cigars and smokeless tobacco" 27 "Yes, cigarettes, cigars, and smokeless tobacco" 99 "Inferred missing response" /LOCTOBGAS 10 "No, this response option not selected for any tobacco type" 20 "Yes" 21 "Yes, cigarettes" 22 "Yes, cigars" 23 "Yes, smokeless tobacco" 24 "Yes, cigarettes and cigars" 25 "Yes, cigarettes and smokeless tobacco" 26 "Yes, cigars and smokeless tobacco" 27 "Yes, cigarettes, cigars, and smokeless tobacco" 99 "Inferred missing response" /LOCTOBGSCS 10 "No, this response option not selected" 11 "No, this response option not selected for any tobacco type" 20 "Yes" 21 "Yes, cigarettes" 22 "Yes, cigars" 23 "Yes, smokeless tobacco" 24 "Yes, cigarettes and cigars" 25 "Yes, cigarettes and smokeless tobacco" 26 "Yes, cigars and smokeless tobacco" 27 "Yes, cigarettes, cigars, and smokeless tobacco" /LOCTOBGROC 10 "No, this response option not selected" 11 "No, this response option not selected for any tobacco type" 20 "Yes" 21 "Yes, cigarettes" 22 "Yes, cigars" 23 "Yes, smokeless tobacco" 24 "Yes, cigarettes and cigars" 25 "Yes, cigarettes and smokeless tobacco" 26 "Yes, cigars and smokeless tobacco" 27 "Yes, cigarettes, cigars, and smokeless tobacco" 99 "Inferred missing response" /LOCTOBPHARM 10 "No, this response option not selected" 11 "No, this response option not selected for any tobacco type" 20 "Yes" 21 "Yes, cigarettes" 22 "Yes, cigars" 23 "Yes, smokeless tobacco" 24 "Yes, cigarettes and cigars" 25 "Yes, cigarettes and smokeless tobacco" 26 "Yes, cigars and smokeless tobacco" 27 "Yes, cigarettes, cigars, and smokeless tobacco" 99 "Inferred missing response" /LOCTOBVEND 10 "No, this response option not selected" 11 "No, this response option not selected for any tobacco type" 20 "Yes" 21 "Yes, cigarettes" 22 "Yes, cigars" 23 "Yes, smokeless tobacco" 24 "Yes, cigarettes and cigars" 25 "Yes, cigarettes and smokeless tobacco" 26 "Yes, cigars and smokeless tobacco" 27 "Yes, cigarettes, cigars, and smokeless tobacco" 99 "Inferred missing response" /LOCTOBINT 10 "No, this response option not selected" 11 "No, this response option not selected for any tobacco type" 20 "Yes" 21 "Yes, cigarettes" 22 "Yes, cigars" 23 "Yes, smokeless tobacco" 24 "Yes, cigarettes and cigars" 25 "Yes, cigarettes and smokeless tobacco" 26 "Yes, cigars and smokeless tobacco" 27 "Yes, cigarettes, cigars, and smokeless tobacco" 99 "Inferred missing response" /LOCTOBMAIL 10 "No, this response option not selected" 11 "No, this response option not selected for any tobacco type" 20 "Yes" 21 "Yes, cigarettes" 22 "Yes, cigars" 23 "Yes, smokeless tobacco" 24 "Yes, cigarettes and cigars" 25 "Yes, cigarettes and smokeless tobacco" 26 "Yes, cigars and smokeless tobacco" 27 "Yes, cigarettes, cigars, and smokeless tobacco" 99 "Inferred missing response" /LOCTOBOTH 10 "No, this response option not selected" 11 "No, this response option not selected for any tobacco type" 20 "Yes" 21 "Yes, cigarettes" 22 "Yes, cigars" 23 "Yes, smokeless tobacco" 24 "Yes, cigarettes and cigars" 25 "Yes, cigarettes and smokeless tobacco" 26 "Yes, cigars and smokeless tobacco" 27 "Yes, cigarettes, cigars, and smokeless tobacco" 99 "Inferred missing response" /HRDOTH 1 "No, this response option not selected" 2 "Yes" 97 "Inconsistent response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /HRDNONE 1 "No, this response option not selected" 2 "Yes" 97 "Inconsistent response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /OTHTOBEV 1 "No, this response option not selected" 2 "Yes" 97 "Inconsistent response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /OTHTOBNOW 1 "No, this response option not selected" 2 "Yes" 97 "Inconsistent response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /ECIGADINT 1 "Never" 2 "Rarely" 3 "Sometimes" 4 "Most of the time" 5 "Always" 6 "Does not use internet" 98 "Missing response" /ECIGADPRINT 1 "Never" 2 "Rarely" 3 "Sometimes" 4 "Most of the time" 5 "Always" 6 "Does not read newspapers" 98 "Missing response" /ECIGADSTOR 1 "Never" 2 "Rarely" 3 "Sometimes" 4 "Most of the time" 5 "Always" 6 "Never goes to a convenience store, supermarket, or gas station" 98 "Missing response" /ECIGADMEDIA 1 "Never" 2 "Rarely" 3 "Sometimes" 4 "Most of the time" 5 "Always" 6 "Does not watch TV or go to movies" 98 "Missing response" /SMKADFAV 1 "American Spirit" 2 "Camel" 3 "GPC, Basic, or Doral" 4 "Kool" 5 "Marlboro" 6 "Newport" 7 "Some other brand not listed here" 8 "Don't have a favorite cigarette ad" 91 "Not sure" 98 "Missing response" /SMKADAMSPIR 1 "No, response not selected" 2 "Yes, response selected" 99 "Inferred missing response" /SMKADCAM 1 "No, response not selected" 2 "Yes, response selected" 99 "Inferred missing response" /SMKADGPC 1 "No, response not selected" 2 "Yes, response selected" 99 "Inferred missing response" /SMKADKOOL 1 "No, response not selected" 2 "Yes, response selected" 99 "Inferred missing response" /SMKADLUCST 1 "No, response not selected" 2 "Yes, response selected" 99 "Inferred missing response" /SMKADMARL 1 "No, response not selected" 2 "Yes, response selected" 99 "Inferred missing response" /SMKADNEW 1 "No, response not selected" 2 "Yes, response selected" 99 "Inferred missing response" /SMKADPARL 1 "No, response not selected" 2 "Yes, response selected" 99 "Inferred missing response" /SMKADVSLIM 1 "No, response not selected" 2 "Yes, response selected" 99 "Inferred missing response" /SMKADOTH 1 "No, response not selected" 2 "Yes, response selected" 99 "Inferred missing response" /SMKADNONE 1 "No, response not selected" 2 "Yes, response selected" 99 "Inferred missing response" /SMKADDK 1 "No, response not selected" 2 "Yes, response selected" 99 "Inferred missing response" /ANTIADTRUTH 1 "Never" 2 "Hardly ever" 3 "Some of the time" 4 "Most of the time" 5 "All of the time" 6 "Does not watch television" 98 "Missing response" /ANTIADTHINK 1 "Never" 2 "Hardly ever" 3 "Some of the time" 4 "Most of the time" 5 "All of time" 6 "Does not watch TV" 98 "Missing response" /TOBLOGOEV 1 "Definitely yes" 2 "Probably yes" 3 "Probably not" 4 "Definitely not" 98 "Missing response" /TOBLOGOLIK 1 "Very likely" 2 "Somewhat likely" 3 "Somewhat unlikely" 4 "Very unlikely" 98 "Missing response" /TOBLOGOOWN 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing response" /ANTIADPRINT 1 "None/not in the past 30 days" 2 "1-3 times in the past 30 days" 3 "1-3 times per week" 4 "Daily or almost daily" 5 "More than once a day" 6 "I did not read magazines or newspapers" 98 "Missing Response" /ANTIADTV 1 "None/not in past 30 days" 2 "1-3 times in past 30 days" 3 "1-3 times per week" 4 "Daily or almost daily" 5 "More than once a day" 6 "Did not watch TV" 98 "Missing response" /ANTIADRAD 1 "Not in the past 30 days" 2 "1-3 times in the past 30 days" 3 "1-3 times per week" 4 "Daily or almost daily" 5 "More than once a day" 6 "Did not listen to radio in past 30 days" 98 "Missing response" /ANTIADTVRAD 1 "None" 2 "1-3 times in past 30 days" 3 "1-3 times per week" 4 "Daily or almost daily" 5 "More than once a day" 98 "Missing response" /ANTIADNEWSMED 1 "None" 2 "1-3 times in the past 30 days" 3 "1-3 times per week" 4 "Daily or almost daily" 5 "More than once a day" 98 "Missing response" /SMKADINT 0 "Do not use the Internet" 1 "Never" 2 "Rarely" 3 "Sometimes" 4 "Most of the time" 5 "Always (available in 2002 and 2011-forward)" 98 "Missing response" /SMKADPRINT 0 "Do not read newspaper/magazines" 1 "Never" 2 "Rarely" 3 "Sometimes" 4 "Most of the time" 5 "Always (not available in 2000)" 98 "Missing response" /SMKADSTOR 0 "Never go to one of these stores" 1 "Never" 2 "Rarely" 3 "Sometimes" 4 "Most of the time" 5 "Always (available in 2002-forward)" 98 "Missing response" /SMKADBILL 0 "Did not see ad for cigarettes/tobacco products" 1 "Never" 2 "Rarely" 3 "Sometimes" 4 "Most of the time" 5 "Always" 98 "Missing response" /SMKSEEACTOR 0 "Don't watch TV or go to movies" 1 "Never" 2 "Rarely" 3 "Sometimes" 4 "Most of the time" 5 "Always (available in 2002 and 2011-forward)" 98 "Missing response" /SMKSEEACTORTV 0 "Doesn't watch TV" 1 "Never" 2 "Rarely" 3 "Sometimes" 4 "Most of the time" 98 "Missing response" /SMKSEEACTORFLM 0 "Doesn't watch movies" 1 "Never" 2 "Rarely" 3 "Sometimes" 4 "Most of the time" 98 "Missing response" /SMKSEEATHLET 0 "Does not watch TV or go to the movies" 1 "Never" 2 "Rarely" 3 "Sometimes" 4 "Most of the time" 5 "Always" 98 "Missing response" /ADMAIL 1 "No, this response option not selected" 2 "Yes" /COUPMAIL 1 "No, this response option not selected" 2 "Yes" 99 "Inferred missing response" /INFOMAIL 1 "No, this response option not selected" 2 "Yes" 99 "Inferred missing response" /COUPEMAIL 1 "No, this response option not selected" 2 "Yes" 99 "Inferred missing response" /ADEMAIL 1 "No, this response option not selected" 2 "Yes" /INFOEMAIL 1 "No, this response option not selected" 2 "Yes" 99 "Inferred missing response" /COUPINT 1 "No, this response option not selected" 2 "Yes" 99 "Inferred missing response" /ADINT 1 "No, this response option not selected" 2 "Yes" /COUPSOC 10 "No, no social media response option not selected" 20 "Social Networks" 21 "Facebook only" 22 "Myspace only" 23 "Facebook and Myspace" 99 "Inferred missing response" /ADSOC 10 "No, no social media response options selected" 20 "Yes" 21 "Facebook only" 22 "Myspace Only" 23 "Facebook and Myspace" /COUPSMS 1 "No, this response option not selected" 2 "Yes" 99 "Inferred missing response" /ADSMS 1 "No, this response option not selected" 2 "Yes" /INFOSMS 1 "No, this response option not selected" 2 "Yes" 99 "Inferred missing response" /COUPTOBPROD 1 "No, this response option not selected" 2 "Yes" 99 "Inferred missing response" /INFOOTH 1 "No, this response option not selected" 2 "Yes" 99 "Inferred missing response" /COUPNONE 1 "No, this response option not selected" 2 "Yes" 99 "Inferred missing response" /INFONONE 1 "No, this response option not selected" 2 "Yes" 99 "Inferred missing response" /ANTIAD1 1 "No, response not selected" 2 "Yes" 97 "Inconsistent response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /ANTIAD2 1 "No, response not selected" 2 "Yes" 97 "Inconsistent response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /ANTIAD3 1 "No, response not selected" 2 "Yes, response selected" 97 "Inconsistent response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /ANTIAD4 1 "No, response not selected" 2 "Yes" 97 "Inconsistent response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /ANTIAD5 1 "No, response not selected" 2 "Yes" 97 "Inconsistent response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /ANTIAD6 1 "No, response not selected" 2 "Yes" 97 "Inconsistent response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /ANTIAD7 1 "No, response not selected" 2 "Yes" 97 "Inconsistent response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /ANTIAD8 1 "No, response not selected" 2 "Yes" 97 "Inconsistent response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /ANTIAD9 1 "No, response not selected" 2 "Yes" 97 "Inconsistent response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /ANTIAD10 1 "No, response not selected" 2 "Yes" 97 "Inconsistent response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /HPADVTOB 10 "No" 11 "No, hasn't seen health care prof past 12 months" 20 "Yes" 98 "Missing response" /HPADVTOBNOSMK 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 91 "Don't know" 95 "Has never smoked" 98 "Missing response" /DDSADVTOB 10 "No" 11 "No, hasn't seen health care prof past 12 months" 20 "Yes" 98 "Missing response" /MDADVTOB 10 "No" 11 "No, hasn't seen health care prof past 12 months" 20 "Yes" 98 "Missing response" /HPASKTOB 10 "No" 11 "No, hasn't seen health care prof past 12 months" 20 "Yes" 91 "Don't know" 98 "Missing response" /DDSWARNTOB 10 "No" 11 "No, hasn't seen health care prof past 12 months" 20 "Yes" 98 "Missing response" /MDWARNTOB 10 "No" 11 "No, hasn't seen health care prof past 12 months" 20 "Yes" 98 "Missing response" /FRNDTOBNUM 0 "None" 1 "1" 2 "2" 3 "3" 4 "4" 5 "5 or more" 91 "Not sure" 98 "Missing response" /FRNDCIGNUM 0 "0" 1 "1" 2 "2" 3 "3" 4 "4" 91 "Not sure" 98 "Missing response" /FRNDSMKLSNUM 0 "0" 1 "1" 2 "2" 3 "3" 4 "4" 91 "Not sure" 98 "Missing response" /COHABCIG 10 "No, direct response" 11 "No, this response option not selected" 20 "Yes" 97 "Inconsistent response" 98 "Missing response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /COHABCGAR 1 "No, response not selected" 2 "Yes, response selected" 97 "Inconsistent response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /COHABSMKLS 10 "No, direct response" 11 "No, this response option not selected" 20 "Yes" 97 "Inconsistent response" 98 "Missing response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /COHABSNUS 1 "No, response not selected" 2 "Yes, response selected" 97 "Inconsistent response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /COHABECIG 1 "No, response not selected" 2 "Yes, response selected" 97 "Inconsistent response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /COHABHOOK 1 "No, response not selected" 2 "Yes, response selected" 97 "Inconsistent response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /COHABPIPE 1 "No, response not selected" 2 "Yes, response selected" 97 "Inconsistent response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /COHABDISTOB 1 "No, response not selected" 2 "Yes, response selected" 97 "Inconsistent response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /COHABBIDI 1 "No, response not selected" 2 "Yes, response selected" 97 "Inconsistent response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /COHABNONE 1 "No, response not selected" 2 "Yes, response selected" 97 "Inconsistent response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /COHABOTH 1 "No, response not selected" 2 "Yes, response selected" 97 "Inconsistent response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /COHABKRET 1 "No, response not selected" 2 "Yes, response selected" 97 "Inconsistent response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /SMKRULESHOM 1 "Not allowed" 2 "Allowed some times or places" 3 "Allowed anywhere/always" 4 "No rules about smoking in home" 98 "Missing response" /SMKRULESDRIV 1 "Always allowed" 2 "Sometimes allowed" 3 "Never allowed" 98 "Missing response" /PARDISPTOB 1 "Don't use tobacco-parents would strongly disapprove" 2 "Don't use tobacco-parents would NOT strongly disapprove" 3 "Use tobacco-parents strongly disapproved" 4 "Use tobacco-parents did NOT strongly disapprove" 5 "Parents don't know use tobacco-would strongly disapprove" 6 "Parents don't know use tobacco-would NOT strong disapprove" 98 "Missing response" /PARTALKTOB 10 "No" 20 "Yes" 21 "Father (male guardian) only" 22 "Mother (female guardian) only" 23 "Both parents" 98 "Missing response" /PARDANGER 1 "Never" 2 "Rarely" 3 "Sometimes" 4 "Often" 5 "Very often" 98 "Missing response" /PARDANGERUSE 1 "Mother (female guardian) only" 2 "Father (male guardian) only" 3 "Both" 4 "Neither" 98 "Missing response" /SKIPSCHL 1 "0 days" 2 "1 day" 3 "2 to 5 days" 4 "6 to 10 days" 5 "11 or more days" 98 "Missing response" /ABSNTSCHL 0 "0 days" 1 "1 day" 2 "2-5 days" 3 "6-10 days" 4 "11 or more days" 98 "Missing response" /SMKHOM7 0 "0 days" 1 "1 day" 2 "2 days" 3 "3 days" 4 "4 days" 5 "5 days" 6 "6 days" 7 "7 days" 98 "Missing response" /SMKDRIV7 0 "0 days" 1 "1 day (1 or 2 days in 1999-2009)" 2 "2 days" 3 "3 days (3 or 4 days in 1999-2009)" 4 "4 days" 5 "5 days (5 or 6 days in 1999-2009)" 6 "6 days" 7 "7 days" 98 "Missing response" /SMKSCHL7 0 "0 days" 1 "1 day" 2 "2 days" 3 "3 days" 4 "4 days" 5 "5 days" 6 "6 days" 7 "7 days" 98 "Missing response" /SMKWORK7 1 "1 days" 2 "2 days" 3 "3 days" 4 "4 days" 5 "5 days" 6 "6 days" 7 "7 days" 10 "Did not breathe smoke at work" 11 "Breathed smoke zero days at work" 12 "Do not have a job" 13 "Did not work during past 7 days" 98 "Missing response" /SMKPUB7 0 "0 days" 1 "1 day" 2 "2 days" 3 "3 days" 4 "4 days" 5 "5 days" 6 "6 days" 7 "7 days" 98 "Missing response" /SMKROOM7 0 "0 days" 1 "1 or 2 days" 3 "3 or 4 days" 5 "5 or 6 days" 7 "7 days" 98 "Missing response" /WKINC 0 "None" 10 "Less than $1" 20 "$1-$5" 30 "$6-$10" 40 "$11-20" 50 "$21-$50" 51 "$21-$35" 52 "$36-$50" 60 "$50 or more" 61 "$51-$75" 62 "$51-$100" 63 "$76-$125" 64 "$101-$150" 65 "$151 or more" 66 "$126-$175" 67 "$175-$200" 68 "$200 or more" 98 "Missing response" /WKINCJOB 0 "None" 1 "Less than $1" 2 "$1-$5.99" 3 "$5-$10.99" 4 "$11-$20.99" 5 "$21-$35.99" 6 "$46-$50.99" 7 "$51-$75.99" 8 "$76-$125.99" 9 "$126-$175.99" 10 "$176 or more" 98 "Missing response" /WKINCALL 0 "None" 1 "Less than $1" 2 "$1-$5.99" 3 "$5-$10.99" 4 "$11-$20.99" 5 "$21-$35.99" 6 "$46-$50.99" 7 "$51-$75.99" 8 "$76-$125.99" 9 "$126.00 or more" 98 "Missing response" /CURCIG 1 "Definitely not" 2 "Probably not" 3 "Probably yes" 4 "Definitely yes" 98 "Missing/No response" /CIGCOOL 1 "Definitely yes" 2 "Probably yes" 3 "Probably not" 4 "Definitely not" 98 "Missing response" /CIGSADDICT 1 "Definitely yes" 2 "Probably yes" 3 "Probably not" 4 "Definitely not" 98 "Missing response" /CIGFRND 1 "Definitely yes" 2 "Probably yes" 3 "Probably not" 4 "Definitely not" 98 "Missing response" /SAFELT2YRS 1 "Definitely Yes" 2 "Probably Yes" 3 "Probably Not" 4 "Definitely Not" 98 "Missing response" /SMKALHOM 1 "Should always be allowed" 2 "Should be allowed at some times or in some places" 3 "Should never be allowed" 98 "Missing response" /SMKALAUTO 1 "Should always be allowed" 2 "Should sometimes be allowed" 3 "Should never be allowed" 98 "Missing response" /BTTARGLT18 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing response" /BTTARGTEEN 1 "Definitely yes" 2 "Probably yes" 3 "Probably not" 4 "Definitely not" 98 "Missing response" /BTDENY 1 "Definitely yes" 2 "Probably yes" 3 "Probably not" 4 "Definitely not" 98 "Missing response" /BTBLAMEYTH 1 "Definitely yes" 2 "Probably yes" 3 "Probably not" 4 "Definitely not" 98 "Missing response" /BTMISLDYTH 1 "Definitely yes" 2 "Probably yes" 3 "Probably not" 4 "Definitely not" 98 "Missing response" /BTUSEYTH 1 "Definitely yes" 2 "Probably yes" 3 "Probably not" 4 "Definitely not" 98 "Missing response" /BTBEHAV 1 "Definitely yes" 2 "Probably yes" 3 "Probably not" 4 "Definitely not" 98 "Missing response" /SMKOPIN1PK 1 "Definitely yes" 2 "Probably yes" 3 "Probably not" 4 "Definitely not" 98 "Missing response" /SMKHARMGT1PK 1 "Definitely yes" 2 "Probably yes" 3 "Probably not" 4 "Definitely not" 98 "Missing response" /PEERSCIG 0 "0" 1 "1" 2 "2" 3 "3" 4 "4" 5 "5" 6 "6" 7 "7" 8 "8" 9 "9" 10 "10" 98 "Missing response" /SMKLONGHARM 1 "Less than a year" 2 "1 year" 3 "5 years" 4 "10 years" 5 "20 years or more" 98 "Missing response" /SMKHARMDLY 1 "No harm" 2 "Little harm" 3 "Some harm" 4 "A lot of harm" 98 "Missing response" /SMKHARMSD 1 "No harm" 2 "Little harm" 3 "Some harm" 4 "A lot of harm" 98 "Missing response" /SMKHARM10D 1 "No harm" 2 "Little harm" 3 "Some harm" 4 "A lot of harm" 98 "Missing response" /SHSMKEFFECT 1 "Definitely yes" 2 "Probably yes" 3 "Probably not" 4 "Definitely not" 98 "Missing response" /SHSMKEFFECTHARM 1 "A lot of harm" 2 "Some harm" 3 "Little harm" 4 "No harm" 98 "Missing response" /NOSMKIND 1 "Definitely yes" 2 "Probably yes" 3 "Probably not" 4 "Definitely not" 98 "Missing response" /SMKLSHARMDLY 1 "No harm" 2 "Little harm" 3 "Some harm" 4 "A lot of harm" 98 "Missing response" /SMKLSHARMSD 1 "No harm" 2 "Little harm" 3 "Some harm" 4 "A lot of harm" 98 "Missing response" /SMKLSHARM 1 "Less harmful" 2 "Equally harmful" 3 "More harmful" 4 "Never heard of chewing tobacco, snuff, dip, or snus" 5 "Don't know enough about these products" 98 "Missing response" /PEERTOB 0 "0" 1 "1" 2 "2" 3 "3" 4 "4" 5 "5" 6 "6" 7 "7" 8 "8" 9 "9" 10 "10" 98 "Missing response" /SMKLSFRND 1 "Definitely yes" 2 "Probably yes" 3 "Probably not" 4 "Definitely not" 98 "Missing response" /SMKLSADD 1 "Less addictive" 2 "Equally addictive" 3 "More addictive" 4 "Never heard of chewing tobacco, snuff, dip, or snus" 5 "Don't know enough about these products" 98 "Missing response" /SMKLSHARMLS2 1 "No, this response not selected" 2 "Yes" 99 "Inferred missing response" /FLAVCGARHARMLS1 1 "No, this response not selected" 2 "Yes" 99 "Inferred missing response" /CGARADD 1 "Less addictive" 2 "Equally addictive" 3 "More addictive" 4 "Never heard of cigars, little cigars or cigarillos" 5 "Don't know enough about these products" 98 "Missing response" /CGARHARM 1 "Less harmful" 2 "Equally harmful" 3 "More harmful" 4 "I have never heard of cigars, little cigars or cigarillos" 5 "Don't know enough about these products" 98 "Missing response" /CGARHARMSD 1 "No harm" 2 "Little harm" 3 "Some harm" 4 "A lot of harm" 98 "Missing response" /CGARHARMLS1 1 "No, this response not selected" 2 "Yes" 99 "Inferred missing response" /CGARCOOL 1 "Definitely yes" 2 "Probably yes" 3 "Probably not" 4 "Definitely not" 98 "Missing response" /CGARFRND 1 "Definitely yes" 2 "Probably yes" 3 "Probably not" 4 "Definitely not" 98 "Missing response" /CURCGAR 1 "Definitely yes" 2 "Probably yes" 3 "Probably not" 4 "Definitely not" 98 "Missing response" /ECIGHARMSD 1 "No harm" 2 "Little harm" 3 "Some harm" 4 "A lot of harm" 98 "Missing response" /ECIGHARM 1 "Less harmful" 2 "Equally harmful" 3 "More harmful" 4 "I have never heard of e-cigarettes" 5 "Don't know enough about these products" 98 "Missing response" /ECIGHARMLS1 1 "No, this response not selected" 2 "Yes" 99 "Inferred missing response" /ECIGHARMLS2 1 "No, this response option not selected" 2 "Yes" 99 "Inferred missing response" /ECIGADD 1 "Less addictive" 2 "Equally addictive" 3 "More addictive" 4 "I have never heard of e-cigarettes" 5 "Don't know enough about these products" 98 "Missing response" /ECIGFRND 1 "Definitely yes" 2 "Probably yes" 3 "Probably not" 4 "Definitely not" 98 "Missing response" /HOOKHARMLS1 1 "No, this response option not selected" 2 "Yes" 99 "Inferred missing response" /PIPEHARMLS1 1 "No, this response option not selected" 2 "Yes" 99 "Inferred missing response" /DKHARMLS1 1 "No, this response option not selected" 2 "Yes" 99 "Inferred missing response" /NONEHARMLS1 1 "No, this response option not selected" 2 "Yes" 99 "Inferred missing response" /BIDIHARMLS1 1 "No, this response option not selected" 2 "Yes" 99 "Inferred missing response" /DISVHARM 1 "Less harmful" 2 "Equally harmful" 3 "More harmful" 4 "I have never heard of dissolvable tobacco products" 5 "Don't know enough about these products" 98 "Missing response" /DISVHARMLS2 1 "No, this response not selected" 2 "Yes" 99 "Inferred missing response" /KRETHARMLS1 1 "No, this response option not selected" 2 "Yes" 99 "Inferred missing response" /DKHARMLS2 1 "No, this response option not selected" 2 "Yes" 99 "Inferred missing response" /NONEHARMLS2 1 "No, this response option not selected" 2 "Yes" 99 "Inferred missing response" /TOBINCL 1 "Never" 2 "Rarely" 3 "Sometimes" 4 "Often" 5 "Very often" 98 "Missing response" /TOBDANGER 1 "Strongly agree" 2 "Agree" 3 "Disagree" 4 "Strongly disagree" 98 "Missing response" /QTSRSLY 10 "Does not smoke" 11 "Never smoked" 12 "Does not smoke now" 20 "No, not thinking of quitting" 30 "Yes" 31 "Yes, within the year" 32 "Yes, within the next 6 months" 33 "Yes, within the next 30 days" 34 "Yes, but not within the year" 35 "Yes, but not within the next 6 months" 91 "Not sure" 98 "Missing response" /QTWANT 0 "Does not smoke now" 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing Response" /QTTHINKY 0 "Did not smoke in past 12 months" 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing response" /QTINTEND 1 "Does not smoke now" 2 "7 days" 3 "30 days" 4 "6 months" 5 "1 year" 6 "No plan to quit within the next year" 98 "Missing responses" /QTEVNUM 0 "None" 1 "1 time" 2 "2 times" 3 "3 to 5 times" 4 "6 to 9 times" 5 "10 or more times" 98 "Missing response" /QTYNUM 10 "Did not smoke" 11 "Never smoked cigarettes" 12 "Did not smoke in past twelve months" 20 "No, did not try to quit smoking" 30 "Yes" 31 "Yes, 1 time" 32 "Yes, 2 times" 33 "Yes, 3-5 times" 34 "Yes, 6-9 times" 35 "Yes, 10 or more times" 98 "Missing response" /QTLASTDUR 10 "Never smoked cigarettes" 20 "Never tried to quit" 30 "Less than a day" 40 "1 to 7 days" 41 "1-2 days" 42 "3-7 days" 50 "More than 7 but less than 30 days" 60 "More than 30 but less than 6 months" 70 "More than 6 months but less than a year" 80 "One year or more" 98 "Missing response" /QTPOSSB 1 "Does not smoke cigarettes" 2 "Very likely" 3 "Somewhat likely" 4 "Somewhat unlikely" 5 "Very unlikely" 98 "Missing response" /QTPOSSBYN 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 97 "Don't know" 98 "Missing response" /QTPOSSBYNSMK 0 "Does not smoke cigarettes" 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing response" /QTCAUGHT 0 "Never smoked" 1 "Not smoked in the past 12 months" 2 "Yes, attended stop-smoking class" 3 "No, did not attend stop-smoking class" 98 "Missing response" /NOSMKNEED 0 "Never smoke cigarettes" 1 "Does not smoke now" 2 "Less than 1 hour" 3 "1-3 hours" 4 "More than 3 hours but less than one day" 5 "Whole day" 6 "Several days" 7 "A week or more" 98 "Missing response" /QTFAIL 1 "Never smoked cigarettes" 2 "Smokes, has NOT tried to stop or cut down" 3 "Yes, able to stop or cut down" 4 "Yes, NOT able to stop or cut down" 98 "Missing response" /QTTOBTHINK 0 "Does not use tobacco" 10 "No, not thinking about quitting" 20 "Yes" 21 "Yes, within the next 30 days" 22 "Yes, within the next 6 months" 23 "Yes, within the year" 24 "Yes, but not within the next year" 25 "Yes, but not within the next 6 months" 98 "Missing response" /QTTOBYNUM 1 "Did not use tobacco during past 12 months" 2 "Did not try to quit during past 12 months" 3 "1 time" 4 "2 times" 5 "3 to 5 times" 6 "6 to 9 times" 7 "10 or more times" 98 "Missing response" /QTPROG 1 "Never used tobacco" 2 "Use tobacco and never tried to quit" 3 "No" 4 "Yes, only in school" 5 "Yes, only in community" 6 "Yes, in both and school and community" 98 "Missing response" /QTHELPNAY 1 "No, this response option not selected" 2 "Yes" 97 "Inconsistent response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /QTHELPNAEV 1 "No, this response option not selected" 2 "Yes" 99 "Inferred missing response" /QTHELPNOQT 1 "No, this response option not selected" 2 "Yes" 97 "Inconsistent response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /QTHELPSCHL 10 "No, direct response" 11 "No, this response option not selected" 20 "Yes" 97 "Inconsistent response" 98 "Missing response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /QTHELPCOM 10 "No, direct response" 11 "No, this response option not selected" 20 "Yes" 97 "Inconsistent response" 98 "Missing response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /QTHELPLINE 10 "No, direct response" 11 "No, this response option not selected" 20 "Yes" 97 "Inconsistent response" 98 "Missing response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /QTHELPNIC 10 "No" 11 "No, nicotine product response option selected" 12 "No, direct response to nicotine gum question (2002 only)" 13 "No, direct response to nicotine patch question (2002 only)" 20 "Yes" 21 "Yes, gum only" 22 "Yes, patch only" 97 "Inconsistent response" 98 "Missing response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /QTHELPMED 10 "No, direct response" 11 "No, this response option not selected" 20 "Yes" 97 "Inconsistent response" 98 "Missing response" /QTHELPINT 10 "No, direct response" 11 "No, this response option not selected" 20 "Yes" 97 "Inconsistent response" 98 "Missing response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /QTHELPFAMFRN 1 "No, this response option not selected" 2 "Yes" 97 "Inconsistent response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /QTHELPOTH 1 "No, this response option not selected" 2 "Yes" 97 "Inconsistent response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /QTHELPOWN 1 "No, this response option not selected" 2 "Yes" 97 "Inconsistent response" 99 "Inferred missing response" /QTHELPNONE 1 "No, this response option not selected" 2 "Yes" 99 "Inferred missing response" /CIGSID 1 "Did not try to buy cigarettes in a store" 2 "Yes, asked to show proof of age" 3 "No, not asked to show proof of age" 98 "Missing response" /TOBBUYEAS 1 "Very easy" 2 "Somewhat easy" 3 "Not easy at all" 98 "Missing response" /ANTISCHLNO 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 91 "Not sure" 98 "Missing response" /ANTISCHLWHYSMK 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 91 "Not sure" 98 "Missing response" /ANTISCHLWHYNOT 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing response" /ANTISCHLMAJ 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 91 "Not sure" 98 "Missing response" /ANTISCHLDANG 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 91 "Not sure" 98 "Missing response" /ANTISCHLAPP 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 91 "Not sure" 98 "Missing response" /ANTISCHLOKNO 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 91 "Not sure" 98 "Missing response" /ANTITOBYNG 10 "No" 11 "Did not know about any activities" 20 "Yes" 98 "Missing response" /ANTITOBMTG 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing response" /ANTITOBYTH 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing response" /ANTITOBGRP 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing response" /ANTITOBCOM 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing response" /ANTITOBHFAIR 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing response" /SMKLSLAB 0 "None in past 30 days" 1 "Never" 2 "Rarely" 3 "Sometimes" 4 "Most of the time" 5 "Always" 98 "Missing response" /TOBCRAV30 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing response" /TOBCRAVHRS 10 "Does not smoke" 11 "Never smoked" 12 "Does not smoke now" 20 "Not at all true" 30 "Not very true" 40 "Fairly true" 50 "Very true" 98 "Missing response" /TOBCRAV 1 "Does not smoke now" 2 "Not at all true" 3 "Not very true" 4 "Fairly true" 5 "Very true" 98 "Missing response" /TOBTHNK30 1 "No" 2 "Yes" 98 "Missing response" /WAKETOB 1 "Does not use tobacco" 2 "Within 5 minutes" 3 "From 6 to 30 minutes" 4 "From more than 30 minutes to 1 hour" 5 "More than 1 hour but less than 24 hours" 6 "Rarely wants to use tobacco" 98 "Missing response" /WAKETOBWK 1 "Does not smoke now" 2 "Less than 15 minutes" 3 "15-30 minutes" 4 "More than 30 minutes but less than 1 hour" 5 "1-2 hours" 6 "More than 2 hours but less than half a day" 7 "More than half a day" 8 "I do not smoke on weekdays" 98 "Missing response" /WAKETOBWKND 1 "Does not smoke now" 2 "Less than 15 minutes" 3 "15-30 minutes" 4 "More than 30 minutes but less than 1 hour" 5 "1-2 hours" 6 "More than 2 hours but less than half a day" 7 "More than half a day" 8 "Does not smoke on weekends" 98 "Missing response" /NOCIGIRRIT 10 "Does not smoke cigarettes" 11 "Never smoked cigarettes" 12 "Does not smoke now" 20 "Not at all true" 30 "Not very true" 40 "Fairly true" 50 "Very true" 98 "Missing response" /NOTOBIRRIT 1 "Does not use tobacco" 2 "Not at all true" 3 "Sometimes true" 4 "Often true" 5 "Always true" 98 "Missing response" . execute.