libname IPUMS "C:\"; filename ASCIIDAT "C:\ipums-nyts.dat"; proc format cntlout = IPUMS.nytsall_integrated_f; value YEAR_f 1999 = "1999" 2000 = "2000" 2002 = "2002" 2004 = "2004" 2006 = "2006" 2009 = "2009" 2011 = "2011" 2012 = "2012" 2013 = "2013" 2014 = "2014" ; value PSSTRATA_f 100 = "BWest1D" 101 = "BWest2D" 102 = "BWest2P" 103 = "BWest3D" 104 = "BWest3P" 105 = "BWest4D" 106 = "BWest4P" 107 = "BWest5D" 108 = "BWest5P" 109 = "Mwest1D" 110 = "Mwest1P" 111 = "Mwest2D" 112 = "Mwest2P" 113 = "Mwest3D" 114 = "Mwest4D" 115 = "Mwest4P" 116 = "Mwest5D" 117 = "Mwest5P" 118 = "Neast1D" 119 = "Neast2D" 120 = "Neast2P" 121 = "Neast3D" 122 = "Neast3P" 123 = "Neast4D" 124 = "Neast5D" 125 = "Neast5P" 126 = "South1D" 127 = "South1P" 128 = "South2D" 129 = "South2P" 130 = "South3D" 131 = "South4D" 132 = "South4P" 133 = "South5D" 134 = "South5P" ; value SAMPSRC_f 1 = "Drawn sample" 2 = "Panel sample" ; value MONTH_f 3 = "March" 4 = "April" 5 = "May" 6 = "June" 98 = "Missing response" ; value DAY_f 0 = "0" 1 = "1" 2 = "2" 3 = "3" 4 = "4" 5 = "5" 6 = "6" 7 = "7" 8 = "8" 9 = "9" 10 = "10" 11 = "11" 12 = "12" 13 = "13" 14 = "14" 15 = "15" 16 = "16" 17 = "17" 18 = "18" 19 = "19" 20 = "20" 21 = "21" 22 = "22" 23 = "23" 24 = "24" 25 = "25" 26 = "26" 27 = "27" 28 = "28" 29 = "29" 30 = "30" 31 = "31" 98 = "98" ; value ADMINWHO_f 1 = "Teacher or other staff" 2 = "Data collector" 98 = "Missing response" ; value ADMINWHEN_f 1 = "Original session" 2 = "Make up session" 98 = "Missing response" ; value AGE_f 9 = "9" 10 = "10" 11 = "11" 12 = "12" 13 = "13" 14 = "14" 15 = "15" 16 = "16" 17 = "17" 18 = "18" 19 = "19 years (or older beginning in 2011)" 20 = "20" 21 = "21" 98 = "Missing response" ; value SEX_f 1 = "Female" 2 = "Male" 98 = "Missing response" ; value RACEAIAN_f 1 = "No, this response option not selected" 2 = "Yes" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value RACEASIAN_f 1 = "No, this response option not selected" 2 = "Yes" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value RACEBLK_f 1 = "No, this response option not selected" 2 = "Yes" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value RACENHPI_f 1 = "No, this response option not selected" 2 = "Yes" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value RACEWHT_f 1 = "No, this response option not selected" 2 = "Yes" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value RACESING_f 1 = "American Indian or Alaska Native" 2 = "Asian" 3 = "Black or African American" 4 = "Hispanic or Latino" 5 = "Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander" 6 = "White" 98 = "Missing response" ; value RACESINGR_f 1 = "Non-Hispanic American Indian or Alaska Native" 2 = "Non-Hispanic Asian" 3 = "Non-Hispanic Black or African American" 4 = "Hispanic or Latino" 5 = "Non-Hispanic Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander" 6 = "Non-Hispanice White" 98 = "Missing response" ; value RACEMR_f 1 = "Non-Hispanic White" 2 = "Non-Hispanic Black" 3 = "Hispanic" 4 = "Non-Hispanic Asian" 5 = "Non-Hispanic American Indian/Alaskan Native" 6 = "Non-Hispanic Native Hawaiin or Other Pacific Islander" 7 = "Multiple Races" 98 = "Missing response" ; value RACENUM_f 0 = "No race chosen" 1 = "1 race chosen" 2 = "2 races chosen" 3 = "3 races chosen" 4 = "4 races chosen" 5 = "5 races chosen" 6 = "6 races chosen" ; value HISPYN_f 10 = "No" 11 = "No, this response option not selected" 20 = "Yes" 95 = "Inconsistent combination of responses" 98 = "Missing response" 99 = "Inferred missing response (1999-2002)" ; value HISPMEX_f 10 = "No, not Hispanic" 11 = "No, not Mexican, Mexican American, or Chicano" 20 = "Yes, Mexican, Mexican American, or Chicano" 21 = "Yes, only Mexican, Mexican American, or Chicano" 22 = "Yes, includes Mexican, Mexican American, or Chicano" 95 = "Inconsistent combination, includes Mexican, Mexican American, or Chicano" 96 = "Inconsistent combination, does NOT include Mexican, Mexican American, or Chicano" 98 = "Missing response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value HISPPUER_f 10 = "No, not Hispanic" 11 = "No, not Puerto Rican" 20 = "Yes, Puerto Rican" 21 = "Yes, Puerto Rican only" 22 = "Yes, includes Puerto Rican" 95 = "Inconsistent combination, includes Puerto Rican" 96 = "Inconsistent combination, does NOT include Puerto Rican" 98 = "Missing response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value HISPCUB_f 10 = "No, not Hispanic" 11 = "No, not Cuban" 20 = "Yes, Cuban" 21 = "Yes, only Cuban" 22 = "Yes, includes Cuban" 95 = "Inconsistent combination, includes Cuban" 96 = "Inconsistent combination, does NOT include Cuban" 98 = "Missing response" ; value HISPOTH_f 10 = "No, not Hispanic" 11 = "No, not 'other' Hispanic or Latino" 20 = "Yes, 'other' Hispanic or Latino" 21 = "Yes, 'other' Hispanic or Latino only" 22 = "Yes, includes 'other' Hispanic or Latino" 95 = "Inconsistent combination, includes 'other'" 96 = "Inconsistent combination, does NOT include 'other'" 98 = "Missing response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value GRADE_f 6 = "6th" 7 = "7th" 8 = "8th" 9 = "9th" 10 = "10th" 11 = "11th" 12 = "12th" 91 = "Ungraded or other grade" 98 = "Missing response" ; value CIGEV_f 1 = "No" 2 = "Yes" 97 = "Inconsistent" 98 = "Missing response" ; value SMKDAILY_f 1 = "No" 2 = "Yes" 98 = "Missing response" ; value SMOKLASTY_f 1 = "Never smoked cigarettes" 2 = "Has smoked but not at this time last year" 3 = "Smoked some days at this time last year" 4 = "Smoked most days at this time last year" 5 = "Smoked every day at this time last year" 98 = "Missing response" ; value GETCIG_f 1 = "Did not smoke this product in past 30 days" 2 = "Bought them myself from a store" 3 = "Bought them myself from a vending machine" 4 = "Had someone else buy them" 5 = "Borrowed them" 6 = "Stole them" 7 = "From a person 18 or older" 8 = "Some other way" 98 = "Missing response" ; value CIGSPAY_f 1 = "Did not smoke in last 30 days" 2 = "Did not buy pack of cigarettes in last 30 days" 3 = "Less than $1.00" 4 = "$1.00 to $1.49" 5 = "$1.50 to $1.99" 6 = "$2.00 to $2.49" 7 = "$2.50 to $2.99" 8 = "$3.00 to $3.49" 9 = "$3.50 to $3.99" 10 = "$4.00 to $4.49" 11 = "$4.50 to $4.99" 12 = "$5.00 or higher" 91 = "Don't know" 98 = "Missing response" ; value SMOKPUFLAST_f 1 = "Never smoked cigarettes" 2 = "Earlier today" 3 = "Not today but in past 7 days" 4 = "Not in past 7 days but in past 30 days" 5 = "Not in past 30 days but in past 6 months" 6 = "Not in past 6 months but in past year" 7 = "1-4 years ago" 8 = "5 or more years ago" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 98 = "Missing response" ; value CIGSLIFE_f 1 = "None" 2 = "1 or more puffs but never a whole cigarette" 3 = "1 cigarette" 4 = "2-5 cigarettes" 5 = "6-15 (about 1/2 pack total)" 6 = "16-25 (about 1 pack)" 7 = "26-99 (between 1 and 5 packs)" 8 = "100 or more (5 or more packs)" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 98 = "Missing response" ; value CIGDAYMO_f 0 = "0 days" 1 = "1-2 days" 2 = "3-5 days" 3 = "6-9 days" 4 = "10-19 days" 5 = "20-29 days" 6 = "All 30 days" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 98 = "Missing response" ; value CIGSDAY_f 1 = "I didn't smoke cigarettes in past 30 days" 2 = "Less than 1 cigarettes per day" 3 = "1 cigarettes per day" 4 = "2-5 cigarettes per day" 5 = "6-10 cigarettes per day" 6 = "11-20 cigarettes per day" 7 = "More than 20 cigarettes per day" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 98 = "Missing response" ; value CIGTYPE_f 10 = "Haven't smoked, past 30 days" 11 = "Never smoked" 12 = "Have smoked, but not in past 30 days" 20 = "No usual type" 30 = "Regular/Full flavor" 40 = "Light" 50 = "Ultra light" 98 = "Missing response" ; value CIGMENTH_f 10 = "Does not smoke" 11 = "Did not smoke in past 30 days" 20 = "No usual brand" 30 = "Yes, menthol brand" 40 = "No, not menthol brand" 91 = "Not sure" 98 = "Missing response" ; value NOCIGAGE_f 0 = "Did not try to buy cigarettes in store" 1 = "No" 2 = "Yes" 98 = "Missing response" ; value LOCCIG_f 0 = "Did not buy cigarettes in past 30 days" 1 = "A gas station" 2 = "A convenience store" 3 = "A grocery store" 4 = "A drugstore" 5 = "A vending machine" 6 = "The internet" 7 = "Other" 98 = "Missing response" ; value CIGBRAND_f 0 = "Did not smoke in past 30 days" 10 = "Camel" 20 = "Marlboro" 30 = "Newport" 40 = "Virginia Slims" 50 = "GPC, Basic or Doral" 60 = "Some other brand" 61 = "Kool" 62 = "Lucky Strike" 63 = "American Spirit" 64 = "Parliament" 65 = "Some other brand, not elsewhere specified" 70 = "No usual brand" 91 = "Not sure" 98 = "Missing response" ; value CIGBRAMSPIR_f 1 = "No, response not selected" 2 = "Yes, response selected" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value CIGBRCAM_f 1 = "No, response not selected" 2 = "Yes, response selected" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value CIGBRDGPC_f 1 = "No, response not selected" 2 = "Yes, response selected" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value CIGBRKOOL_f 1 = "No, response not selected" 2 = "Yes, response selected" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value CIGBRMARL_f 1 = "No, response not selected" 2 = "Yes, response selected" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value CIGBRNEWP_f 1 = "No, response not selected" 2 = "Yes, response selected" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value CIGBROTH_f 1 = "No, response not selected" 2 = "Yes, response selected" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value CIGBRNOFAV_f 1 = "No, response not selected" 2 = "Yes, response selected" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value CIGBRDK_f 1 = "No, response not selected" 2 = "Yes, response selected" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value CIGEVR_f 1 = "No" 2 = "Yes" 98 = "Missing response" ; value CIGNOWR_f 1 = "No" 2 = "Yes" 98 = "Missing response" ; value SMKSCHL_f 1 = "No" 2 = "Yes" 98 = "Missing response" ; value SMKSCHLDAYMO_f 1 = "0 days" 2 = "1 or 2 days" 3 = "3-5 days" 4 = "6-9 days" 5 = "10-19 days" 6 = "20-29 days" 7 = "All 30 days" 98 = "Missing response" ; value CIGTRYY_f 1 = "Definitely yes" 2 = "Probably yes" 3 = "Probably not" 4 = "Definitely not" 98 = "Missing response" ; value CIGTRYSOON_f 0 = "Already tried cigarettes" 1 = "No" 2 = "Yes" 98 = "Missing response" ; value CIGTRYSOONLIK_f 1 = "Definitely yes" 2 = "Probably yes" 3 = "Probably not" 4 = "Definitely not" 98 = "Missing response" ; value CIGTRY5Y_f 1 = "Definitely will" 2 = "Probably will" 3 = "Probably will not" 4 = "Definitely will not" 98 = "Missing response" ; value CIGTRYBF_f 1 = "Definitely yes" 2 = "Probably yes" 3 = "Probably no" 4 = "Definitely no" 98 = "Missing response" ; value SMOKAGFIRST_f 0 = "Never smoked cigarettes" 8 = "8 or younger" 9 = "9 (9 or 10 in 1999)" 10 = "10" 11 = "11 (11 or 12 in 1999)" 12 = "12" 13 = "13 (13 or 14 in 1999)" 14 = "14" 15 = "15 (15 or 16 in 1999)" 16 = "16" 17 = "17 (and older 2000-2009)" 18 = "18" 19 = "19 and older" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 98 = "Missing response" ; value SMOKWHENFIRST_f 1 = "Never smoked a whole cigarette" 2 = "More than one year ago" 3 = "About a year ago" 4 = "Less than a year ago but more than a month" 5 = "Within past month" 98 = "Missing response." ; value CIGBUYMO_f 1 = "I do not smoke cigarettes" 2 = "Very likely" 3 = "Somewhat likely" 5 = "Somewhat unlikely" 98 = "Missing response" ; value WHERSMKNO_f 1 = "No, this response option not selected" 2 = "Yes" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value WHERSMKHOM_f 1 = "No, this response option not selected" 2 = "Yes" 98 = "Missing response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value WHERSMKSCHL_f 1 = "No, this response option not selected" 2 = "Yes" 98 = "Missing response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value WHERSMKJOB_f 1 = "No, this response option not selected" 2 = "Yes" 98 = "Missing response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value WHERSMKAUTO_f 1 = "No, this response option not selected" 2 = "Yes" 98 = "Missing response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value WHERSMKFRND_f 1 = "No, this response option not selected" 2 = "Yes" 98 = "Missing response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value WHERSMKSOC_f 1 = "No, this response option not selected" 2 = "Yes" 98 = "Missing response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value WHERSMKPUB_f 1 = "No, this response option not selected" 2 = "Yes" 98 = "Missing response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value WHERSMKOUT_f 1 = "No, this response option not selected" 2 = "Yes" 98 = "Missing response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value FLAVCIGMO_f 1 = "No, this response option not selected" 2 = "Yes" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value FLAVSMKLSMO_f 1 = "No, this response option not selected" 2 = "Yes" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value FLAVECIGMO_f 1 = "No, this response option not selected" 2 = "Yes" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value FLAVHOOKMO_f 1 = "No, this response option not selected" 2 = "Yes" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value FLAVPIPEMO_f 1 = "No, this response option not selected" 2 = "Yes" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value FLAVSNUSMO_f 1 = "No, this response option not selected" 2 = "Yes" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value FLAVDISTOBMO_f 1 = "No, this response option not selected" 2 = "Yes" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value FLAVNOMO_f 1 = "No, this response option not selected" 2 = "Yes" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value FLAVCIGNOW_f 1 = "No, this response option not selected" 2 = "Yes" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value FLAVCGARNOW_f 1 = "No, this response option not selected" 2 = "Yes" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value FLAVCIGEV_f 1 = "No, this response option not selected" 2 = "Yes" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value FLAVCGAREV_f 1 = "No, this response option not selected" 2 = "Yes" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value HRDFLAVCGAR_f 1 = "No, this response not selected" 2 = "Yes" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value HRDFLAVCIG_f 1 = "No, this response option not selected" 2 = "Yes" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value HRDECIG_f 1 = "No, this response option not selected" 2 = "Yes" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value ECIGEV_f 10 = "No, direct response" 11 = "No, this response option not selected" 20 = "Yes" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 98 = "Missing response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value ECIGEVR_f 1 = "No" 2 = "Yes" 98 = "Missing response" ; value ECIGTRYSOON_f 1 = "Definitely yes" 2 = "Probably yes" 3 = "Probably not" 4 = "Definitely not" 98 = "Missing response" ; value ECIGTRYBF_f 1 = "Definitely yes" 2 = "Probably yes" 3 = "Probably not" 4 = "Definitely not" 98 = "Missing response" ; value ECIGAGFIRST_f 0 = "I have never used electronic cigarettes or or e-cigarettes" 8 = "8 or younger" 9 = "9" 10 = "10" 11 = "11" 12 = "12" 13 = "13" 14 = "14" 15 = "15" 16 = "16" 17 = "17" 18 = "18" 19 = "19 years or older" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 98 = "Missing response" ; value ECIGDAYMO_f 0 = "0 days" 1 = "1-2 days" 2 = "3-5 days" 3 = "6-9 days" 4 = "10-19 days" 5 = "20-29 days" 6 = "All 30 days" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 98 = "Missing response" ; value CURECIG_f 1 = "Definitely yes" 2 = "Probably yes" 3 = "Probably not" 4 = "Definitely not" 98 = "Missing response" ; value ECIGNOW_f 10 = "No" 11 = "No, this response option not selected" 20 = "Yes" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 98 = "Missing response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value ECIGNOWR_f 1 = "No" 2 = "Yes" 98 = "Missing response" ; value SMKLSEV_f 1 = "No" 2 = "Yes" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 98 = "Missing response" ; value SMKLSEVR_f 1 = "No" 2 = "Yes" 98 = "Missing response" ; value SMKLSNOWR_f 1 = "No" 2 = "Yes" 98 = "Missing response" ; value SMKLSAGFIRST_f 0 = "I have never used chewing tobacco, snuff or dip" 8 = "8 years old or younger" 9 = "9 (and/or 10 in 1999)" 10 = "10" 11 = "11 (and/or 12 in 1999)" 12 = "12" 13 = "13 (and/or 14 in 1999)" 14 = "14" 15 = "15 (and/or 16 in 1999)" 16 = "16" 17 = "17 (or older in 1999-2009)" 18 = "18" 19 = "19 or older" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 98 = "Missing response" ; value SMKLSDAYMO_f 1 = "0 days" 2 = "1-2 days" 3 = "3-5 days" 4 = "6-9 days" 5 = "10-19 days" 6 = "20-29 days" 7 = "All 30 days" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 98 = "Missing response" ; value SMKLSSCHLDAYMO_f 0 = "0 days" 1 = "1 or 2 days" 2 = "3 to 5 days" 3 = "6 to 9 days" 4 = "10 to 19 days" 5 = "20 to 29 days" 6 = "All 30 days" 98 = "Missing response" ; value SMKLSSCHL_f 1 = "No" 2 = "Yes" 98 = "Missing response" ; value CURSMKLS_f 1 = "Definitely yes" 2 = "Probably yes" 3 = "Probably not" 4 = "Definitely not" 98 = "Missing response" ; value GETSMKLS_f 1 = "Did not use this product in past 30 days" 2 = "Bought it myself from a store" 3 = "Had someone else by it" 4 = "Borrowed it" 5 = "Stole it" 6 = "From a person 18 or older" 7 = "Some other way" 98 = "Missing response" ; value DISTOBEV_f 1 = "No, this response option not selected" 2 = "Yes" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value DISTOBEVR_f 1 = "No" 2 = "Yes" 98 = "Missing response" ; value HRDDISTOB_f 1 = "No, this response option not selected" 2 = "Yes" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value DISTOBNOW_f 1 = "No, this response option not selected" 2 = "Yes" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value DISTOBNOWR_f 1 = "No" 2 = "Yes" 98 = "Missing response" ; value SNUSEV_f 1 = "No, this response option not selected" 2 = "Yes" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value SNUSEVR_f 1 = "No" 2 = "Yes" 98 = "Missing response" ; value SNUSNOWR_f 1 = "No" 2 = "Yes" 98 = "Missing response" ; value HRDSNUS_f 1 = "No, this response option not selected" 2 = "Yes" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value SNUSNOW_f 1 = "No, this response option not selected" 2 = "Yes" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value SNUSHARMLS2_f 1 = "No, this response option not selected" 2 = "Yes" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value HRDROLCIG_f 1 = "No, this response option not selected" 2 = "Yes" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value ROLCIGEV_f 1 = "No, this response option not selected" 2 = "Yes" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value ROLCIGNOW_f 1 = "No, this response option not selected" 2 = "Yes" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value HOOKEV_f 1 = "No, this response option not selected" 2 = "Yes" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value HOOKEVR_f 1 = "No" 2 = "Yes" 98 = "Missing response" ; value HRDHOOK_f 1 = "No, this response option not selected" 2 = "Yes" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value HOOKNOW_f 1 = "No, this response option not selected" 2 = "Yes" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value HOOKNOWR_f 1 = "No" 2 = "Yes" 98 = "Missing response" ; value CGAREV_f 1 = "No" 2 = "Yes" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 98 = "Missing response" ; value CGAREVR_f 1 = "No" 2 = "Yes" 98 = "Missing response" ; value CGARNOWR_f 1 = "No" 2 = "Yes" 98 = "Missing response" ; value CGARTRYSOON_f 1 = "Definitely yes" 2 = "Probably yes" 3 = "Probably not" 4 = "Definitely not" 98 = "Missing" ; value CGARTRYBF_f 1 = "Definitely yes" 2 = "Probably yes" 3 = "Probably not" 4 = "Definitely not" 98 = "Missing response" ; value CGARAGFIRST_f 0 = "Never smoked cigars, cigarillos, little cigars" 8 = "8 or younger" 9 = "9 (or 10 in 1999)" 10 = "10" 11 = "11 (or 12 in 1999)" 12 = "12" 13 = "13 (or 14 in 1999)" 14 = "14" 15 = "15 (or 16 in 1999)" 16 = "16" 17 = "17 (or older in 1999-2009)" 18 = "18" 19 = "19 or older" 97 = "Insconsistent response" 98 = "Missing response" ; value CGARDAYMO_f 0 = "0 days" 1 = "1 or 2 days" 2 = "3-5 days" 3 = "6-9 days" 4 = "10-19 days" 5 = "20-29 days" 6 = "All 30 days" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 98 = "Missing response" ; value CGARSCHL_f 0 = "0 days" 1 = "1 or 2 days" 2 = "3-5 days" 3 = "6-9 days" 4 = "10-19 days" 5 = "20-29 days" 6 = "All 30 days" 98 = "Missing response" ; value CGARSDAY_f 0 = "I did not smoke cigars, cigarillos, or little cigars during last 30 days" 1 = "Less than 1 per day" 2 = "1 per day" 3 = "2-5 per day" 4 = "6-10 per day" 5 = "11-20 per day" 6 = "More than 20 per day" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 98 = "Missing response" ; value GETCGAR_f 1 = "Did not smoke this product in past 30 days" 2 = "Bought them myself from a store" 3 = "Had someone else by them" 4 = "Borrowed them" 5 = "Stole them" 6 = "From a person 18 or older" 7 = "Some other way" 98 = "Missing response" ; value BIDIEV_f 10 = "No, direct response" 11 = "No, this response option not selected" 20 = "Yes" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 98 = "Missing response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value BIDIEVR_f 1 = "No" 2 = "Yes" 98 = "Missing response" ; value HRDBIDI_f 1 = "No, this response option not selected" 2 = "Yes" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value BIDINOW_f 10 = "No, direct response" 11 = "No, this response option not selected" 20 = "Yes" 97 = "Inconsistent" 98 = "Missing response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value BIDINOWR_f 1 = "No" 2 = "Yes" 98 = "Missing response" ; value BIDIDAYMO_f 10 = "Did not use bidi in past 30 days" 20 = "1-2 days" 30 = "3-9 days" 31 = "3-5 days" 32 = "6-9 days" 40 = "10-19 days" 50 = "20-29 days" 60 = "All 30 days" 98 = "Missing response" ; value KRETEV_f 10 = "No, direct response" 11 = "No, this response option not selected" 20 = "Yes" 21 = "Yes, clove cigars only (only available 2011)" 22 = "Yes, kreteks and clove cigars (only available 2011)" 97 = "Inconsistent" 98 = "Missing response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value KRETEVR_f 1 = "No" 2 = "Yes" 98 = "Missing response" ; value HRDKRET_f 1 = "No, this response option not selected" 2 = "Yes" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value KRETNOW_f 10 = "No, direct response" 11 = "No, this response option not selected" 20 = "Yes" 21 = "Yes, clove cigars only (only available 2011)" 22 = "Yes, kreteks and clove cigars (only available 2011)" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 98 = "Missing response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value KRETNOWR_f 1 = "No" 2 = "Yes" 98 = "Missing response" ; value KRETDAYMO_f 10 = "Did not use kretek in past 30 days" 20 = "1-2 days" 30 = "3-9 days" 31 = "3-5 days" 32 = "6-9 days" 40 = "10-19 days" 50 = "20-29 days" 60 = "All 30 days" 98 = "Missing/No response" ; value PIPEV_f 10 = "No, direct response" 11 = "No, this response option not selected" 20 = "Yes" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 98 = "Missing response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value PIPEVR_f 1 = "No" 2 = "Yes" 98 = "Missing response" ; value PIPENOW_f 10 = "No, direct response" 11 = "No, this response option not selected" 20 = "Yes" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 98 = "Missing response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value PIPENOWR_f 1 = "No" 2 = "Yes" 98 = "Missing response" ; value PIPEDAYMO_f 10 = "Did not use tobacco pipe in past 30 days" 20 = "1 or more days" 21 = "1-2 days" 22 = "3-5 days" 23 = "6-9 days" 24 = "10-19 days" 25 = "20-29 days" 26 = "All 30 days" 97 = "Inconsistent" 98 = "Missing response" ; value ECLIPSEEV_f 1 = "No, this response option not selected" 2 = "Yes" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value OMNIEV_f 1 = "No, this response option not selected" 2 = "Yes" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value ADVLIGHTEV_f 1 = "No, this response not selected" 2 = "Yes" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value ACCORDEV_f 1 = "No" 2 = "Yes" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value ARIVAEV_f 1 = "No, this response option not selected" 2 = "Yes" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value NONEEV_f 1 = "No, this response option not selected" 2 = "Yes" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value NOTOBNOW_f 1 = "No, this response option not selected" 2 = "Yes" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value NONEPRODEV_f 1 = "No, this response option not selected" 2 = "Yes" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value FIRSTTOB_f 0 = "Never tried any tobacco products" 1 = "Cigarettes" 2 = "Cigars, cigarillos or little cigars" 3 = "Chewing tobacco, snuff, or dip" 4 = "Electronic cigarettes or e-cigarettes" 5 = "Some other tobacco product" 6 = "Not sure about the product tried first" 98 = "Missing response" ; value TOBTRYY_f 1 = "Definitely yes" 2 = "Probably yes" 3 = "Probably not" 4 = "Definitely not" 98 = "Missing response" ; value TOBTRYSOON_f 1 = "Definitely yes" 2 = "Probably yes" 3 = "Probably not" 4 = "Definitely not" 98 = "Missing response" ; value TOBTRYBF_f 1 = "Definitely yes" 2 = "Probably yes" 3 = "Probably no" 4 = "Definitely no" 98 = "Missing response" ; value TOBFLAV_f 0 = "Have not used flavored tobacco in the past 30 days" 1 = "No" 2 = "Yes" 98 = "Missing response" ; value ANYFLAVEV_f 1 = "No, did not report any flavored tobacco use" 2 = "Yes, has used flavored tobacco product" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value ANYFLAVNOW_f 1 = "No, did not report flavored tobacco use, past month" 2 = "Yes, reported using flavored tobacco product, past month" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 98 = "Missing response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value NOTOBAGE_f 0 = "Did not try to buy any tobacco products in store" 1 = "No" 2 = "Yes" 98 = "Missing response" ; value GETTOBNO_f 10 = "No, this response option not selected (did acquire tobacco)" 11 = "No, this repsonse option not selected for any tobacco type" 20 = "Only acquired certain tobacco products" 21 = "Did not acquire cigarrettes" 22 = "Did not acquire cigars" 23 = "Did not acquire smokeless tobacco" 24 = "Did not acquire cigarettes or cigars" 25 = "Did not acquire cigarettes or smokeless tobacco" 26 = "Did not acquire cigars or smokeless tobacco" 30 = "Yes, did not aquire any tobacco products" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value GETTOBSELF_f 10 = "No, this response option not selected" 11 = "No, this response option not selected for any tobacco type" 20 = "Yes" 21 = "Yes, cigarettes" 22 = "Yes, cigars" 23 = "Yes, smokeless tobacco" 24 = "Yes, cigarettes and cigars" 25 = "Yes, cigarettes and smokeless tobacco" 26 = "Yes, cigars and smokeless tobacco" 27 = "Yes, cigarettes, cigars, and smokeless tobacco" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value GETTOBOBUY_f 10 = "No, this response option not selected" 11 = "No, this response option not selected for any tobacco type" 20 = "Yes" 21 = "Yes, cigarettes" 22 = "Yes, cigars" 23 = "Yes, smokeless tobacco" 24 = "Yes, cigarettes and cigars" 25 = "Yes, cigarettes and smokeless tobacco" 26 = "Yes, cigars and smokeless tobacco" 27 = "Yes, cigarettes, cigars, and smokeless tobacco" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value GETTOBBUM_f 10 = "No, this response option not selected" 11 = "No, this response option not selected for any tobacco type" 20 = "Yes" 21 = "Yes, cigarettes" 22 = "Yes, cigars" 23 = "Yes, smokeless tobacco" 24 = "Yes, cigarettes and cigars" 25 = "Yes, cigarettes and smokeless tobacco" 26 = "Yes, cigars and smokeless tobacco" 27 = "Yes, cigarettes, cigars, and smokeless tobacco" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value GETTOBOFF_f 10 = "No, this response option not selected" 11 = "No, this response option not selected for any tobacco type" 20 = "Yes" 21 = "Yes, cigarettes" 22 = "Yes, cigars" 23 = "Yes, smokeless tobacco" 24 = "Yes, cigarettes and cigars" 25 = "Yes, cigarettes and smokeless tobacco" 26 = "Yes, cigars and smokeless tobacco" 27 = "Yes, cigarettes, cigars, and smokeless tobacco" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value GETTOBBUYPER_f 10 = "No, this response option not selected" 11 = "No, this response option not selected for any tobacco type" 20 = "Yes" 21 = "Yes, cigarettes" 22 = "Yes, cigars" 23 = "Yes, smokeless tobacco" 24 = "Yes, cigarettes and cigars" 25 = "Yes, cigarettes and smokeless tobacco" 26 = "Yes, cigars and smokeless tobacco" 27 = "Yes, cigarettes, cigars, and smokeless tobacco" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value GETTOBTK_f 10 = "No, this response option not selected" 11 = "No, this response option not selected for any tobacco type" 20 = "Yes" 21 = "Yes, cigarettes" 22 = "Yes, cigars" 23 = "Yes, smokeless tobacco" 24 = "Yes, cigarettes and cigars" 25 = "Yes, cigarettes and smokeless tobacco" 26 = "Yes, cigars and smokeless tobacco" 27 = "Yes, cigarettes, cigars, and smokeless tobacco" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value GETTOBOTH_f 10 = "No, this response option not selected" 11 = "No, this response option not selected for any tobacco type" 20 = "Yes" 21 = "Yes, cigarettes" 22 = "Yes, cigars" 23 = "Yes, smokeless tobacco" 24 = "Yes, cigarettes and cigars" 25 = "Yes, cigarettes and smokeless tobacco" 26 = "Yes, cigars and smokeless tobacco" 27 = "Yes, cigarettes, cigars, and smokeless tobacco" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value LOCTOBNO_f 10 = "No, this response option not selected (did acquire tobacco)" 11 = "No, this repsonse option not selected for any tobacco type" 20 = "Only acquired certain tobacco products" 21 = "Did not acquire cigarrettes" 22 = "Did not acquire cigars" 23 = "Did not acquire smokeless tobacco" 24 = "Did not acquire cigarettes or cigars" 25 = "Did not acquire cigarettes or smokeless tobacco" 26 = "Did not acquire cigars or smokeless tobacco" 30 = "Yes, did not aquire any tobacco products" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value LOCTOBCONV_f 10 = "No, this response option not selected for any tobacco type" 20 = "Yes" 21 = "Yes, cigarettes" 22 = "Yes, cigars" 23 = "Yes, smokeless tobacco" 24 = "Yes, cigarettes and cigars" 25 = "Yes, cigarettes and smokeless tobacco" 26 = "Yes, cigars and smokeless tobacco" 27 = "Yes, cigarettes, cigars, and smokeless tobacco" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value LOCTOBGAS_f 10 = "No, this response option not selected for any tobacco type" 20 = "Yes" 21 = "Yes, cigarettes" 22 = "Yes, cigars" 23 = "Yes, smokeless tobacco" 24 = "Yes, cigarettes and cigars" 25 = "Yes, cigarettes and smokeless tobacco" 26 = "Yes, cigars and smokeless tobacco" 27 = "Yes, cigarettes, cigars, and smokeless tobacco" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value LOCTOBGSCS_f 10 = "No, this response option not selected" 11 = "No, this response option not selected for any tobacco type" 20 = "Yes" 21 = "Yes, cigarettes" 22 = "Yes, cigars" 23 = "Yes, smokeless tobacco" 24 = "Yes, cigarettes and cigars" 25 = "Yes, cigarettes and smokeless tobacco" 26 = "Yes, cigars and smokeless tobacco" 27 = "Yes, cigarettes, cigars, and smokeless tobacco" ; value LOCTOBGROC_f 10 = "No, this response option not selected" 11 = "No, this response option not selected for any tobacco type" 20 = "Yes" 21 = "Yes, cigarettes" 22 = "Yes, cigars" 23 = "Yes, smokeless tobacco" 24 = "Yes, cigarettes and cigars" 25 = "Yes, cigarettes and smokeless tobacco" 26 = "Yes, cigars and smokeless tobacco" 27 = "Yes, cigarettes, cigars, and smokeless tobacco" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value LOCTOBPHARM_f 10 = "No, this response option not selected" 11 = "No, this response option not selected for any tobacco type" 20 = "Yes" 21 = "Yes, cigarettes" 22 = "Yes, cigars" 23 = "Yes, smokeless tobacco" 24 = "Yes, cigarettes and cigars" 25 = "Yes, cigarettes and smokeless tobacco" 26 = "Yes, cigars and smokeless tobacco" 27 = "Yes, cigarettes, cigars, and smokeless tobacco" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value LOCTOBVEND_f 10 = "No, this response option not selected" 11 = "No, this response option not selected for any tobacco type" 20 = "Yes" 21 = "Yes, cigarettes" 22 = "Yes, cigars" 23 = "Yes, smokeless tobacco" 24 = "Yes, cigarettes and cigars" 25 = "Yes, cigarettes and smokeless tobacco" 26 = "Yes, cigars and smokeless tobacco" 27 = "Yes, cigarettes, cigars, and smokeless tobacco" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value LOCTOBINT_f 10 = "No, this response option not selected" 11 = "No, this response option not selected for any tobacco type" 20 = "Yes" 21 = "Yes, cigarettes" 22 = "Yes, cigars" 23 = "Yes, smokeless tobacco" 24 = "Yes, cigarettes and cigars" 25 = "Yes, cigarettes and smokeless tobacco" 26 = "Yes, cigars and smokeless tobacco" 27 = "Yes, cigarettes, cigars, and smokeless tobacco" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value LOCTOBMAIL_f 10 = "No, this response option not selected" 11 = "No, this response option not selected for any tobacco type" 20 = "Yes" 21 = "Yes, cigarettes" 22 = "Yes, cigars" 23 = "Yes, smokeless tobacco" 24 = "Yes, cigarettes and cigars" 25 = "Yes, cigarettes and smokeless tobacco" 26 = "Yes, cigars and smokeless tobacco" 27 = "Yes, cigarettes, cigars, and smokeless tobacco" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value LOCTOBOTH_f 10 = "No, this response option not selected" 11 = "No, this response option not selected for any tobacco type" 20 = "Yes" 21 = "Yes, cigarettes" 22 = "Yes, cigars" 23 = "Yes, smokeless tobacco" 24 = "Yes, cigarettes and cigars" 25 = "Yes, cigarettes and smokeless tobacco" 26 = "Yes, cigars and smokeless tobacco" 27 = "Yes, cigarettes, cigars, and smokeless tobacco" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value HRDOTH_f 1 = "No, this response option not selected" 2 = "Yes" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value HRDNONE_f 1 = "No, this response option not selected" 2 = "Yes" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value OTHTOBEV_f 1 = "No, this response option not selected" 2 = "Yes" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value OTHTOBNOW_f 1 = "No, this response option not selected" 2 = "Yes" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value ECIGADINT_f 1 = "Never" 2 = "Rarely" 3 = "Sometimes" 4 = "Most of the time" 5 = "Always" 6 = "Does not use internet" 98 = "Missing response" ; value ECIGADPRINT_f 1 = "Never" 2 = "Rarely" 3 = "Sometimes" 4 = "Most of the time" 5 = "Always" 6 = "Does not read newspapers" 98 = "Missing response" ; value ECIGADSTOR_f 1 = "Never" 2 = "Rarely" 3 = "Sometimes" 4 = "Most of the time" 5 = "Always" 6 = "Never goes to a convenience store, supermarket, or gas station" 98 = "Missing response" ; value ECIGADMEDIA_f 1 = "Never" 2 = "Rarely" 3 = "Sometimes" 4 = "Most of the time" 5 = "Always" 6 = "Does not watch TV or go to movies" 98 = "Missing response" ; value SMKADFAV_f 1 = "American Spirit" 2 = "Camel" 3 = "GPC, Basic, or Doral" 4 = "Kool" 5 = "Marlboro" 6 = "Newport" 7 = "Some other brand not listed here" 8 = "Don't have a favorite cigarette ad" 91 = "Not sure" 98 = "Missing response" ; value SMKADAMSPIR_f 1 = "No, response not selected" 2 = "Yes, response selected" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value SMKADCAM_f 1 = "No, response not selected" 2 = "Yes, response selected" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value SMKADGPC_f 1 = "No, response not selected" 2 = "Yes, response selected" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value SMKADKOOL_f 1 = "No, response not selected" 2 = "Yes, response selected" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value SMKADLUCST_f 1 = "No, response not selected" 2 = "Yes, response selected" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value SMKADMARL_f 1 = "No, response not selected" 2 = "Yes, response selected" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value SMKADNEW_f 1 = "No, response not selected" 2 = "Yes, response selected" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value SMKADPARL_f 1 = "No, response not selected" 2 = "Yes, response selected" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value SMKADVSLIM_f 1 = "No, response not selected" 2 = "Yes, response selected" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value SMKADOTH_f 1 = "No, response not selected" 2 = "Yes, response selected" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value SMKADNONE_f 1 = "No, response not selected" 2 = "Yes, response selected" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value SMKADDK_f 1 = "No, response not selected" 2 = "Yes, response selected" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value ANTIADTRUTH_f 1 = "Never" 2 = "Hardly ever" 3 = "Some of the time" 4 = "Most of the time" 5 = "All of the time" 6 = "Does not watch television" 98 = "Missing response" ; value ANTIADTHINK_f 1 = "Never" 2 = "Hardly ever" 3 = "Some of the time" 4 = "Most of the time" 5 = "All of time" 6 = "Does not watch TV" 98 = "Missing response" ; value TOBLOGOEV_f 1 = "Definitely yes" 2 = "Probably yes" 3 = "Probably not" 4 = "Definitely not" 98 = "Missing response" ; value TOBLOGOLIK_f 1 = "Very likely" 2 = "Somewhat likely" 3 = "Somewhat unlikely" 4 = "Very unlikely" 98 = "Missing response" ; value TOBLOGOOWN_f 1 = "No" 2 = "Yes" 98 = "Missing response" ; value ANTIADPRINT_f 1 = "None/not in the past 30 days" 2 = "1-3 times in the past 30 days" 3 = "1-3 times per week" 4 = "Daily or almost daily" 5 = "More than once a day" 6 = "I did not read magazines or newspapers" 98 = "Missing Response" ; value ANTIADTV_f 1 = "None/not in past 30 days" 2 = "1-3 times in past 30 days" 3 = "1-3 times per week" 4 = "Daily or almost daily" 5 = "More than once a day" 6 = "Did not watch TV" 98 = "Missing response" ; value ANTIADRAD_f 1 = "Not in the past 30 days" 2 = "1-3 times in the past 30 days" 3 = "1-3 times per week" 4 = "Daily or almost daily" 5 = "More than once a day" 6 = "Did not listen to radio in past 30 days" 98 = "Missing response" ; value ANTIADTVRAD_f 1 = "None" 2 = "1-3 times in past 30 days" 3 = "1-3 times per week" 4 = "Daily or almost daily" 5 = "More than once a day" 98 = "Missing response" ; value ANTIADNEWSMED_f 1 = "None" 2 = "1-3 times in the past 30 days" 3 = "1-3 times per week" 4 = "Daily or almost daily" 5 = "More than once a day" 98 = "Missing response" ; value SMKADINT_f 0 = "Do not use the Internet" 1 = "Never" 2 = "Rarely" 3 = "Sometimes" 4 = "Most of the time" 5 = "Always (available in 2002 and 2011-forward)" 98 = "Missing response" ; value SMKADPRINT_f 0 = "Do not read newspaper/magazines" 1 = "Never" 2 = "Rarely" 3 = "Sometimes" 4 = "Most of the time" 5 = "Always (not available in 2000)" 98 = "Missing response" ; value SMKADSTOR_f 0 = "Never go to one of these stores" 1 = "Never" 2 = "Rarely" 3 = "Sometimes" 4 = "Most of the time" 5 = "Always (available in 2002-forward)" 98 = "Missing response" ; value SMKADBILL_f 0 = "Did not see ad for cigarettes/tobacco products" 1 = "Never" 2 = "Rarely" 3 = "Sometimes" 4 = "Most of the time" 5 = "Always" 98 = "Missing response" ; value SMKSEEACTOR_f 0 = "Don't watch TV or go to movies" 1 = "Never" 2 = "Rarely" 3 = "Sometimes" 4 = "Most of the time" 5 = "Always (available in 2002 and 2011-forward)" 98 = "Missing response" ; value SMKSEEACTORTV_f 0 = "Doesn't watch TV" 1 = "Never" 2 = "Rarely" 3 = "Sometimes" 4 = "Most of the time" 98 = "Missing response" ; value SMKSEEACTORFLM_f 0 = "Doesn't watch movies" 1 = "Never" 2 = "Rarely" 3 = "Sometimes" 4 = "Most of the time" 98 = "Missing response" ; value SMKSEEATHLET_f 0 = "Does not watch TV or go to the movies" 1 = "Never" 2 = "Rarely" 3 = "Sometimes" 4 = "Most of the time" 5 = "Always" 98 = "Missing response" ; value ADMAIL_f 1 = "No, this response option not selected" 2 = "Yes" ; value COUPMAIL_f 1 = "No, this response option not selected" 2 = "Yes" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value INFOMAIL_f 1 = "No, this response option not selected" 2 = "Yes" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value COUPEMAIL_f 1 = "No, this response option not selected" 2 = "Yes" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value ADEMAIL_f 1 = "No, this response option not selected" 2 = "Yes" ; value INFOEMAIL_f 1 = "No, this response option not selected" 2 = "Yes" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value COUPINT_f 1 = "No, this response option not selected" 2 = "Yes" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value ADINT_f 1 = "No, this response option not selected" 2 = "Yes" ; value COUPSOC_f 10 = "No, no social media response option not selected" 20 = "Social Networks" 21 = "Facebook only" 22 = "Myspace only" 23 = "Facebook and Myspace" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value ADSOC_f 10 = "No, no social media response options selected" 20 = "Yes" 21 = "Facebook only" 22 = "Myspace Only" 23 = "Facebook and Myspace" ; value COUPSMS_f 1 = "No, this response option not selected" 2 = "Yes" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value ADSMS_f 1 = "No, this response option not selected" 2 = "Yes" ; value INFOSMS_f 1 = "No, this response option not selected" 2 = "Yes" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value COUPTOBPROD_f 1 = "No, this response option not selected" 2 = "Yes" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value INFOOTH_f 1 = "No, this response option not selected" 2 = "Yes" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value COUPNONE_f 1 = "No, this response option not selected" 2 = "Yes" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value INFONONE_f 1 = "No, this response option not selected" 2 = "Yes" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value ANTIAD1_f 1 = "No, response not selected" 2 = "Yes" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value ANTIAD2_f 1 = "No, response not selected" 2 = "Yes" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value ANTIAD3_f 1 = "No, response not selected" 2 = "Yes, response selected" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value ANTIAD4_f 1 = "No, response not selected" 2 = "Yes" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value ANTIAD5_f 1 = "No, response not selected" 2 = "Yes" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value ANTIAD6_f 1 = "No, response not selected" 2 = "Yes" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value ANTIAD7_f 1 = "No, response not selected" 2 = "Yes" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value ANTIAD8_f 1 = "No, response not selected" 2 = "Yes" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value ANTIAD9_f 1 = "No, response not selected" 2 = "Yes" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value ANTIAD10_f 1 = "No, response not selected" 2 = "Yes" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value HPADVTOB_f 10 = "No" 11 = "No, hasn't seen health care prof past 12 months" 20 = "Yes" 98 = "Missing response" ; value HPADVTOBNOSMK_f 1 = "No" 2 = "Yes" 91 = "Don't know" 95 = "Has never smoked" 98 = "Missing response" ; value DDSADVTOB_f 10 = "No" 11 = "No, hasn't seen health care prof past 12 months" 20 = "Yes" 98 = "Missing response" ; value MDADVTOB_f 10 = "No" 11 = "No, hasn't seen health care prof past 12 months" 20 = "Yes" 98 = "Missing response" ; value HPASKTOB_f 10 = "No" 11 = "No, hasn't seen health care prof past 12 months" 20 = "Yes" 91 = "Don't know" 98 = "Missing response" ; value DDSWARNTOB_f 10 = "No" 11 = "No, hasn't seen health care prof past 12 months" 20 = "Yes" 98 = "Missing response" ; value MDWARNTOB_f 10 = "No" 11 = "No, hasn't seen health care prof past 12 months" 20 = "Yes" 98 = "Missing response" ; value FRNDTOBNUM_f 0 = "None" 1 = "1" 2 = "2" 3 = "3" 4 = "4" 5 = "5 or more" 91 = "Not sure" 98 = "Missing response" ; value FRNDCIGNUM_f 0 = "0" 1 = "1" 2 = "2" 3 = "3" 4 = "4" 91 = "Not sure" 98 = "Missing response" ; value FRNDSMKLSNUM_f 0 = "0" 1 = "1" 2 = "2" 3 = "3" 4 = "4" 91 = "Not sure" 98 = "Missing response" ; value COHABCIG_f 10 = "No, direct response" 11 = "No, this response option not selected" 20 = "Yes" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 98 = "Missing response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value COHABCGAR_f 1 = "No, response not selected" 2 = "Yes, response selected" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value COHABSMKLS_f 10 = "No, direct response" 11 = "No, this response option not selected" 20 = "Yes" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 98 = "Missing response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value COHABSNUS_f 1 = "No, response not selected" 2 = "Yes, response selected" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value COHABECIG_f 1 = "No, response not selected" 2 = "Yes, response selected" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value COHABHOOK_f 1 = "No, response not selected" 2 = "Yes, response selected" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value COHABPIPE_f 1 = "No, response not selected" 2 = "Yes, response selected" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value COHABDISTOB_f 1 = "No, response not selected" 2 = "Yes, response selected" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value COHABBIDI_f 1 = "No, response not selected" 2 = "Yes, response selected" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value COHABNONE_f 1 = "No, response not selected" 2 = "Yes, response selected" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value COHABOTH_f 1 = "No, response not selected" 2 = "Yes, response selected" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value COHABKRET_f 1 = "No, response not selected" 2 = "Yes, response selected" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value SMKRULESHOM_f 1 = "Not allowed" 2 = "Allowed some times or places" 3 = "Allowed anywhere/always" 4 = "No rules about smoking in home" 98 = "Missing response" ; value SMKRULESDRIV_f 1 = "Always allowed" 2 = "Sometimes allowed" 3 = "Never allowed" 98 = "Missing response" ; value PARDISPTOB_f 1 = "Don't use tobacco-parents would strongly disapprove" 2 = "Don't use tobacco-parents would NOT strongly disapprove" 3 = "Use tobacco-parents strongly disapproved" 4 = "Use tobacco-parents did NOT strongly disapprove" 5 = "Parents don't know use tobacco-would strongly disapprove" 6 = "Parents don't know use tobacco-would NOT strong disapprove" 98 = "Missing response" ; value PARTALKTOB_f 10 = "No" 20 = "Yes" 21 = "Father (male guardian) only" 22 = "Mother (female guardian) only" 23 = "Both parents" 98 = "Missing response" ; value PARDANGER_f 1 = "Never" 2 = "Rarely" 3 = "Sometimes" 4 = "Often" 5 = "Very often" 98 = "Missing response" ; value PARDANGERUSE_f 1 = "Mother (female guardian) only" 2 = "Father (male guardian) only" 3 = "Both" 4 = "Neither" 98 = "Missing response" ; value SKIPSCHL_f 1 = "0 days" 2 = "1 day" 3 = "2 to 5 days" 4 = "6 to 10 days" 5 = "11 or more days" 98 = "Missing response" ; value ABSNTSCHL_f 0 = "0 days" 1 = "1 day" 2 = "2-5 days" 3 = "6-10 days" 4 = "11 or more days" 98 = "Missing response" ; value SMKHOM7_f 0 = "0 days" 1 = "1 day" 2 = "2 days" 3 = "3 days" 4 = "4 days" 5 = "5 days" 6 = "6 days" 7 = "7 days" 98 = "Missing response" ; value SMKDRIV7_f 0 = "0 days" 1 = "1 day (1 or 2 days in 1999-2009)" 2 = "2 days" 3 = "3 days (3 or 4 days in 1999-2009)" 4 = "4 days" 5 = "5 days (5 or 6 days in 1999-2009)" 6 = "6 days" 7 = "7 days" 98 = "Missing response" ; value SMKSCHL7_f 0 = "0 days" 1 = "1 day" 2 = "2 days" 3 = "3 days" 4 = "4 days" 5 = "5 days" 6 = "6 days" 7 = "7 days" 98 = "Missing response" ; value SMKWORK7_f 1 = "1 days" 2 = "2 days" 3 = "3 days" 4 = "4 days" 5 = "5 days" 6 = "6 days" 7 = "7 days" 10 = "Did not breathe smoke at work" 11 = "Breathed smoke zero days at work" 12 = "Do not have a job" 13 = "Did not work during past 7 days" 98 = "Missing response" ; value SMKPUB7_f 0 = "0 days" 1 = "1 day" 2 = "2 days" 3 = "3 days" 4 = "4 days" 5 = "5 days" 6 = "6 days" 7 = "7 days" 98 = "Missing response" ; value SMKROOM7_f 0 = "0 days" 1 = "1 or 2 days" 3 = "3 or 4 days" 5 = "5 or 6 days" 7 = "7 days" 98 = "Missing response" ; value WKINC_f 0 = "None" 10 = "Less than $1" 20 = "$1-$5" 30 = "$6-$10" 40 = "$11-20" 50 = "$21-$50" 51 = "$21-$35" 52 = "$36-$50" 60 = "$50 or more" 61 = "$51-$75" 62 = "$51-$100" 63 = "$76-$125" 64 = "$101-$150" 65 = "$151 or more" 66 = "$126-$175" 67 = "$175-$200" 68 = "$200 or more" 98 = "Missing response" ; value WKINCJOB_f 0 = "None" 1 = "Less than $1" 2 = "$1-$5.99" 3 = "$5-$10.99" 4 = "$11-$20.99" 5 = "$21-$35.99" 6 = "$46-$50.99" 7 = "$51-$75.99" 8 = "$76-$125.99" 9 = "$126-$175.99" 10 = "$176 or more" 98 = "Missing response" ; value WKINCALL_f 0 = "None" 1 = "Less than $1" 2 = "$1-$5.99" 3 = "$5-$10.99" 4 = "$11-$20.99" 5 = "$21-$35.99" 6 = "$46-$50.99" 7 = "$51-$75.99" 8 = "$76-$125.99" 9 = "$126.00 or more" 98 = "Missing response" ; value CURCIG_f 1 = "Definitely not" 2 = "Probably not" 3 = "Probably yes" 4 = "Definitely yes" 98 = "Missing/No response" ; value CIGCOOL_f 1 = "Definitely yes" 2 = "Probably yes" 3 = "Probably not" 4 = "Definitely not" 98 = "Missing response" ; value CIGSADDICT_f 1 = "Definitely yes" 2 = "Probably yes" 3 = "Probably not" 4 = "Definitely not" 98 = "Missing response" ; value CIGFRND_f 1 = "Definitely yes" 2 = "Probably yes" 3 = "Probably not" 4 = "Definitely not" 98 = "Missing response" ; value SAFELT2YRS_f 1 = "Definitely Yes" 2 = "Probably Yes" 3 = "Probably Not" 4 = "Definitely Not" 98 = "Missing response" ; value SMKALHOM_f 1 = "Should always be allowed" 2 = "Should be allowed at some times or in some places" 3 = "Should never be allowed" 98 = "Missing response" ; value SMKALAUTO_f 1 = "Should always be allowed" 2 = "Should sometimes be allowed" 3 = "Should never be allowed" 98 = "Missing response" ; value BTTARGLT18_f 1 = "No" 2 = "Yes" 98 = "Missing response" ; value BTTARGTEEN_f 1 = "Definitely yes" 2 = "Probably yes" 3 = "Probably not" 4 = "Definitely not" 98 = "Missing response" ; value BTDENY_f 1 = "Definitely yes" 2 = "Probably yes" 3 = "Probably not" 4 = "Definitely not" 98 = "Missing response" ; value BTBLAMEYTH_f 1 = "Definitely yes" 2 = "Probably yes" 3 = "Probably not" 4 = "Definitely not" 98 = "Missing response" ; value BTMISLDYTH_f 1 = "Definitely yes" 2 = "Probably yes" 3 = "Probably not" 4 = "Definitely not" 98 = "Missing response" ; value BTUSEYTH_f 1 = "Definitely yes" 2 = "Probably yes" 3 = "Probably not" 4 = "Definitely not" 98 = "Missing response" ; value BTBEHAV_f 1 = "Definitely yes" 2 = "Probably yes" 3 = "Probably not" 4 = "Definitely not" 98 = "Missing response" ; value SMKOPIN1PK_f 1 = "Definitely yes" 2 = "Probably yes" 3 = "Probably not" 4 = "Definitely not" 98 = "Missing response" ; value SMKHARMGT1PK_f 1 = "Definitely yes" 2 = "Probably yes" 3 = "Probably not" 4 = "Definitely not" 98 = "Missing response" ; value PEERSCIG_f 0 = "0" 1 = "1" 2 = "2" 3 = "3" 4 = "4" 5 = "5" 6 = "6" 7 = "7" 8 = "8" 9 = "9" 10 = "10" 98 = "Missing response" ; value SMKLONGHARM_f 1 = "Less than a year" 2 = "1 year" 3 = "5 years" 4 = "10 years" 5 = "20 years or more" 98 = "Missing response" ; value SMKHARMDLY_f 1 = "No harm" 2 = "Little harm" 3 = "Some harm" 4 = "A lot of harm" 98 = "Missing response" ; value SMKHARMSD_f 1 = "No harm" 2 = "Little harm" 3 = "Some harm" 4 = "A lot of harm" 98 = "Missing response" ; value SMKHARM10D_f 1 = "No harm" 2 = "Little harm" 3 = "Some harm" 4 = "A lot of harm" 98 = "Missing response" ; value SHSMKEFFECT_f 1 = "Definitely yes" 2 = "Probably yes" 3 = "Probably not" 4 = "Definitely not" 98 = "Missing response" ; value SHSMKEFFECTHARM_f 1 = "A lot of harm" 2 = "Some harm" 3 = "Little harm" 4 = "No harm" 98 = "Missing response" ; value NOSMKIND_f 1 = "Definitely yes" 2 = "Probably yes" 3 = "Probably not" 4 = "Definitely not" 98 = "Missing response" ; value SMKLSHARMDLY_f 1 = "No harm" 2 = "Little harm" 3 = "Some harm" 4 = "A lot of harm" 98 = "Missing response" ; value SMKLSHARMSD_f 1 = "No harm" 2 = "Little harm" 3 = "Some harm" 4 = "A lot of harm" 98 = "Missing response" ; value SMKLSHARM_f 1 = "Less harmful" 2 = "Equally harmful" 3 = "More harmful" 4 = "Never heard of chewing tobacco, snuff, dip, or snus" 5 = "Don't know enough about these products" 98 = "Missing response" ; value PEERTOB_f 0 = "0" 1 = "1" 2 = "2" 3 = "3" 4 = "4" 5 = "5" 6 = "6" 7 = "7" 8 = "8" 9 = "9" 10 = "10" 98 = "Missing response" ; value SMKLSFRND_f 1 = "Definitely yes" 2 = "Probably yes" 3 = "Probably not" 4 = "Definitely not" 98 = "Missing response" ; value SMKLSADD_f 1 = "Less addictive" 2 = "Equally addictive" 3 = "More addictive" 4 = "Never heard of chewing tobacco, snuff, dip, or snus" 5 = "Don't know enough about these products" 98 = "Missing response" ; value SMKLSHARMLS2_f 1 = "No, this response not selected" 2 = "Yes" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value FLAVCGARHARMLS1_f 1 = "No, this response not selected" 2 = "Yes" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value CGARADD_f 1 = "Less addictive" 2 = "Equally addictive" 3 = "More addictive" 4 = "Never heard of cigars, little cigars or cigarillos" 5 = "Don't know enough about these products" 98 = "Missing response" ; value CGARHARM_f 1 = "Less harmful" 2 = "Equally harmful" 3 = "More harmful" 4 = "I have never heard of cigars, little cigars or cigarillos" 5 = "Don't know enough about these products" 98 = "Missing response" ; value CGARHARMSD_f 1 = "No harm" 2 = "Little harm" 3 = "Some harm" 4 = "A lot of harm" 98 = "Missing response" ; value CGARHARMLS1_f 1 = "No, this response not selected" 2 = "Yes" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value CGARCOOL_f 1 = "Definitely yes" 2 = "Probably yes" 3 = "Probably not" 4 = "Definitely not" 98 = "Missing response" ; value CGARFRND_f 1 = "Definitely yes" 2 = "Probably yes" 3 = "Probably not" 4 = "Definitely not" 98 = "Missing response" ; value CURCGAR_f 1 = "Definitely yes" 2 = "Probably yes" 3 = "Probably not" 4 = "Definitely not" 98 = "Missing response" ; value ECIGHARMSD_f 1 = "No harm" 2 = "Little harm" 3 = "Some harm" 4 = "A lot of harm" 98 = "Missing response" ; value ECIGHARM_f 1 = "Less harmful" 2 = "Equally harmful" 3 = "More harmful" 4 = "I have never heard of e-cigarettes" 5 = "Don't know enough about these products" 98 = "Missing response" ; value ECIGHARMLS1_f 1 = "No, this response not selected" 2 = "Yes" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value ECIGHARMLS2_f 1 = "No, this response option not selected" 2 = "Yes" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value ECIGADD_f 1 = "Less addictive" 2 = "Equally addictive" 3 = "More addictive" 4 = "I have never heard of e-cigarettes" 5 = "Don't know enough about these products" 98 = "Missing response" ; value ECIGFRND_f 1 = "Definitely yes" 2 = "Probably yes" 3 = "Probably not" 4 = "Definitely not" 98 = "Missing response" ; value HOOKHARMLS1_f 1 = "No, this response option not selected" 2 = "Yes" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value PIPEHARMLS1_f 1 = "No, this response option not selected" 2 = "Yes" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value DKHARMLS1_f 1 = "No, this response option not selected" 2 = "Yes" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value NONEHARMLS1_f 1 = "No, this response option not selected" 2 = "Yes" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value BIDIHARMLS1_f 1 = "No, this response option not selected" 2 = "Yes" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value DISVHARM_f 1 = "Less harmful" 2 = "Equally harmful" 3 = "More harmful" 4 = "I have never heard of dissolvable tobacco products" 5 = "Don't know enough about these products" 98 = "Missing response" ; value DISVHARMLS2_f 1 = "No, this response not selected" 2 = "Yes" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value KRETHARMLS1_f 1 = "No, this response option not selected" 2 = "Yes" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value DKHARMLS2_f 1 = "No, this response option not selected" 2 = "Yes" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value NONEHARMLS2_f 1 = "No, this response option not selected" 2 = "Yes" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value TOBINCL_f 1 = "Never" 2 = "Rarely" 3 = "Sometimes" 4 = "Often" 5 = "Very often" 98 = "Missing response" ; value TOBDANGER_f 1 = "Strongly agree" 2 = "Agree" 3 = "Disagree" 4 = "Strongly disagree" 98 = "Missing response" ; value QTSRSLY_f 10 = "Does not smoke" 11 = "Never smoked" 12 = "Does not smoke now" 20 = "No, not thinking of quitting" 30 = "Yes" 31 = "Yes, within the year" 32 = "Yes, within the next 6 months" 33 = "Yes, within the next 30 days" 34 = "Yes, but not within the year" 35 = "Yes, but not within the next 6 months" 91 = "Not sure" 98 = "Missing response" ; value QTWANT_f 0 = "Does not smoke now" 1 = "No" 2 = "Yes" 98 = "Missing Response" ; value QTTHINKY_f 0 = "Did not smoke in past 12 months" 1 = "No" 2 = "Yes" 98 = "Missing response" ; value QTINTEND_f 1 = "Does not smoke now" 2 = "7 days" 3 = "30 days" 4 = "6 months" 5 = "1 year" 6 = "No plan to quit within the next year" 98 = "Missing responses" ; value QTEVNUM_f 0 = "None" 1 = "1 time" 2 = "2 times" 3 = "3 to 5 times" 4 = "6 to 9 times" 5 = "10 or more times" 98 = "Missing response" ; value QTYNUM_f 10 = "Did not smoke" 11 = "Never smoked cigarettes" 12 = "Did not smoke in past twelve months" 20 = "No, did not try to quit smoking" 30 = "Yes" 31 = "Yes, 1 time" 32 = "Yes, 2 times" 33 = "Yes, 3-5 times" 34 = "Yes, 6-9 times" 35 = "Yes, 10 or more times" 98 = "Missing response" ; value QTLASTDUR_f 10 = "Never smoked cigarettes" 20 = "Never tried to quit" 30 = "Less than a day" 40 = "1 to 7 days" 41 = "1-2 days" 42 = "3-7 days" 50 = "More than 7 but less than 30 days" 60 = "More than 30 but less than 6 months" 70 = "More than 6 months but less than a year" 80 = "One year or more" 98 = "Missing response" ; value QTPOSSB_f 1 = "Does not smoke cigarettes" 2 = "Very likely" 3 = "Somewhat likely" 4 = "Somewhat unlikely" 5 = "Very unlikely" 98 = "Missing response" ; value QTPOSSBYN_f 1 = "No" 2 = "Yes" 97 = "Don't know" 98 = "Missing response" ; value QTPOSSBYNSMK_f 0 = "Does not smoke cigarettes" 1 = "No" 2 = "Yes" 98 = "Missing response" ; value QTCAUGHT_f 0 = "Never smoked" 1 = "Not smoked in the past 12 months" 2 = "Yes, attended stop-smoking class" 3 = "No, did not attend stop-smoking class" 98 = "Missing response" ; value NOSMKNEED_f 0 = "Never smoke cigarettes" 1 = "Does not smoke now" 2 = "Less than 1 hour" 3 = "1-3 hours" 4 = "More than 3 hours but less than one day" 5 = "Whole day" 6 = "Several days" 7 = "A week or more" 98 = "Missing response" ; value QTFAIL_f 1 = "Never smoked cigarettes" 2 = "Smokes, has NOT tried to stop or cut down" 3 = "Yes, able to stop or cut down" 4 = "Yes, NOT able to stop or cut down" 98 = "Missing response" ; value QTTOBTHINK_f 0 = "Does not use tobacco" 10 = "No, not thinking about quitting" 20 = "Yes" 21 = "Yes, within the next 30 days" 22 = "Yes, within the next 6 months" 23 = "Yes, within the year" 24 = "Yes, but not within the next year" 25 = "Yes, but not within the next 6 months" 98 = "Missing response" ; value QTTOBYNUM_f 1 = "Did not use tobacco during past 12 months" 2 = "Did not try to quit during past 12 months" 3 = "1 time" 4 = "2 times" 5 = "3 to 5 times" 6 = "6 to 9 times" 7 = "10 or more times" 98 = "Missing response" ; value QTPROG_f 1 = "Never used tobacco" 2 = "Use tobacco and never tried to quit" 3 = "No" 4 = "Yes, only in school" 5 = "Yes, only in community" 6 = "Yes, in both and school and community" 98 = "Missing response" ; value QTHELPNAY_f 1 = "No, this response option not selected" 2 = "Yes" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value QTHELPNAEV_f 1 = "No, this response option not selected" 2 = "Yes" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value QTHELPNOQT_f 1 = "No, this response option not selected" 2 = "Yes" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value QTHELPSCHL_f 10 = "No, direct response" 11 = "No, this response option not selected" 20 = "Yes" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 98 = "Missing response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value QTHELPCOM_f 10 = "No, direct response" 11 = "No, this response option not selected" 20 = "Yes" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 98 = "Missing response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value QTHELPLINE_f 10 = "No, direct response" 11 = "No, this response option not selected" 20 = "Yes" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 98 = "Missing response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value QTHELPNIC_f 10 = "No" 11 = "No, nicotine product response option selected" 12 = "No, direct response to nicotine gum question (2002 only)" 13 = "No, direct response to nicotine patch question (2002 only)" 20 = "Yes" 21 = "Yes, gum only" 22 = "Yes, patch only" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 98 = "Missing response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value QTHELPMED_f 10 = "No, direct response" 11 = "No, this response option not selected" 20 = "Yes" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 98 = "Missing response" ; value QTHELPINT_f 10 = "No, direct response" 11 = "No, this response option not selected" 20 = "Yes" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 98 = "Missing response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value QTHELPFAMFRN_f 1 = "No, this response option not selected" 2 = "Yes" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value QTHELPOTH_f 1 = "No, this response option not selected" 2 = "Yes" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value QTHELPOWN_f 1 = "No, this response option not selected" 2 = "Yes" 97 = "Inconsistent response" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value QTHELPNONE_f 1 = "No, this response option not selected" 2 = "Yes" 99 = "Inferred missing response" ; value CIGSID_f 1 = "Did not try to buy cigarettes in a store" 2 = "Yes, asked to show proof of age" 3 = "No, not asked to show proof of age" 98 = "Missing response" ; value TOBBUYEAS_f 1 = "Very easy" 2 = "Somewhat easy" 3 = "Not easy at all" 98 = "Missing response" ; value ANTISCHLNO_f 1 = "No" 2 = "Yes" 91 = "Not sure" 98 = "Missing response" ; value ANTISCHLWHYSMK_f 1 = "No" 2 = "Yes" 91 = "Not sure" 98 = "Missing response" ; value ANTISCHLWHYNOT_f 1 = "No" 2 = "Yes" 98 = "Missing response" ; value ANTISCHLMAJ_f 1 = "No" 2 = "Yes" 91 = "Not sure" 98 = "Missing response" ; value ANTISCHLDANG_f 1 = "No" 2 = "Yes" 91 = "Not sure" 98 = "Missing response" ; value ANTISCHLAPP_f 1 = "No" 2 = "Yes" 91 = "Not sure" 98 = "Missing response" ; value ANTISCHLOKNO_f 1 = "No" 2 = "Yes" 91 = "Not sure" 98 = "Missing response" ; value ANTITOBYNG_f 10 = "No" 11 = "Did not know about any activities" 20 = "Yes" 98 = "Missing response" ; value ANTITOBMTG_f 1 = "No" 2 = "Yes" 98 = "Missing response" ; value ANTITOBYTH_f 1 = "No" 2 = "Yes" 98 = "Missing response" ; value ANTITOBGRP_f 1 = "No" 2 = "Yes" 98 = "Missing response" ; value ANTITOBCOM_f 1 = "No" 2 = "Yes" 98 = "Missing response" ; value ANTITOBHFAIR_f 1 = "No" 2 = "Yes" 98 = "Missing response" ; value SMKLSLAB_f 0 = "None in past 30 days" 1 = "Never" 2 = "Rarely" 3 = "Sometimes" 4 = "Most of the time" 5 = "Always" 98 = "Missing response" ; value TOBCRAV30_f 1 = "No" 2 = "Yes" 98 = "Missing response" ; value TOBCRAVHRS_f 10 = "Does not smoke" 11 = "Never smoked" 12 = "Does not smoke now" 20 = "Not at all true" 30 = "Not very true" 40 = "Fairly true" 50 = "Very true" 98 = "Missing response" ; value TOBCRAV_f 1 = "Does not smoke now" 2 = "Not at all true" 3 = "Not very true" 4 = "Fairly true" 5 = "Very true" 98 = "Missing response" ; value TOBTHNK30_f 1 = "No" 2 = "Yes" 98 = "Missing response" ; value WAKETOB_f 1 = "Does not use tobacco" 2 = "Within 5 minutes" 3 = "From 6 to 30 minutes" 4 = "From more than 30 minutes to 1 hour" 5 = "More than 1 hour but less than 24 hours" 6 = "Rarely wants to use tobacco" 98 = "Missing response" ; value WAKETOBWK_f 1 = "Does not smoke now" 2 = "Less than 15 minutes" 3 = "15-30 minutes" 4 = "More than 30 minutes but less than 1 hour" 5 = "1-2 hours" 6 = "More than 2 hours but less than half a day" 7 = "More than half a day" 8 = "I do not smoke on weekdays" 98 = "Missing response" ; value WAKETOBWKND_f 1 = "Does not smoke now" 2 = "Less than 15 minutes" 3 = "15-30 minutes" 4 = "More than 30 minutes but less than 1 hour" 5 = "1-2 hours" 6 = "More than 2 hours but less than half a day" 7 = "More than half a day" 8 = "Does not smoke on weekends" 98 = "Missing response" ; value NOCIGIRRIT_f 10 = "Does not smoke cigarettes" 11 = "Never smoked cigarettes" 12 = "Does not smoke now" 20 = "Not at all true" 30 = "Not very true" 40 = "Fairly true" 50 = "Very true" 98 = "Missing response" ; value NOTOBIRRIT_f 1 = "Does not use tobacco" 2 = "Not at all true" 3 = "Sometimes true" 4 = "Often true" 5 = "Always true" 98 = "Missing response" ; run; data IPUMS.nytsall_integrated; infile ASCIIDAT pad missover lrecl=916; input RECTYPE $ 1-1 @ ; if RECTYPE = "P" then do; input YEAR 2-5 SERIAL 6-11 STRATAORIG $ 12-18 STRATANUM 19-25 PSSTRATA 26-28 PSUORIG $ 29-38 PSUNUM 39-48 PSPSU 49-56 SCHLID 57-68 STUDID 69-77 SAMPSRC 78-78 PERWT 79-96 DRAWWT 97-112 PANWT 113-128 MONTH 129-130 DAY 131-132 ADMINWHO 133-134 ADMINWHEN 135-136 AGE 137-138 SEX 139-140 RACEAIAN 141-142 RACEASIAN 143-144 RACEBLK 145-146 RACENHPI 147-148 RACEWHT 149-150 RACESING 151-152 RACESINGR 153-154 RACEMR 155-156 RACENUM 157-157 HISPYN 158-159 HISPMEX 160-161 HISPPUER 162-163 HISPCUB 164-165 HISPOTH 166-167 GRADE 168-169 CIGEV 170-171 SMKDAILY 172-173 SMOKLASTY 174-175 GETCIG 176-177 CIGSPAY 178-179 SMOKPUFLAST 180-181 CIGSLIFE 182-183 CIGDAYMO 184-185 CIGSDAY 186-187 CIGTYPE 188-189 CIGMENTH 190-191 NOCIGAGE 192-193 LOCCIG 194-195 CIGBRAND 196-197 CIGBRAMSPIR 198-199 CIGBRCAM 200-201 CIGBRDGPC 202-203 CIGBRKOOL 204-205 CIGBRMARL 206-207 CIGBRNEWP 208-209 CIGBROTH 210-211 CIGBRNOFAV 212-213 CIGBRDK 214-215 CIGEVR 216-217 CIGNOWR 218-219 SMKSCHL 220-221 SMKSCHLDAYMO 222-223 CIGTRYY 224-225 CIGTRYSOON 226-227 CIGTRYSOONLIK 228-229 CIGTRY5Y 230-231 CIGTRYBF 232-233 SMOKAGFIRST 234-235 SMOKWHENFIRST 236-237 CIGBUYMO 238-239 WHERSMKNO 240-241 WHERSMKHOM 242-243 WHERSMKSCHL 244-245 WHERSMKJOB 246-247 WHERSMKAUTO 248-249 WHERSMKFRND 250-251 WHERSMKSOC 252-253 WHERSMKPUB 254-255 WHERSMKOUT 256-257 FLAVCIGMO 258-259 FLAVSMKLSMO 260-261 FLAVECIGMO 262-263 FLAVHOOKMO 264-265 FLAVPIPEMO 266-267 FLAVSNUSMO 268-269 FLAVDISTOBMO 270-271 FLAVNOMO 272-273 FLAVCIGNOW 274-275 FLAVCGARNOW 276-277 FLAVCIGEV 278-279 FLAVCGAREV 280-281 HRDFLAVCGAR 282-283 HRDFLAVCIG 284-285 HRDECIG 286-287 ECIGEV 288-289 ECIGEVR 290-291 ECIGTRYSOON 292-293 ECIGTRYBF 294-295 ECIGAGFIRST 296-297 ECIGDAYMO 298-299 CURECIG 300-301 ECIGNOW 302-303 ECIGNOWR 304-305 SMKLSEV 306-307 SMKLSEVR 308-309 SMKLSNOWR 310-311 SMKLSAGFIRST 312-313 SMKLSDAYMO 314-315 SMKLSSCHLDAYMO 316-317 SMKLSSCHL 318-319 CURSMKLS 320-321 GETSMKLS 322-323 DISTOBEV 324-325 DISTOBEVR 326-327 HRDDISTOB 328-329 DISTOBNOW 330-331 DISTOBNOWR 332-333 SNUSEV 334-335 SNUSEVR 336-337 SNUSNOWR 338-339 HRDSNUS 340-341 SNUSNOW 342-343 SNUSHARMLS2 344-345 HRDROLCIG 346-347 ROLCIGEV 348-349 ROLCIGNOW 350-351 HOOKEV 352-353 HOOKEVR 354-355 HRDHOOK 356-357 HOOKNOW 358-359 HOOKNOWR 360-361 CGAREV 362-363 CGAREVR 364-365 CGARNOWR 366-367 CGARTRYSOON 368-369 CGARTRYBF 370-371 CGARAGFIRST 372-373 CGARDAYMO 374-375 CGARSCHL 376-377 CGARSDAY 378-379 GETCGAR 380-381 BIDIEV 382-383 BIDIEVR 384-385 HRDBIDI 386-387 BIDINOW 388-390 BIDINOWR 391-392 BIDIDAYMO 393-394 KRETEV 395-396 KRETEVR 397-398 HRDKRET 399-400 KRETNOW 401-402 KRETNOWR 403-404 KRETDAYMO 405-406 PIPEV 407-408 PIPEVR 409-410 PIPENOW 411-412 PIPENOWR 413-414 PIPEDAYMO 415-416 ECLIPSEEV 417-418 OMNIEV 419-420 ADVLIGHTEV 421-422 ACCORDEV 423-424 ARIVAEV 425-426 NONEEV 427-428 NOTOBNOW 429-430 NONEPRODEV 431-432 FIRSTTOB 433-434 TOBTRYY 435-436 TOBTRYSOON 437-438 TOBTRYBF 439-440 TOBFLAV 441-442 ANYFLAVEV 443-444 ANYFLAVNOW 445-446 NOTOBAGE 447-448 GETTOBNO 449-450 GETTOBSELF 451-452 GETTOBOBUY 453-454 GETTOBBUM 455-456 GETTOBOFF 457-458 GETTOBBUYPER 459-460 GETTOBTK 461-462 GETTOBOTH 463-464 LOCTOBNO 465-466 LOCTOBCONV 467-468 LOCTOBGAS 469-470 LOCTOBGSCS 471-472 LOCTOBGROC 473-474 LOCTOBPHARM 475-476 LOCTOBVEND 477-478 LOCTOBINT 479-480 LOCTOBMAIL 481-482 LOCTOBOTH 483-484 HRDOTH 485-486 HRDNONE 487-488 OTHTOBEV 489-490 OTHTOBNOW 491-492 ECIGADINT 493-494 ECIGADPRINT 495-496 ECIGADSTOR 497-498 ECIGADMEDIA 499-500 SMKADFAV 501-502 SMKADAMSPIR 503-504 SMKADCAM 505-506 SMKADGPC 507-508 SMKADKOOL 509-510 SMKADLUCST 511-512 SMKADMARL 513-514 SMKADNEW 515-516 SMKADPARL 517-518 SMKADVSLIM 519-520 SMKADOTH 521-522 SMKADNONE 523-524 SMKADDK 525-526 ANTIADTRUTH 527-528 ANTIADTHINK 529-530 TOBLOGOEV 531-532 TOBLOGOLIK 533-534 TOBLOGOOWN 535-536 ANTIADPRINT 537-538 ANTIADTV 539-540 ANTIADRAD 541-542 ANTIADTVRAD 543-544 ANTIADNEWSMED 545-546 ANTIADINT 547-548 ANTIADBILL 549-550 SMKADINT 551-552 SMKADPRINT 553-554 SMKADSTOR 555-556 SMKADBILL 557-558 SMKSEEACTOR 559-560 SMKSEEACTORTV 561-562 SMKSEEACTORFLM 563-564 SMKSEEATHLET 565-566 COUPMAIL 567-568 ADMAIL 569-570 INFOMAIL 571-572 COUPEMAIL 573-574 ADEMAIL 575-576 INFOEMAIL 577-578 COUPINT 579-580 ADINT 581-582 COUPSOC 583-584 ADSOC 585-586 COUPSMS 587-588 ADSMS 589-590 INFOSMS 591-592 COUPTOBPROD 593-594 INFOOTH 595-596 COUPNONE 597-598 INFONONE 599-600 ANTIAD1 601-602 ANTIAD2 603-604 ANTIAD3 605-606 ANTIAD4 607-608 ANTIAD5 609-610 ANTIAD6 611-612 ANTIAD7 613-614 ANTIAD8 615-616 ANTIAD9 617-618 ANTIAD10 619-620 HPADVTOB 621-622 HPADVTOBNOSMK 623-624 DDSADVTOB 625-626 MDADVTOB 627-628 HPASKTOB 629-630 DDSWARNTOB 631-632 MDWARNTOB 633-634 FRNDTOBNUM 635-636 FRNDCIGNUM 637-638 FRNDSMKLSNUM 639-640 COHABCIG 641-642 COHABCGAR 643-644 COHABSMKLS 645-646 COHABSNUS 647-648 COHABECIG 649-650 COHABHOOK 651-652 COHABPIPE 653-654 COHABDISTOB 655-656 COHABBIDI 657-658 COHABNONE 659-660 COHABOTH 661-662 COHABKRET 663-664 SMKRULESHOM 665-666 SMKRULESDRIV 667-668 PARDISPTOB 669-670 PARTALKTOB 671-672 PARDANGER 673-674 PARDANGERUSE 675-676 SKIPSCHL 677-678 ABSNTSCHL 679-680 SMKHOM7 681-682 SMKDRIV7 683-684 SMKSCHL7 685-686 SMKWORK7 687-688 SMKPUB7 689-690 SMKROOM7 691-692 WKINC 693-694 WKINCJOB 695-696 WKINCALL 697-698 CURCIG 699-700 CIGCOOL 701-702 CIGSADDICT 703-704 CIGFRND 705-706 SAFELT2YRS 707-708 SMKALHOM 709-710 SMKALAUTO 711-712 BTTARGLT18 713-714 BTTARGTEEN 715-716 BTDENY 717-718 BTBLAMEYTH 719-720 BTMISLDYTH 721-722 BTUSEYTH 723-724 BTBEHAV 725-726 SMKOPIN1PK 727-728 SMKHARMGT1PK 729-730 PEERSCIG 731-732 SMKLONGHARM 733-734 SMKHARMDLY 735-736 SMKHARMSD 737-738 SMKHARM10D 739-740 SHSMKEFFECT 741-742 SHSMKEFFECTHARM 743-744 NOSMKIND 745-746 SMKLSHARMDLY 747-748 SMKLSHARMSD 749-750 SMKLSHARM 751-752 PEERTOB 753-754 SMKLSFRND 755-756 SMKLSADD 757-758 SMKLSHARMLS2 759-760 FLAVCGARHARMLS1 761-762 CGARADD 763-764 CGARHARM 765-766 CGARHARMSD 767-768 CGARHARMLS1 769-770 CGARCOOL 771-772 CGARFRND 773-774 CURCGAR 775-776 ECIGHARMSD 777-778 ECIGHARM 779-780 ECIGHARMLS1 781-782 ECIGHARMLS2 783-784 ECIGADD 785-786 ECIGFRND 787-788 HOOKHARMLS1 789-790 PIPEHARMLS1 791-792 DKHARMLS1 793-794 NONEHARMLS1 795-796 BIDIHARMLS1 797-798 DISVHARM 799-800 DISVHARMLS2 801-802 KRETHARMLS1 803-804 DKHARMLS2 805-806 NONEHARMLS2 807-808 TOBINCL 809-810 TOBDANGER 811-812 QTSRSLY 813-815 QTWANT 816-817 QTTHINKY 818-819 QTINTEND 820-821 QTEVNUM 822-823 QTYNUM 824-825 QTLASTDUR 826-827 QTPOSSB 828-829 QTPOSSBYN 830-831 QTPOSSBYNSMK 832-833 QTCAUGHT 834-835 NOSMKNEED 836-837 QTFAIL 838-839 QTTOBTHINK 840-841 QTTOBYNUM 842-843 QTPROG 844-845 QTHELPNAY 846-847 QTHELPNAEV 848-849 QTHELPNOQT 850-851 QTHELPSCHL 852-853 QTHELPCOM 854-855 QTHELPLINE 856-857 QTHELPNIC 858-859 QTHELPMED 860-861 QTHELPINT 862-863 QTHELPFAMFRN 864-865 QTHELPOTH 866-867 QTHELPOWN 868-869 QTHELPNONE 870-871 CIGSID 872-873 TOBBUYEAS 874-875 ANTISCHLNO 876-877 ANTISCHLWHYSMK 878-879 ANTISCHLWHYNOT 880-881 ANTISCHLMAJ 882-883 ANTISCHLDANG 884-885 ANTISCHLAPP 886-887 ANTISCHLOKNO 888-889 ANTITOBYNG 890-891 ANTITOBMTG 892-893 ANTITOBYTH 894-895 ANTITOBGRP 896-897 ANTITOBCOM 898-899 ANTITOBHFAIR 900-901 SMKLSLAB 902-903 SMKLSLABRSK 904-905 CIGLAB 906-907 CIGLABRISK 908-909 SMOKILL 910-911 SMOKPROHIB 912-913 TOBCRAV30 914-915 TOBCRAVHRS 916-917 TOBCRAV 918-919 TOBTHNK30 920-921 WAKETOB 922-923 WAKETOBWK 924-925 WAKETOBWKND 926-927 NOCIGIRRIT 928-929 NOTOBIRRIT 930-931 ; output; end; label RECTYPE = "Record type" YEAR = "Year of survey" SERIAL = "Sequential serial number" STRATAORIG = "Strata, original values with string characters (for variance estimation)" STRATANUM = "Numerical strata for variance estimation" PSSTRATA = "Psuedo strata" PSUORIG = "Primary sampling unit, original values" PSUNUM = "Numerical primary sampling unit for variance estimation" PSPSU = "Psuedo primary sampling unit" SCHLID = "School identifier" STUDID = "Student identifier" SAMPSRC = "Sample source" PERWT = "Fully adjusted analysis weight" DRAWWT = "Drawn sample weight" PANWT = "Panel sample weight" MONTH = "Month of survey" DAY = "Day of survey" ADMINWHO = "Who administered survey" ADMINWHEN = "When survey was administered" AGE = "Age" SEX = "Sex" RACEAIAN = "Selected American Indian-Alaskan Native as race" RACEASIAN = "Selected Asian as race" RACEBLK = "Selected black or African American as race" RACENHPI = "Selected Native Hawaiin Pacific Islander as race" RACEWHT = "Selected white as race" RACESING = "Single race" RACESINGR = "CDC/NYTS Recode: Single race" RACEMR = "CDC/NYTS Recode: race/ethnicity with multiple race category" RACENUM = "CDC/NYTS Recode: number of races reported" HISPYN = "Hispanic ethnicity, dichotomous" HISPMEX = "Hispanic ethnicity: Mexican, Mexican American, Chicano" HISPPUER = "Hispanic ethnicity: Puerto Rican" HISPCUB = "Hispanic ethnicity: Cuban or Cuban American" HISPOTH = "Hispanic ethnicity: Other" GRADE = "Grade" CIGEV = "Ever tried smoking, even 1 or 2 puffs" SMKDAILY = "Ever smoked daily" SMOKLASTY = "How much smoking this time last year" GETCIG = "How usually gets cigarettes" CIGSPAY = "Cost of last pack of cigarettes purchased" SMOKPUFLAST = "Last time smoked a cigarette" CIGSLIFE = "Number cigarettes smoked in entire life" CIGDAYMO = "Number of days smoked cigarettes, past 30 days" CIGSDAY = "Number of cigarettes smoked on days when smoked, past 30 days" CIGTYPE = "What type of cigarettes usually smoked" CIGMENTH = "Usually smoked menthol cigarettes" NOCIGAGE = "Ever not sold cigarettes because of age, past 30 days" LOCCIG = "Where acquires cigarettes" CIGBRAND = "Which brand smoked" CIGBRAMSPIR = "Favorite brand: American Spirit brand" CIGBRCAM = "Favorite brand: Camel" CIGBRDGPC = "Favorite brand: GPC, Basic, or Doral brands" CIGBRKOOL = "Favorite brand: Kool brand" CIGBRMARL = "Favorite brand: Marlboro brand" CIGBRNEWP = "Favorite brand: Newport brand" CIGBROTH = "Favorite brand: some other brand" CIGBRNOFAV = "Favorite brand: Has no favorite brand" CIGBRDK = "Favorite brand: Missing favorite brand" CIGEVR = "CDC/NYTS Recode: Ever tried a cigarette, even 1 or 2 puffs" CIGNOWR = "CDC/NYTS Recode: smoked cigarettes 1 or more days in past 30 days" SMKSCHL = "Smoked on school property, past 30 days" SMKSCHLDAYMO = "Number of days smoked on school property, past 30 days" CIGTRYY = "Think will try a cigarette anytime during next year" CIGTRYSOON = "Think will try a cigarette soon" CIGTRYSOONLIK = "Think will try a cigarette soon" CIGTRY5Y = "Think will be smoking in 5 years" CIGTRYBF = "Would try a cigarette if offered by best friend" SMOKAGFIRST = "Age when first smoked a cigarette" CIGBUYMO = "Likely to purchase cigarettes in next 30 days" WHERSMKNO = "Where smoke: don't smoke" WHERSMKHOM = "Where smoke: at home" WHERSMKSCHL = "Where smoke: at school" WHERSMKJOB = "Where smoke: at work" WHERSMKAUTO = "Where smoke: in vehicle" WHERSMKFRND = "Where smoke: at friends' houses" WHERSMKSOC = "Where smoke: social events" WHERSMKPUB = "Where smoke: public buildings" WHERSMKOUT = "Where smoke: outdoors" FLAVCIGMO = "Used flavored cigarettes past 30 days" FLAVSMKLSMO = "Used flavored smokeless tobacco past 30 days" FLAVECIGMO = "Used flavored electronic cigarette past 30 days" FLAVHOOKMO = "Used flavored hookah/water pipe past 30 days" FLAVPIPEMO = "Used flavored tobacco pipe past 30 days" FLAVSNUSMO = "Used flavored snus past 30 days" FLAVDISTOBMO = "Used flavored dissolvable tobacco past 30 days" FLAVNOMO = "Used no flavored tobacco product past 30 days" FLAVCIGNOW = "Currently use flavored cigarettes (1 or more of past 30 days)" FLAVCGARNOW = "Currently use flavored little cigars (1 or more of past 30 days)" FLAVCIGEV = "Ever tried: flavored cigarette" FLAVCGAREV = "Ever tried: flavored little cigars" HRDFLAVCGAR = "Ever heard: flavored little cigars" HRDFLAVCIG = "Ever heard: flavored cigarette" HRDECIG = "Ever heard: electronic cigarette" ECIGEV = "Ever tried electronic cigarettes" ECIGEVR = "CDC/NYTS Recode: Ever tried electronic cigarettes" ECIGTRYSOON = "Think will try electronic cigarettes soon" ECIGTRYBF = "Would try electronic cigarette if offered by best friend" ECIGAGFIRST = "Age when used an electronic cigarette for the first time" ECIGDAYMO = "Number of days used electronic cigarettes, past 30 days" CURECIG = "Curious about trying electronic cigarettes" ECIGNOW = "Currently use electronic cigarette (1 or more of past 30 days)" ECIGNOWR = "CDC/NYTS Recode: Currently use electronic cigarette (1 or more of past 30 days)" SMKLSEV = "Ever used chewing tobacco, snuff, or dip" SMKLSEVR = "CDC/NYTS Recode: Ever used chewing tobacco, snuff, or dip" SMKLSNOWR = "CDC/NYTS Recode: used chewing tobacco, snuff, or dip on 1 or more days in past 3" SMKLSAGFIRST = "Age when first used chewing tobacco, snuff, or dip" SMOKWHENFIRST = "When first smoked a cigarette" SMKLSDAYMO = "Number of days used chewing tobacco, snuff or dip, past 30 days" SMKLSSCHLDAYMO = "Number of days used smokeless tobacco on school property, past 30 days" SMKLSSCHL = "Has anyone (including self) used a non-smoke tobacco product on school property " CURSMKLS = "Curious about trying smokeless tobacco" GETSMKLS = "How usually gets smokeless tobacco" DISTOBEV = "Ever tried: dissolvable tobacco product" DISTOBEVR = "CDC/NYTS Recode: Ever tried: dissolvable tobacco product" HRDDISTOB = "Ever heard: dissolvable tobacco product" DISTOBNOW = "Currently use dissolvable tobacco (1 or more of past 30 days)" DISTOBNOWR = "CDC/NYTS Recode: Currently use dissolvable tobacco (1 or more of past 30 days)" SNUSEV = "Ever tried: snus" SNUSEVR = "CDC/NYTS Recode: Ever tried: snus" SNUSNOWR = "CDC/NYTS Recode: Recode: used snus on 1 or more days in past 30 days" HRDSNUS = "Ever heard: snus" SNUSNOW = "Currently use snus (1 or more of past 30 days)" SNUSHARMLS2 = "Believe less harmful than smoking cigarettes: Snus, List 2" HRDROLCIG = "Ever heard: roll-your-own cigarette" ROLCIGEV = "Ever tried: roll-your-own cigarettes" ROLCIGNOW = "Currently use roll-your-own cigarettes (1 or more of past 30 days)" HOOKEV = "Ever tried: Hookah/water pipe" HOOKEVR = "CDC/NYTS Recode: Ever tried: Hookah/water pipe" HRDHOOK = "Ever heard: hookah/water pipe" HOOKNOW = "Currently use hookah or water pipe (1 or more of past 30 days)" HOOKNOWR = "CDC/NYTS Recode: Currently use hookah or water pipe (1 or more of past 30 days)" CGAREV = "Ever tried smoking cigars, even 1 or 2 puffs" CGAREVR = "CDC/NYTS Recode: Ever tried smoking cigars, even 1 or 2 puffs" CGARNOWR = "CDC/NYTS Recode: smoked cigars on 1 or more days in past 30 days" CGARTRYSOON = "Think will try cigars soon" CGARTRYBF = "Would try cigar if offered by best friend" CGARAGFIRST = "Age when first smoked a cigar" CGARDAYMO = "Number of days smoked cigars, past 30 days" CGARSCHL = "Number of days smoked cigars on school property, past 30 days" CGARSDAY = "Number of cigars smoked on days when smoked, past 30 days" GETCGAR = "How usually gets cigars" BIDIEV = "Ever tried: bidis" BIDIEVR = "CDC/NYTS Recode: Ever tried: bidis" HRDBIDI = "Ever heard: bidi" BIDINOW = "Currently use bidis (1 or more of past 30 days)" BIDINOWR = "CDC/NYTS Recode: Currently use bidis (1 or more of past 30 days)" BIDIDAYMO = "Number of days used bidis, past 30 days" KRETEV = "Ever tried: clove cigars (kreteks)" KRETEVR = "CDC/NYTS Recode: Ever tried: clove cigars (kreteks)" HRDKRET = "Ever heard: clove cigars (kreteks)" KRETNOW = "Currently use kreteks (1 or more of past 30 days)" KRETNOWR = "NYTS Recode: Currently use kreteks (1 or more of past 30 days)" KRETDAYMO = "Number of days used kreteks, past 30 days" PIPEV = "Ever tried: smoking tobacco in a pipe, even 1 or 2 puffs" PIPEVR = "CDC/NYTS Recode: Ever tried: smoking tobacco in a pipe, even 1 or 2 puffs" PIPENOW = "Currently use tobacco pipe (1 or more of past 30 days)" PIPENOWR = "CDC/NYTS Recode: Currently use tobacco pipe (1 or more of past 30 days)" PIPEDAYMO = "Number of days used pipe, past 30 days" ECLIPSEEV = "Ever tried: Eclipse cigarettes" OMNIEV = "Ever tried: Omni" ADVLIGHTEV = "Ever tried: Advance Lights" ACCORDEV = "Ever tried: Accord" ARIVAEV = "Ever tried: Ariva" NONEEV = "Ever tried: None of the listed tobacco products" NOTOBNOW = "Currently use no tobacco products" NONEPRODEV = "Ever tried: None of the listed tobacco products (generic tobacco products)" FIRSTTOB = "First tobacco product tried" TOBTRYY = "Think will use tobacco anytime during next 12 months" TOBTRYSOON = "Think will try tobacco soon" TOBTRYBF = "Would try any tobaccoproduct if offered by one of best friends" TOBFLAV = "Any tobacco products used flavored, past 30 days" ANYFLAVEV = "IPUMS recode: responded yes to any question about ever trying flavored tobacco" ANYFLAVNOW = "IPUMS recode: responded yes to any question about trying flavored tobacco, past" NOTOBAGE = "Ever not sold tobacco products because of age, past 30 days" GETTOBNO = "Acquires tobacco by: does not acquire tobacco" GETTOBSELF = "Acquires tobacco by: buying it for self" GETTOBOBUY = "Acquires tobacco by: having someone else purchase it" GETTOBBUM = "Acquires tobacco by: bumming or borrowing" GETTOBOFF = "Acquires tobacco by: offered tobacco by someone else" GETTOBBUYPER = "Acquires tobacco by: buying from another person" GETTOBTK = "Acquires tobacco by: took from person or store" GETTOBOTH = "Acquires tobacco by: some other way not mentioned" LOCTOBNO = "Where acquires tobacco: does not acquire tobacco" LOCTOBCONV = "Where acquires tobacco: convenience store" LOCTOBGAS = "Where acquires tobacco: gas station" LOCTOBGSCS = "Where acquires tobacco: gas station or convenience store" LOCTOBGROC = "Where acquires tobacco: grocery store" LOCTOBPHARM = "Where acquires tobacco: pharmacy or drug store" LOCTOBVEND = "Where acquires tobacco: vending machine" LOCTOBINT = "Where acquires tobacco: the internet" LOCTOBMAIL = "Where acquires tobacco: mail" LOCTOBOTH = "Where acquires tobacco: some other place not listed" HRDOTH = "Ever heard: some other new tobacco product" HRDNONE = "Ever heard: never heard of any listed or other new tobacco product" OTHTOBEV = "Ever tried: some other new tobacco product" OTHTOBNOW = "Currently use some other tobacco product not listed (1 or more of past 30 days)" ECIGADINT = "Frequency seeing electronic cigarette ads when using the internet" ECIGADPRINT = "Frequency seeing electronic cigarette ads when reading newspaper/magazines" ECIGADSTOR = "Frequency seeing electronic cigarette ads at stores" ECIGADMEDIA = "Frequency seeing electronic cigarette ads on TV or at movies" SMKADFAV = "Favorite cigarette ad" SMKADAMSPIR = "Favorite cigarette ad: American Spirit" SMKADCAM = "Favorite cigarette ad: Camel" SMKADGPC = "Favorite cigarette ad: GPC, Basic, or Doral" SMKADKOOL = "Favorite cigarette ad: Kool" SMKADLUCST = "Favorite cigarette ad: Lucky Strike" SMKADMARL = "Favorite cigarette ad: Marlboro" SMKADNEW = "Favorite cigarette ad: Newport" SMKADPARL = "Favorite cigarette ad: Parliament" SMKADVSLIM = "Favorite cigarette ad: Virginia Slims" SMKADOTH = "Favorite cigarette ad: other brand" SMKADNONE = "Favorite cigarette ad: do not have a favorite ad" SMKADDK = "Favorite cigarette ad: not sure" ANTIADTRUTH = "Seen 'truth' anti-smoking commercial, past 30 days" ANTIADTHINK = "Seen 'Think-Don't Smoke' commercial, past 30 days" TOBLOGOEV = "Would wear or use something with tobacco logo or picture on it" TOBLOGOLIK = "Likely to wear or use something with tobacco logo or picture on it" TOBLOGOOWN = "Bought or received anything with tobacco logo or picture on it, past 12 months" ANTIADPRINT = "Frequency saw anti-smoking message in newspaper/magazine, past 30 days" ANTIADTV = "Frequency saw or heard anti-smoking message on TV, past 30 days" ANTIADRAD = "Frequency saw or heard anti-smoking message on radio, past 30 days" ANTIADTVRAD = "Frequency saw or heard anti-smoking message on TV or radio, past 30 days" ANTIADNEWSMED = "Frequency saw anti-smoking news stories or programs on TV, past 30 days" SMKADINT = "Frequency seeing ads for cigarettes/tobacco when using the internet" SMKADPRINT = "Frequency seeing ads for cigarettes/tobacco when reading newspaper/magazines" SMKADSTOR = "Frequency seeing ads for cigarettes/tobacco when at stores" SMKADBILL = "Frequency seeing ads for cigarettes/tobacco on billboards, past 30 days" SMKSEEACTOR = "Frequency seeing actors use tobacco on TV or at movies" SMKSEEACTORTV = "Frequency seeing actors smoke on TV" SMKSEEACTORFLM = "Frequency seeing actors smoke in movies" SMKSEEATHLET = "Frequency seeing athletes use tobacco on TV" ADMAIL = "Received ads, past 30 days: in the mail" COUPMAIL = "Received coupons, past 30 days: in the mail" INFOMAIL = "Received information, past 30 days: in the mail" COUPEMAIL = "Received coupons, past 30 days: email" ADEMAIL = "Received ads, past 30 days: email" INFOEMAIL = "Received information past 30 days: email" COUPINT = "Received coupons, past 30 days: internet" ADINT = "Received ads, past 30 days: internet" COUPSOC = "Received coupons, past 30 days: social networks" ADSOC = "Received ads, past 30 days, social media (Facebook and Myspace)" COUPSMS = "Received coupons, past 30 days: text message" ADSMS = "Received ads, past 30 days: text message" INFOSMS = "Received information, past 30 days: text message" COUPTOBPROD = "Received coupons, past 30 days: on tobacco product" INFOOTH = "Received information, past 30 days: some other way" COUPNONE = "Received coupons, past 30 days: did not receive coupons from tobacco company" INFONONE = "Received information, past 30 days: did not receive info from tobacco company" ANTIAD1 = "Seen anti-tobacco ad: Legs lost to amputation" ANTIAD2 = "Seen anti-tobacco ad: Fingers and toes lost to amputation" ANTIAD3 = "Seen anti-tobacco ad: Scar from heart-attack" ANTIAD4 = "Seen anti-tobacco ad: Wig and teeth" ANTIAD5 = "Seen anti-tobacco ad: Son caring for mother" ANTIAD6 = "Seen anti-tobacco ad: Mom gives son inhaler" ANTIAD7 = "Seen anti-tobacco ad: Covering hole in neck" ANTIAD8 = "Seen anti-tobacco ad: Child with chicken pox" ANTIAD9 = "Seen anti-tobacco ad: Don't know" ANTIAD10 = "Seen anti-tobacco ad: None" HPADVTOB = "Health care professional advised against tobacco use, past 12 months" HPADVTOBNOSMK = "Health care professional advised against smoking with 'never smoke' response" DDSADVTOB = "Dentist or someone in dentist's office advised against tobacco, past 12 months" MDADVTOB = "Doctor or someone in doctor's office advised against tobacco, past 12 months" HPASKTOB = "Health care professional asked about tobacco use, past 12 months" DDSWARNTOB = "Dentist or someone in dentist's office warned about dangers of tobacco use, past" MDWARNTOB = "Doctor or someone in doctor's office warned about dangers of tobacco use, past 1" FRNDTOBNUM = "Number of closest friends who use any tobacco" FRNDCIGNUM = "Number of closest friends who smoke cigarettes" FRNDSMKLSNUM = "Number of closest friends who use chewing tobacco" COHABCIG = "Currently live with anyone who smokes cigarettes" COHABCGAR = "Currently live with anyone who smokes cigars" COHABSMKLS = "Currently live with anyone who uses smokeless tobacco" COHABSNUS = "Currently live with anyone who uses snus" COHABECIG = "Currently live with anyone who uses electronic cigarettes" COHABHOOK = "Currently live with anyone who smokes hookah or a waterpipe" COHABPIPE = "Currently live with anyone who smokes a tobacco pipe" COHABDISTOB = "Currently live with anyone who uses dissolvable tobacco" COHABBIDI = "Currently live with anyone who smokes bidis" COHABNONE = "No one where currently live uses any form of tobacco" COHABOTH = "Currently live with anyone who uses some other form of tobacco" COHABKRET = "Currently live with anyone who smokes kreteks" SMKRULESHOM = "Rules about smoking inside of home" SMKRULESDRIV = "Rules about smoking in vehicles" PARDISPTOB = "Parents disapprove of using tobacco" PARTALKTOB = "Parents talk about not using any type of tobacco" PARDANGER = "Parents discussed dangers of using tobacco" PARDANGERUSE = "Either parents (or guardians) discussed the dangers of tobacco" SKIPSCHL = "How many days missed at least 1 class period without permission, past 30 days" ABSNTSCHL = "How many days missed school, with or without permission, past 30 days" SMKHOM7 = "Was in home while someone smoked tobacco product, past 7 days" SMKDRIV7 = "Rode in vehicle with someone who smoked tobacco product, past 7 days" SMKSCHL7 = "Breathed smoke from tobacco product in school, past 7 days" SMKWORK7 = "Breathed smoke from tobacco product at work, past 7 days" SMKPUB7 = "Breathed smoke from tobacco product in public place, past 7 days" SMKROOM7 = "Was in same room as someone who was smoking cigarettes, past 7 days" WKINC = "Weekly income from all sources (job and allowance)" WKINCJOB = "Weekly income from job" WKINCALL = "Weekly income from non-job sources (e.g., allowance)" CURCIG = "Curious about cigarettes" CIGCOOL = "Think smoking cigarettes makes young people look cool" CIGSADDICT = "Can people get addicted to cigarettes" CIGFRND = "Think young people who smoke cigarettes have more friends" SAFELT2YRS = "Thinks safe to smoke if quit within 2 years" SMKALHOM = "Opinion about smoking inside home" SMKALAUTO = "Opinion about smoking inside vehicle" BTTARGLT18 = "Believe tobacco companies target persons younger than 18" BTTARGTEEN = "Believe tobacco companies target teens to replace dead smokers" BTDENY = "Believe cigarette companies deny cigarettes cause cancer/harmful diseases" BTBLAMEYTH = "Believe cigarette companies get too much blame for young people smoking" BTMISLDYTH = "Believe tobacco companies have tried to mislead young people more than other com" BTUSEYTH = "Believe young people would never smoke of new tobacco companies "usin" them" BTBEHAV = "Believe cigarette companies behave worse than other companies" SMKOPIN1PK = "Disapprove of people smoking 1 or more packs of cigarettes a day" SMKHARMGT1PK = "Think people harm themselves if smoking 1 or more packs of cigarettes a day" PEERSCIG = "How many students out of 10 in same grade think smoke cigarettes" SMKLONGHARM = "Time a person can smoke before it harms her/him" SMKHARMDLY = "How much a person harms self by smoking cigarettes daily" SMKHARMSD = "How much a person harms self by smoking cigarettes some days" SMKHARM10D = "How much a person harms self by smoking 10 or more cigarettes a day" SHSMKEFFECT = "Think the smoke from other people's cigarettes is harmful" SHSMKEFFECTHARM= "How harmful is smoke from other people's cigarettes" NOSMKIND = "Think NOT smoking is a way to express independence" SMKLSHARMDLY = "How much person harms self by using smokeless tobacco daily" SMKLSHARMSD = "How much a person harms self by using smokeless tobacco some days" SMKLSHARM = "Harm of smokeless tobacco compared to cigarettes (list 2 in 2013)" PEERTOB = "How many students out of 10 in same grade think use tobacco products other than" SMKLSFRND = "Think young people who use smokeless tobacco have more friends" SMKLSADD = "Addictiveness of smokeless tobacco compared to cigarettes" SMKLSHARMLS2 = "Believe less harmful than smoking cigarettes: Smokeless tobacco, List 2" FLAVCGARHARMLS1= "Believe less harmful than smoking cigarettes: Flavored Little Cigars/Cigarillos," CGARADD = "Addictiveness of cigars compared to cigarettes" CGARHARM = "Harm of cigars compared to cigarettes" CGARHARMSD = "How much a person harms self by smoking cigars daily" CGARHARMLS1 = "Believe less harmful than smoking cigarettes: Cigars/Little Cigars/Cigarillos, L" CGARCOOL = "Think smoking cigars makes young people look cool" CGARFRND = "Think young people who smoke cigars have more friends" CURCGAR = "Curious about cigars, cigarillos, or little cigars" ECIGHARMSD = "How much a person harms self by using electronic cigarettes daily" ECIGHARM = "Harm of electronic cigarettes compared to cigarettes" ECIGHARMLS1 = "Believe less harmful than smoking cigarettes: E-Cigarettes, List 1" ECIGHARMLS2 = "Believe less harmful than smoking cigarettes: E-Cigarettes, List 2" ECIGADD = "Addictiveness of electronic cigarettes compared to cigarettes" ECIGFRND = "Think young people who use electronic cigarettes have more friends" HOOKHARMLS1 = "Believe less harmful than smoking cigarettes: Hookah, List 1" PIPEHARMLS1 = "Believe less harmful than smoking cigarettes: Pipe (not Hookah), List 1" DKHARMLS1 = "Don't know harm of any tobacco items on List 1 compared to cigarettes" NONEHARMLS1 = "Don't believe any products on List 1 less harmful than cigarettes" BIDIHARMLS1 = "Believe less harmful than smoking cigarettes: Bidis, List 1" DISVHARM = "Harm of dissolvable tobacco compared to cigarettes" DISVHARMLS2 = "Believe less harmful than smoking cigarettes: Dissolvable Tobacco, List 2" KRETHARMLS1 = "Believe less harmful than smoking cigarettes: Clove Cigarettes (Kreteks), List 1" DKHARMLS2 = "Don't know harm of any items on List 2 compared to cigarettes" NONEHARMLS2 = "Don't believe any products on List 2 less harmful than cigarettes" TOBINCL = "Thought about harmful chemicals in tobacco products, past 30 days" TOBDANGER = "Agree that 'All tobacco products are dangerous'" QTSRSLY = "Seriously considering quitting smoking" QTWANT = "Want to quit smoking" QTTHINKY = "Thought about quitting smoking, past 12 months" QTINTEND = "How soon plan to stop smoking cigarettes" QTEVNUM = "Number of times ever tried to quit smoking" QTYNUM = "Number of times tried to quit smoking, past year" QTLASTDUR = "How long stayed of cigarettes, last quit attempt" QTPOSSB = "Likelihood of success in possible cessation attempt" QTPOSSBYN = "Possible to quit smoking even if wanted to" QTPOSSBYNSMK = "Possible to quit smoking even if wanted to, non-smoker option" QTCAUGHT = "Attended a stop smoking class because caught smoking, past 12 months" NOSMKNEED = "How long can go without feeling like "nee" a cigarette" QTFAIL = "Ever tried to quit or cut down on cigarettes, but could not" QTTOBTHINK = "Seriously thinking about quitting all tobacco" QTTOBYNUM = "Number of times tried to quit all tobacco, past year" QTPROG = "Ever attended a program to help quit using tobacco" QTHELPNAY = "Quit assistance: haven't smoked in past 12 months" QTHELPNAEV = "Quit assistance: have never smoked" QTHELPNOQT = "Quit assistance: did not try to quit in past 12 months" QTHELPSCHL = "Quit assistance: attended program at school, past 12 months" QTHELPCOM = "Quit assistance: attended program in community, past 12 months" QTHELPLINE = "Quit assistance: called helpline or quit line, past 12 months" QTHELPNIC = "Quit assistance: used nicotine product (gum or patch), past 12 months" QTHELPMED = "Quit assistance: used medicine, past 12 months" QTHELPINT = "Quit assistance: visisted an internet quit site, past 12 months" QTHELPFAMFRN = "Quit assistance: help from family or friends, past 12 months" QTHELPOTH = "Quit assistance: tried to quit, but did something else, past 12 months" QTHELPOWN = "Quit assistance: quit on own or "cold turke", past 12 months" QTHELPNONE = "Quit assistance: tried to quit, but did not do any of these things, past 12 mont" CIGSID = "Asked to show proof of age when purchasing cigarettes" TOBBUYEAS = "How easy to buy tobacco" ANTISCHLNO = "Practiced ways of saying no to tobacco in any of classes, this school year" ANTISCHLWHYSMK = "Taught reasons why young people smoke, this school year" ANTISCHLWHYNOT = "Taught why should not use tobacco, this school year" ANTISCHLMAJ = "Taught most young people do not use tobacco, this school year" ANTISCHLDANG = "Taught about dangers of tobacco use, this school year" ANTISCHLAPP = "Taught about effects of smoking on appearance, this school year" ANTISCHLOKNO = "What taught in school made feel ok about saying no to friends who offer cigaret" ANTITOBYNG = "Involved in any activity to prevent other young people from using tobacco, past " ANTITOBMTG = "Planned any anti-smoking events or meetings, past 12 months" ANTITOBYTH = "Attended youth summit against smoking, past 12 months" ANTITOBGRP = "Attended meeting of local anti-smoking youth group, past 12 months" ANTITOBCOM = "Attended meeting with community officials to discuss tobacco, past 12 months" ANTITOBHFAIR = "Attended health fair about smoking, past 12 months" SMKLSLAB = "How often seen warning labels on smokeless tobacco products, past 30 days" TOBCRAV30 = "Strong craving for tobacco product, past 30 days" TOBCRAVHRS = "Experiences craving without smoking for a few hours" TOBCRAV = "Has strong cravings" TOBTHNK30 = "Difficult concentrating because of desire to use tobacco product, past 30 days" WAKETOB = "How soon after waking up think about using a tobacco product" WAKETOBWK = "How soon after waking up smokes first cigarette, weekdays" WAKETOBWKND = "How soon after waking up smokes first cigarette, weekends" NOCIGIRRIT = "Feel restless or irritable after not smoking for a while" NOTOBIRRIT = "Feel restless or irritable after not smoking for a while" ; format YEAR YEAR_f. PSSTRATA PSSTRATA_f. SAMPSRC SAMPSRC_f. MONTH MONTH_f. DAY DAY_f. ADMINWHO ADMINWHO_f. ADMINWHEN ADMINWHEN_f. AGE AGE_f. SEX SEX_f. RACEAIAN RACEAIAN_f. RACEASIAN RACEASIAN_f. RACEBLK RACEBLK_f. RACENHPI RACENHPI_f. RACEWHT RACEWHT_f. RACESING RACESING_f. RACESINGR RACESINGR_f. RACEMR RACEMR_f. RACENUM RACENUM_f. HISPYN HISPYN_f. HISPMEX HISPMEX_f. HISPPUER HISPPUER_f. HISPCUB HISPCUB_f. HISPOTH HISPOTH_f. GRADE GRADE_f. CIGEV CIGEV_f. SMKDAILY SMKDAILY_f. SMOKLASTY SMOKLASTY_f. GETCIG GETCIG_f. CIGSPAY CIGSPAY_f. SMOKPUFLAST SMOKPUFLAST_f. CIGSLIFE CIGSLIFE_f. CIGDAYMO CIGDAYMO_f. CIGSDAY CIGSDAY_f. CIGTYPE CIGTYPE_f. CIGMENTH CIGMENTH_f. NOCIGAGE NOCIGAGE_f. LOCCIG LOCCIG_f. CIGBRAND CIGBRAND_f. CIGBRAMSPIR CIGBRAMSPIR_f. CIGBRCAM CIGBRCAM_f. CIGBRDGPC CIGBRDGPC_f. CIGBRKOOL CIGBRKOOL_f. CIGBRMARL CIGBRMARL_f. CIGBRNEWP CIGBRNEWP_f. CIGBROTH CIGBROTH_f. CIGBRNOFAV CIGBRNOFAV_f. CIGBRDK CIGBRDK_f. CIGEVR CIGEVR_f. CIGNOWR CIGNOWR_f. SMKSCHL SMKSCHL_f. SMKSCHLDAYMO SMKSCHLDAYMO_f. CIGTRYY CIGTRYY_f. CIGTRYSOON CIGTRYSOON_f. CIGTRYSOONLIK CIGTRYSOONLIK_f. CIGTRY5Y CIGTRY5Y_f. CIGTRYBF CIGTRYBF_f. SMOKAGFIRST SMOKAGFIRST_f. SMOKWHENFIRST SMOKWHENFIRST_f. CIGBUYMO CIGBUYMO_f. WHERSMKNO WHERSMKNO_f. WHERSMKHOM WHERSMKHOM_f. WHERSMKSCHL WHERSMKSCHL_f. WHERSMKJOB WHERSMKJOB_f. WHERSMKAUTO WHERSMKAUTO_f. WHERSMKFRND WHERSMKFRND_f. WHERSMKSOC WHERSMKSOC_f. WHERSMKPUB WHERSMKPUB_f. WHERSMKOUT WHERSMKOUT_f. FLAVCIGMO FLAVCIGMO_f. FLAVSMKLSMO FLAVSMKLSMO_f. FLAVECIGMO FLAVECIGMO_f. FLAVHOOKMO FLAVHOOKMO_f. FLAVPIPEMO FLAVPIPEMO_f. FLAVSNUSMO FLAVSNUSMO_f. FLAVDISTOBMO FLAVDISTOBMO_f. FLAVNOMO FLAVNOMO_f. FLAVCIGNOW FLAVCIGNOW_f. FLAVCGARNOW FLAVCGARNOW_f. FLAVCIGEV FLAVCIGEV_f. FLAVCGAREV FLAVCGAREV_f. HRDFLAVCGAR HRDFLAVCGAR_f. HRDFLAVCIG HRDFLAVCIG_f. HRDECIG HRDECIG_f. ECIGEV ECIGEV_f. ECIGEVR ECIGEVR_f. ECIGTRYSOON ECIGTRYSOON_f. ECIGTRYBF ECIGTRYBF_f. ECIGAGFIRST ECIGAGFIRST_f. ECIGDAYMO ECIGDAYMO_f. CURECIG CURECIG_f. ECIGNOW ECIGNOW_f. ECIGNOWR ECIGNOWR_f. SMKLSEV SMKLSEV_f. SMKLSEVR SMKLSEVR_f. SMKLSNOWR SMKLSNOWR_f. SMKLSAGFIRST SMKLSAGFIRST_f. SMKLSDAYMO SMKLSDAYMO_f. SMKLSSCHLDAYMO SMKLSSCHLDAYMO_f. SMKLSSCHL SMKLSSCHL_f. CURSMKLS CURSMKLS_f. GETSMKLS GETSMKLS_f. DISTOBEV DISTOBEV_f. DISTOBEVR DISTOBEVR_f. HRDDISTOB HRDDISTOB_f. DISTOBNOW DISTOBNOW_f. DISTOBNOWR DISTOBNOWR_f. SNUSEV SNUSEV_f. SNUSEVR SNUSEVR_f. SNUSNOWR SNUSNOWR_f. HRDSNUS HRDSNUS_f. SNUSNOW SNUSNOW_f. SNUSHARMLS2 SNUSHARMLS2_f. HRDROLCIG HRDROLCIG_f. ROLCIGEV ROLCIGEV_f. ROLCIGNOW ROLCIGNOW_f. HOOKEV HOOKEV_f. HOOKEVR HOOKEVR_f. HRDHOOK HRDHOOK_f. HOOKNOW HOOKNOW_f. HOOKNOWR HOOKNOWR_f. CGAREV CGAREV_f. CGAREVR CGAREVR_f. CGARNOWR CGARNOWR_f. CGARTRYSOON CGARTRYSOON_f. CGARTRYBF CGARTRYBF_f. CGARAGFIRST CGARAGFIRST_f. CGARDAYMO CGARDAYMO_f. CGARSCHL CGARSCHL_f. CGARSDAY CGARSDAY_f. GETCGAR GETCGAR_f. BIDIEV BIDIEV_f. BIDIEVR BIDIEVR_f. HRDBIDI HRDBIDI_f. BIDINOW BIDINOW_f. BIDINOWR BIDINOWR_f. BIDIDAYMO BIDIDAYMO_f. KRETEV KRETEV_f. KRETEVR KRETEVR_f. HRDKRET HRDKRET_f. KRETNOW KRETNOW_f. KRETNOWR KRETNOWR_f. KRETDAYMO KRETDAYMO_f. PIPEV PIPEV_f. PIPEVR PIPEVR_f. PIPENOW PIPENOW_f. PIPENOWR PIPENOWR_f. PIPEDAYMO PIPEDAYMO_f. ECLIPSEEV ECLIPSEEV_f. OMNIEV OMNIEV_f. ADVLIGHTEV ADVLIGHTEV_f. ACCORDEV ACCORDEV_f. ARIVAEV ARIVAEV_f. NONEEV NONEEV_f. NOTOBNOW NOTOBNOW_f. NONEPRODEV NONEPRODEV_f. FIRSTTOB FIRSTTOB_f. TOBTRYY TOBTRYY_f. TOBTRYSOON TOBTRYSOON_f. TOBTRYBF TOBTRYBF_f. TOBFLAV TOBFLAV_f. ANYFLAVEV ANYFLAVEV_f. ANYFLAVNOW ANYFLAVNOW_f. NOTOBAGE NOTOBAGE_f. GETTOBNO GETTOBNO_f. GETTOBSELF GETTOBSELF_f. GETTOBOBUY GETTOBOBUY_f. GETTOBBUM GETTOBBUM_f. GETTOBOFF GETTOBOFF_f. GETTOBBUYPER GETTOBBUYPER_f. GETTOBTK GETTOBTK_f. GETTOBOTH GETTOBOTH_f. LOCTOBNO LOCTOBNO_f. LOCTOBCONV LOCTOBCONV_f. LOCTOBGAS LOCTOBGAS_f. LOCTOBGSCS LOCTOBGSCS_f. LOCTOBGROC LOCTOBGROC_f. LOCTOBPHARM LOCTOBPHARM_f. LOCTOBVEND LOCTOBVEND_f. LOCTOBINT LOCTOBINT_f. LOCTOBMAIL LOCTOBMAIL_f. LOCTOBOTH LOCTOBOTH_f. HRDOTH HRDOTH_f. HRDNONE HRDNONE_f. OTHTOBEV OTHTOBEV_f. OTHTOBNOW OTHTOBNOW_f. ECIGADINT ECIGADINT_f. ECIGADPRINT ECIGADPRINT_f. ECIGADSTOR ECIGADSTOR_f. ECIGADMEDIA ECIGADMEDIA_f. SMKADFAV SMKADFAV_f. SMKADAMSPIR SMKADAMSPIR_f. SMKADCAM SMKADCAM_f. SMKADGPC SMKADGPC_f. SMKADKOOL SMKADKOOL_f. SMKADLUCST SMKADLUCST_f. SMKADMARL SMKADMARL_f. SMKADNEW SMKADNEW_f. SMKADPARL SMKADPARL_f. SMKADVSLIM SMKADVSLIM_f. SMKADOTH SMKADOTH_f. SMKADNONE SMKADNONE_f. SMKADDK SMKADDK_f. ANTIADTRUTH ANTIADTRUTH_f. ANTIADTHINK ANTIADTHINK_f. TOBLOGOEV TOBLOGOEV_f. TOBLOGOLIK TOBLOGOLIK_f. TOBLOGOOWN TOBLOGOOWN_f. ANTIADPRINT ANTIADPRINT_f. ANTIADTV ANTIADTV_f. ANTIADRAD ANTIADRAD_f. ANTIADTVRAD ANTIADTVRAD_f. ANTIADNEWSMED ANTIADNEWSMED_f. SMKADINT SMKADINT_f. SMKADPRINT SMKADPRINT_f. SMKADSTOR SMKADSTOR_f. SMKADBILL SMKADBILL_f. SMKSEEACTOR SMKSEEACTOR_f. SMKSEEACTORTV SMKSEEACTORTV_f. SMKSEEACTORFLM SMKSEEACTORFLM_f. SMKSEEATHLET SMKSEEATHLET_f. ADMAIL ADMAIL_f. COUPMAIL COUPMAIL_f. INFOMAIL INFOMAIL_f. COUPEMAIL COUPEMAIL_f. ADEMAIL ADEMAIL_f. INFOEMAIL INFOEMAIL_f. COUPINT COUPINT_f. ADINT ADINT_f. COUPSOC COUPSOC_f. ADSOC ADSOC_f. COUPSMS COUPSMS_f. ADSMS ADSMS_f. INFOSMS INFOSMS_f. COUPTOBPROD COUPTOBPROD_f. INFOOTH INFOOTH_f. COUPNONE COUPNONE_f. INFONONE INFONONE_f. ANTIAD1 ANTIAD1_f. ANTIAD2 ANTIAD2_f. ANTIAD3 ANTIAD3_f. ANTIAD4 ANTIAD4_f. ANTIAD5 ANTIAD5_f. ANTIAD6 ANTIAD6_f. ANTIAD7 ANTIAD7_f. ANTIAD8 ANTIAD8_f. ANTIAD9 ANTIAD9_f. ANTIAD10 ANTIAD10_f. HPADVTOB HPADVTOB_f. HPADVTOBNOSMK HPADVTOBNOSMK_f. DDSADVTOB DDSADVTOB_f. MDADVTOB MDADVTOB_f. HPASKTOB HPASKTOB_f. DDSWARNTOB DDSWARNTOB_f. MDWARNTOB MDWARNTOB_f. FRNDTOBNUM FRNDTOBNUM_f. FRNDCIGNUM FRNDCIGNUM_f. FRNDSMKLSNUM FRNDSMKLSNUM_f. COHABCIG COHABCIG_f. COHABCGAR COHABCGAR_f. COHABSMKLS COHABSMKLS_f. COHABSNUS COHABSNUS_f. COHABECIG COHABECIG_f. COHABHOOK COHABHOOK_f. COHABPIPE COHABPIPE_f. COHABDISTOB COHABDISTOB_f. COHABBIDI COHABBIDI_f. COHABNONE COHABNONE_f. COHABOTH COHABOTH_f. COHABKRET COHABKRET_f. SMKRULESHOM SMKRULESHOM_f. SMKRULESDRIV SMKRULESDRIV_f. PARDISPTOB PARDISPTOB_f. PARTALKTOB PARTALKTOB_f. PARDANGER PARDANGER_f. PARDANGERUSE PARDANGERUSE_f. SKIPSCHL SKIPSCHL_f. ABSNTSCHL ABSNTSCHL_f. SMKHOM7 SMKHOM7_f. SMKDRIV7 SMKDRIV7_f. SMKSCHL7 SMKSCHL7_f. SMKWORK7 SMKWORK7_f. SMKPUB7 SMKPUB7_f. SMKROOM7 SMKROOM7_f. WKINC WKINC_f. WKINCJOB WKINCJOB_f. WKINCALL WKINCALL_f. CURCIG CURCIG_f. CIGCOOL CIGCOOL_f. CIGSADDICT CIGSADDICT_f. CIGFRND CIGFRND_f. SAFELT2YRS SAFELT2YRS_f. SMKALHOM SMKALHOM_f. SMKALAUTO SMKALAUTO_f. BTTARGLT18 BTTARGLT18_f. BTTARGTEEN BTTARGTEEN_f. BTDENY BTDENY_f. BTBLAMEYTH BTBLAMEYTH_f. BTMISLDYTH BTMISLDYTH_f. BTUSEYTH BTUSEYTH_f. BTBEHAV BTBEHAV_f. SMKOPIN1PK SMKOPIN1PK_f. SMKHARMGT1PK SMKHARMGT1PK_f. PEERSCIG PEERSCIG_f. SMKLONGHARM SMKLONGHARM_f. SMKHARMDLY SMKHARMDLY_f. SMKHARMSD SMKHARMSD_f. SMKHARM10D SMKHARM10D_f. SHSMKEFFECT SHSMKEFFECT_f. SHSMKEFFECTHARM SHSMKEFFECTHARM_f. NOSMKIND NOSMKIND_f. SMKLSHARMDLY SMKLSHARMDLY_f. SMKLSHARMSD SMKLSHARMSD_f. SMKLSHARM SMKLSHARM_f. PEERTOB PEERTOB_f. SMKLSFRND SMKLSFRND_f. SMKLSADD SMKLSADD_f. SMKLSHARMLS2 SMKLSHARMLS2_f. FLAVCGARHARMLS1 FLAVCGARHARMLS1_f. CGARADD CGARADD_f. CGARHARM CGARHARM_f. CGARHARMSD CGARHARMSD_f. CGARHARMLS1 CGARHARMLS1_f. CGARCOOL CGARCOOL_f. CGARFRND CGARFRND_f. CURCGAR CURCGAR_f. ECIGHARMSD ECIGHARMSD_f. ECIGHARM ECIGHARM_f. ECIGHARMLS1 ECIGHARMLS1_f. ECIGHARMLS2 ECIGHARMLS2_f. ECIGADD ECIGADD_f. ECIGFRND ECIGFRND_f. HOOKHARMLS1 HOOKHARMLS1_f. PIPEHARMLS1 PIPEHARMLS1_f. DKHARMLS1 DKHARMLS1_f. NONEHARMLS1 NONEHARMLS1_f. BIDIHARMLS1 BIDIHARMLS1_f. DISVHARM DISVHARM_f. DISVHARMLS2 DISVHARMLS2_f. KRETHARMLS1 KRETHARMLS1_f. DKHARMLS2 DKHARMLS2_f. NONEHARMLS2 NONEHARMLS2_f. TOBINCL TOBINCL_f. TOBDANGER TOBDANGER_f. QTSRSLY QTSRSLY_f. QTWANT QTWANT_f. QTTHINKY QTTHINKY_f. QTINTEND QTINTEND_f. QTEVNUM QTEVNUM_f. QTYNUM QTYNUM_f. QTLASTDUR QTLASTDUR_f. QTPOSSB QTPOSSB_f. QTPOSSBYN QTPOSSBYN_f. QTPOSSBYNSMK QTPOSSBYNSMK_f. QTCAUGHT QTCAUGHT_f. NOSMKNEED NOSMKNEED_f. QTFAIL QTFAIL_f. QTTOBTHINK QTTOBTHINK_f. QTTOBYNUM QTTOBYNUM_f. QTPROG QTPROG_f. QTHELPNAY QTHELPNAY_f. QTHELPNAEV QTHELPNAEV_f. QTHELPNOQT QTHELPNOQT_f. QTHELPSCHL QTHELPSCHL_f. QTHELPCOM QTHELPCOM_f. QTHELPLINE QTHELPLINE_f. QTHELPNIC QTHELPNIC_f. QTHELPMED QTHELPMED_f. QTHELPINT QTHELPINT_f. QTHELPFAMFRN QTHELPFAMFRN_f. QTHELPOTH QTHELPOTH_f. QTHELPOWN QTHELPOWN_f. QTHELPNONE QTHELPNONE_f. CIGSID CIGSID_f. TOBBUYEAS TOBBUYEAS_f. ANTISCHLNO ANTISCHLNO_f. ANTISCHLWHYSMK ANTISCHLWHYSMK_f. ANTISCHLWHYNOT ANTISCHLWHYNOT_f. ANTISCHLMAJ ANTISCHLMAJ_f. ANTISCHLDANG ANTISCHLDANG_f. ANTISCHLAPP ANTISCHLAPP_f. ANTISCHLOKNO ANTISCHLOKNO_f. ANTITOBYNG ANTITOBYNG_f. ANTITOBMTG ANTITOBMTG_f. ANTITOBYTH ANTITOBYTH_f. ANTITOBGRP ANTITOBGRP_f. ANTITOBCOM ANTITOBCOM_f. ANTITOBHFAIR ANTITOBHFAIR_f. SMKLSLAB SMKLSLAB_f. TOBCRAV30 TOBCRAV30_f. TOBCRAVHRS TOBCRAVHRS_f. TOBCRAV TOBCRAV_f. TOBTHNK30 TOBTHNK30_f. WAKETOB WAKETOB_f. WAKETOBWK WAKETOBWK_f. WAKETOBWKND WAKETOBWKND_f. NOCIGIRRIT NOCIGIRRIT_f. NOTOBIRRIT NOTOBIRRIT_f. ; format PSUNUM 10. SCHLID 12. STUDID 9. ; ***TO FORMAT VARIABLES WITH FLOATING POINT DECIMALS FOR CLEARER VISUAL DISPLAY, RUN THE FOLLOWING*** *proc print data = IPUMS.nytsall_integrated; *var PERWT DRAWWT PANWT; *format _numeric_ best18.; *run; run;